Friday, July 24, 2020

Advanced Anniversary Present &

Coronavirus Headlines


July 24, 2020

As we had to go out and do an errand today, we decided to get ourselves a shared anniversary present, as tomorrow is our 45th anniversary. So we went and bought one of those ink tank printers. It's supposed to be way cheaper than printer cartridges and print way more pages than a printer cartridge printer prints per cartridge. This is the model we got EcoTank ET-2760 All-in-One Cartridge-Free Supertank Printer . It's good I went to that page, as I was totally unaware that it has voice activated printing as well, which my husband will love. I am super wary about voice activated anythings myself because of what/who might be listening and what might be stored/recorded for later reference by unknown parties. Anyhow, it's the one my husband chose and if it makes it easier for him to use, so I don't have to do all the printing for him, then Yippie! That's awesome. But if it's voice activated and he still has problems using it, then I don't know.... 

What fueled this purchase? Total and utter disgust at the price of the ink cartridges for our old HP printer. Just the cartridges alone were half the cost of that printer. It's freaking ridiculous when ink costs almost as much as a new printer does. A couple years ago we bought a little Canon Pixma printer for less than the cost of one ink cartridge for the HP printer. We still have it and use it once in a while. It's a nice little printer and the ink cartridges on it, aren't so expensive so we use it for the laptop computer.  But um yeah, this is the second printer purchase we made because of the cost of ink cartridges for the HP.  And maybe we wouldn't have, if it had an option to print if there was still black ink left, despite other colours being empty. But nooooo..... You can print once using black only if another colour ink cartridge is empty, otherwise you have to have all your cartridges containing ink even if you wish to print only in black.  That was enough for me. I'd had it and decided I'm tired of that ridiculous scam and if I have to be scammed like that, then the ink better last longer and be cheaper too.  

We had an awesome Brother inkjet printer that we had for years - I think 8 years and it was still good and working when we gave it away. That one allowed us to print even if we had only black ink left and so it ran like that for years unless we had graphics or pictures to print. When our son was doing his Interior Design course at Dawson and had stuff to print out in colour is when we invested in colour cartridges for it, otherwise we just used black and were fine for the longest time like that. 

So when we got the HP and discovered we couldn't print unless all the cartridges had ink in them, that was frustrating. But after awhile it gets to the point where you wonder why you even use a printer like that anymore. So that's what spurred today's purchase. Just tired of being held hostage over this colour or that colour or whatever colour even when we want to only print in black and the exorbitant cost of them.

Now off to make some beef teriyaki kebabs for the BBQ and some rice to have with them, for dinner....  BRB....  

Pull up a comfy seat, get your glasses and a cool drink and dive in to the following COVID19 related stories:

Coronavirus: Harmful lies spread easily due to lack of UK law   In other words the government wants only their version of things known, and not the real truth. 

Coronavirus: Why are Americans so angry about masks?  Probably because they don't like being told what to do by their governments all the time. Can't say as I blame them, really.

Black, Latino and poor people are less likely to get $1,200 coronavirus stimulus checks, new report says  This is just sad and the excuses given are like they know that this will prevent these groups from getting that money too. So what happened to good ole paper checks sent out in the mail for those who don't have the bank accounts or things like that? Just because they're too poor to actually need a bank account doesn't mean they shouldn't be allowed to have that money. They probably need more than the rest of the people out there do.

Study says actual number of Covid-19 cases is far greater than thought  Of course it is! What'd they think anyhow? Especially considering a lot of people probably had really mild cases of it and maybe didn't even realize that that's what they had and continued going about life as per usual without taking any medication or self-quarantining etc. 

Mom who lost two kids to Covid-19: Take this seriously  Very, very sad. Losing one kid is sad, but 2? I had a hard time coping with the loss of my adult daughter to cancer, I can't imagine losing 2 young kids around the same time. I'd be a basket case probably

Bankruptcies surging as coronavirus levels the U.S. economy  I'm sure that was part of the plan all along.

