Friday, July 31, 2020

Printers, Problems, Pizza & Persistant .....

Covid19 Headlines


July 30,2020

Arggghhhh.... This is the 2nd printer we've had in less than a week & a half. The first one, did one thing and only one thing. It downloaded it's new firmware and promptly shut down and stopped working. 

So we returned it and bought another ecotank ink bottle printer. This one installed alright but on only one computer. Our son came over to install it and installed it on one computer and then we took a break to eat, as the ordered pizza arrived. After we finished eating and he came back to finish installing it on the other computer, the company's server was down and it couldn't be installed.  A whole afternoon wasted on that.  

One of these freaking days I'll have a printer connected to my computer that I can actually use. Haven't had one in a couple of years now, because every printer gets installed on my husband's first (even though he hasn't got 2 clues what to do with it) and then mine, maybe if they can find the time, or inclination or whatever to do it - which never happens. So I'm not apt to have access to this new printer either. Tough noogies though, because this time my husband will have to figure it out on his own  as I won't be at his every beck and call to print this and figure that out as far as the printer goes, for him. Tired of that. Install it once and for all on my machine and I'll do it myself, but if he won't do that, he can do it himself.

Now I'd better start the headlines going or I won't have any done for today as it's rather late already.  So I don't know how much I'll get covered today, but whatever it is, it'll be less to do tomorrow. So settle in and dive in....

Expert backs isolation, aggressive contact tracing, instead of lockdowns vs COVID-19 | Teleradyo  It's about time, they figured this out. This is the way it should've been handled from the beginning and we'd still have an economy, without being so far in debt like we are now.

Scientists are 3-D printing miniature human organs to test coronavirus drugs  If there's any 3d printing scientists reading this blurb, please explain how you can print out comparable human organs? Are they made with flesh and blood like the real human organs or are they made from some weird synthetic goo? If they're made with synthetic material of any type how is that comparable to human tissue and the reactions that would be found in human tissue? 

New York Rats Emboldened by Lockdowns Have a New Enemy: Sundrop  More aspects of this virus. It just never ends. There's always one new aspect or angle from this virus almost everyday.

Emirates will pay for your medical treatment, hotel quarantine, and even your funeral if you catch COVID-19 while traveling  Oh that looks like a real charming offer. Beautiful enticement for sure especially if you're intent on catching it and dying from it.

Cigarette Smoking Makes Comeback During Coronavirus Pandemic   I haven't smoked for over 11 years now, but every once in awhile I get this slight urge thinking I might like to have another puff or two again and then I remember the wicked headaches and dizziness from the "first puffs or two" and decide nope.... Not into that anymore. Besides with my asthma I cough enough as it is.

Scientists revive microbes from 100 million years ago  I guess one pandemic isn't enough for them. They need more in order to really cut down on population, crash the economies and to create work for the vaccine makers.

Getting Through a Pandemic With Old-Fashioned Crafts   To that end here are a few books on various crafting subjects that might help you get started in a hobby to kill some time during the pandemic: Knitting For Beginners: The A-Z Guide to Have You Knitting in 3 Days (Includes 15 Knitting Patterns), Crochet: Knitting: Crochet for Beginners both books are epubs, Beginner's Guide to Crochet: 20 Crochet Projects for Beginners also an epub, Encyclopedia of Embroidery Techniques this is a PDF, Woodworking for Beginners it too, is a PDF, Teach Yourself VISUALLY Jewelry Making and Beading this book is in epub format, Polymer Clay for the first time another PDF, Learn to Burn: A Step-by-step Guide to Getting Started in Pyrography another epub. All of these books are downloadable at the given longfiles links.  If painting is more up your alley and you'd rather learn to paint some awesome scenes then perhaps you'd prefer painting long with Bob Ross - The Joy of Painting (Full Episodes)  On his Youtube channel.  