The East Coast heat wave isn't helping COVID-19 efforts  We've had so many heat waves this summer and are looking at another one starting tomorrow, I'm sick of it already. I can't stand the heat at all, but this summer is almost right on par with the summer of 2018 where it was so unbarely hot I couldn't stand to go outside at all. Same thing happening again and you can tell by looking at my garden. Last year this time my garden was awesome looking with just the wanted plants growing and a lot of them had already produced a lot food by this time last year. So far this year all we've gotten out of the garden is leafy greens like kale, lettuce, mustard and spinach and1 cucumber. This year and a few before are so discouraging I doubt I'll have another garden next year.

How Deadly Is Covid-19? Researchers Are Getting Closer to an Answer  Basically, it looks like it's on par with the flu because 5 - 10 people per thousand is 0.5% - 1% and so we're being forced to wear masks, stay in lockdown and crash our economies for that? 

People are more likely to contract COVID-19 at home, study finds Okay but someone had to contract it outside the home and bring it in. It didn't just knock on the door and invite itself inside, it came into the home lodged in someone's respiratory tract. So someone brought it into the home, and that was probably someone who lives there. But it came in from the outside via someone in the home contracting it from someone else outside the home.

Red rash-like splotches in the MOUTH may be a new symptom of coronavirus, Spanish study suggests  More symptoms to watch for.  There's lots more in the previous post on here. 

A concert is being held to learn how COVID-19 spreads at large events. Here’s how And here we are telling everyone to stay 2 meters apart and wash their hands and wear face masks especially at the public  events of 200 people or less we're allowed in QC.

The Real Unemployment Rate Is 21%... And Heading Higher - Wondering what the real unemployment rate in Canada is....

Split societies, global chaos and World War Three: We could be in for the most tumultuous era in modern history   Isn't this guy just a bowl full of laughs? Wow! Talk about pessimism overload....

Coronavirus: 'Infection here for many years to come'  I'm sure this is something we've all been waiting to hear. Said rather snidely.

Why making plans helps manage pandemic stress  When you're busy doing stuff or planning to do stuff, you don't have time to stress about the pandemic.  Trust me.

Is video dating here to stay?  I can't even imagine that. How does that work? Does he pretend he's taking you out to a fancy Italian restaurant and cooks up Chef Boy Ar-Dee for himself (but doesn't let you see the can), while you sit at the other end of the telecommunications connection watching him stuff his face with his pasta, while you sit there with your tuna sandwich and try to pretend it some  fancy Italian dish? I mean how do you video date? How does that work exactly? And then after he scarfs down his Chef-boy-Ar-dee does he try to seduce you by trying to convince you he took you out for an expensive Italian meal and so now you owe him so you'd better do some sexting stuff with him? Is that how it works? Just wondering....
Coronavirus updates: US reports more than 1,000 deaths for the first time since May 29; CDC says virus rates 10x higher

Swedish epidemiology boss says questioned COVID-19 strategy seems to be working  Well considering they have a population of 10 million and Quebec has a population of 8 million and the death rates are comparable, even though Quebec when into overdrive on locking everyone and everything down for months on end and Sweden didn't lock anything or anyone down. Just for comparison this article says "Sweden's death toll of 5,646" , in comparison to Quebec's current figures for July 24th (today's date) is: 5,663. So what was the point of all those measures the Quebec gov't went overboard taking anyhow? To wind up with more deaths per capita than Sweden who took no measures???? Just want to know why we went through all of that to wind up with a worse death rate than Sweden.

People are using honest obituaries to blame governors for coronavirus deaths and invite them to their loved ones' funerals  I don't blame them. I'm only wondering when the arrests for crimes against humanity and genocide starts and lawsuits against the various authorities in charge? Because that is bound to happen eventually.

Covid-19 Vaccines With ‘Minor Side Effects’ Could Still Be Pretty Bad

Antimaskers turn to mesh, crochet and lace to boycott face covering requirements

Coronavirus: What jobs are available post-lockdown?  This is in the UK, though other places around the world may have the same types of jobs available too.

What did people say about wearing masks in the 1918 pandemic? It sounds familiar

A day inside MLB’s COVID protocols   Sports are on their way back and one of the first stories from the sports teams is this one.

NFL-Total of 95 players test positive for COVID-19, union says  And followed close behind by this one.

Anyhow, until tomorrow, that's all for the day. Take care & stay well.

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