I love making things of all kinds and this is what I would normally be doing with my time if I weren't trying to keep on top of all the COVID news as I promised way back when they said it would be at most 3 weeks to a month we'd be going through this. Thinking that would be the case I promised I would stay on top of the headlines until the pandemic was over with.  I had no clue what I was signing up for, but alas a promise is a promise.... So here I am yet again posting another long COVID19 headlines post rather than relaxing and doing things I love doing.

Exec at Vancouver's BuildDirect charged with COVID relief fraud in U.S.   Seems like a lot of them are being charged with fraud over this.

New Brunswick sticking to its mask rules, but not ruling out following N.S.'s lead It must be a wonderful time to be a mask maker. Especially when some gougers are selling them for $30 a pop. The other day I was listening to a gouger defend her ridiculous prices for a single mask on the radio, trying to say it's the cost of the material. I wanted to ask  if it was lined with gold or perhaps platinum to be that expensive, considering you can buys a yard if not yards of material for $30 and elastic like they use comes in little rolls in boxes with so many feet - depending on length is what you'll pay, but the smallest length I think is 6 feet and for that you should pay basically $2.  Just think of the amount of masks you can make with that. She had the nerve to say she wasn't gouging and she knew what she was doing and had a sewing business for years & bla bla bla - I stopped listening when I heard her say she knew what she was doing. I guess she thinks she's the only one that's ever paid a visit to Fabricville or any other sewing supply store.  Even the companies that make surgical masks are making a killing now. They've never sold so many in the history of their companies before, I'm sure.

Municipalities to receive up to $4 billion from province, feds to offset COVID  I think some places like Montreal won't need that much considering the amount of gouging fines they've given out to  their citizens since this pandemic began. That must make up some of the shortfall.

Provincial police deployed to help manage tourists misbehaving in Gaspé region Finally they got the cops in there eh? Hopefully, it's not too late, in that there was no serious damage done to property or the environment.

Only bus service from Victoria to remote coastal communities struggling to stay on the road during pandemic  It's always the small rural communities that gets cut off and left behind whenever there's something going on. They're the ones that needs the help and services the most usually. People in larger communities usually have more choices for transportation or ways into and out of their larger communities. Example, Montreal has not only a public transit system that serves the immediate population and immediate environs, but several roads and highways in and off the island (even though it's an island), with long journey buses that goes to other parts of the province and out of province cities, not to mention trains and planes. Small rural communities usually have only those buses they're talking about in this story, unless it's their own private family transportation, otherwise that bus service is it. There are no planes or trains and no taxis or public transit linking it up with some other nearby area. It's the bus and that's all.

‘That’s some Marie Antoinette s*** right there’: Melania Trump faces backlash over Rose Garden project amidst national crises   I know there's a lot going on in the US (and around the world too for that matter) right now. But I am also realistic and know there's little to nothing she can do about any of that. The only power she has is as an influence on her husband and I don't think much can influence him once his mind is made up. I think in her own small way she's just trying to provide some niceness in the world, where people around the world will see it, everytime there's a news briefing.  Maybe that's her "Ca Va Aller"  rainbow, that she's trying to show the world. That's how I see it. I see it as a helpless woman with no say and no power trying to do whatever little she can to brighten things up a bit not just for those on the government grounds, but for those who see the pictures or newscasts taken in that garden. Hopefully, it'll make her smile more too. She always looks so sad to me.

Tenor Andrea Bocelli gives Italy government earful over coronavirus  I agree with him, but in regards to Quebec's handling of it. Neither do we know of anyone who even had to be hospitalized because of it, nevermind intensive care.  Like I said, this is more to do about crashing the economies than anything else, I think.

Even mild coronavirus cases can cause lasting cardiovascular damage, study shows So while everyone needs to take precautions to not get this disease those with heart problems should take extra care.

TALL TALES How your HEIGHT could double your risk of catching coronavirus, scientists discover  Well then I guess it's good I'm shrinking (according to everyone) then.  Means I'm not as tall as I was.

'Reckless behaviour is expensive': Brampton residents face $100,000 fine for throwing a 200-guest party during COVID-19 times  Is that in addition to the $800 fine they already got? Or instead of that $800 fine?

Tam says feds, experts discussing COVID-19 vaccine orders amid concerns of delay  There probably wouldn't be any delay if we were working on our own vaccine by ourselves instead of depending on the two faced back stabbing Chinese. 

He changes his song every day. Yesterday it was going to take until mid 2021, now it's moving at a rapid speed. No wonder people distrust you. You can't make your mind up and stick to it.

Ministers reject physicians' concerns about school re-entry plan  I love this.... How politicians always think they know more about any given subject than the people who were trained in that specific field. Like doctors and scientists etc.... Personally I think that any minister who doesn't listen to the recommendation of their doctors should be held accountable in a court of law for all ensuing deaths because they ignored the medical practitioners  advice. Then maybe they'd smarten up and fly right.

Parents say English Montreal School Board's back-to-school plan lacks details  What's new? It's been over a decade now since they've last been able to get their act together. So this is nothing new.




Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Amidst the Drenching Rain & Other Things....

Quite Possibly Catching Up to 

COVID 19 Headlines


July 29, 2020

Having gotten soaked while out doing errands, I'm trying to dry off here while writing this. Hopefully, today will be the day that I finally get caught up with all the headlines. I don't know if I will or not, but I hope I can.

First I'm going to go shove supper in the oven, maybe start some rice and a couple other things for supper and then I'll continue on while supper's cooking.

When will coronavirus cases peak? It's getting harder for experts to predict I don't know why they even bother to try because so far none of their predictions have been right to start with.

Local TV stations across the country set to air discredited 'Plandemic' researcher's conspiracy theory about Fauci  There is a link to the actual Plandemic video in my blog somewhere. There may be label to get there to it in my sidebar. If you wish to see the unedited original version of it. I don't know about  the "discredited" here, because I didn't see or hear of any discredits in what she said, other than the gestapo measures used against her to silence her from letting this information out.

Noses usually catch COVID-19 first, so keep them covered with face masks, experts say   This should be a no brainer and go without saying, but I get how there's a lot of people out there that are clueless airheads and couldn't think about even the simplest things without severely injuring themselves, as in causing their brains to start short circuiting and smoking.

Ancient teeth show that epidemics began much further back in history  As you can see from this article Mother Nature has had a history of trying to wipe us out, with one pandemic after another for a long time now. 

Why the World Worries About the Virus 2.0 Nuclear Option  Orrrrr they can do it the sensible way, by quarantining only those who test positive and those they came into contact with over say a 14 day period of time. That might wind up being a lot of people overall but it's still not the whole city, town or country. It's just a certain small segment of the population that have interacted with or been in close social contact with the infected individual and not everyone.

Sinclair says it will postpone and 'rework' segment featuring conspiracy theory about Fauci  Like I said the original Plandemic is viewable via a link from my blog (click on Plandemic in the  right side bar to be taken to the page with the link). So you will be able to gauge the "rework" and see what kind of subterfuge they're trying to pull here, versus what was really said. If everyone here knew who Paul Hunter was and listened to CBC news, and the debates between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump during their last election, you'd know what I mean when I say "making it up as he goes along" - which is what Paul Hunter did to try to describe the debates on CBC news that night. If you listened to him, you'd think Hillary would've been voted in as not only the US president but Queen of the freaking Universe because she could say and do no wrong while all that Trump said or did was wrong. In a lot of what Paul Hunter said, he misquoted and took things totally out of context to prop Hillary up and kick Donald in the head. I know because I watched the debates and then the CBC National newscast that night. Bet the same will go on here. She'll be taken totally out of context or misquoted to besmirch her, while propping Fauci up. 

Warning, graphic video: Nurse attack on Chicago train  This is a sucker title, trying to lure you to watch it. You can watch it if you wish, I'm just going to say I've seen worse dust ups in highschool hallways. 

Quebec reports 169 new COVID-19 cases, one additional death At least now, there's fewer deaths, or so it appears.

Coronavirus: What would working from home in Barbados really be like? That sounds like a way better option than that idiotic option of working from a hotel for "just" $100 for 8 hours. If you're going to pay that amount of money to work, why bother to work at all? Obviously you don't need the money if you can afford $500 a week just for 8 hours a day. So you don't need the job.

No end to Covid-19 webcam shortage  I seriously don't know why anyone would want one unless it's required for work like for video-conferencing etc, because hackers love them and taking them over to spy on the webcam's owner/s. All the webcams that came without our computers etc, have been taped over when we first got the computers and that's the way they're staying. So I essentially don't even want the ones that came with our equipment, so there's no way we're going to go buy some more.

Traveling while Asian during the pandemic  First of all, regardless of your ethnicity, why are you travelling NOW, can't you wait until the pandemic's over before you start traipsing around the globe? Whether you have the disease or not.

Nearly 2 dozen lifeguards in New Jersey test positive for coronavirus after hosting social gatherings  Wondering how many beach goers they were all in contact with too?

Congress Was Already Broken. The Coronavirus Could Make it Worse.  I think that much is evident to most of the world already.

Coronavirus infections reach 60,000 in Israel as protests continue  The cops or military personnel in this picture aren't the brightest crayons in the box, wearing the masks to just under their noses. Hello, it's a RESPIRATORY DISEASE! And what is the most direct route to your lungs? The nose? So if that's the case, shouldn't that be covered? And with the girl screaming in their face like that, let's hope that girl isn't infected because if she is, so is that female officer.

Stompin' Tom Centre making music despite pandemic restrictions 'Course they have pictures to this article but not the minature therapy donkey article. 

Investors Set Aside Coronavirus Worries, Driving a ‘Melt-Up’ in Markets  I've never heard of a melt-up before, but what the heck...

Euthanasia Rates For Dogs 'Could Rise By 25% In Lockdown Fallout Awwww it'd better not. We already have one dog, but having put down a super senior citizen dog last month, we can take another one, so if anyone in southwestern Quebec has a small to medium sized dog (my husband said "or a Great Dane" - that's his favourite dog) that they got during the lockdown but don't want to keep upon return to work, please let us know and we might be happy to provide a forever home for the pooch in question. Use the comments section on here to let me know about your interest in giving them to a new loving owner, and I'll find a way to get in touch with you, but you might have to keep checking back in the comments section (on the post that you left the comment on) to see if there's a reply from me.  Just leave a comment describing the dog, it's age, breed, behaviour problems (if any), whether it's been socialized or not (gets along or not with other dogs & people) and medical history (vaccinations it's had, any medical problems it has and needs current or ongoing treatment for etc). Then when I read it (which will probably be within a day or so of you having left the message), I'll respond in the comments section to you on that same post (like today's post for instance) that you left your comment on. We would prefer (in a perfect world) a miniature male dachshund, but bigger male dogs are also welcome instead. This particular post will always be easily accessible in the right sidebar, using the "dog euthanasia rates" label. Just click on that and it'll bring you right here. Then scroll to the bottom of this page where the comments section is and see if I left a response for you.  As we're senior citizens we're here pretty much 24/7 except when we need to go out for errands, but we generally aren't gone longer than a couple of hours when we do go out like that. So the dog won't be left alone for long, well not at all actually because our little female dachshund will be here to keep it company.

Officers clear out "disheartening" Brampton house party with 200 attendees Like Ford called them.... Yahoos.... I can't understand where some people's brains are at, or in this case, do they even have any? 

Lawyer Cletus Flaherty discusses workplace rights, obligations and legislation for COVID-19  I'm not sure if the advice given by this lawyer applies only to Nfld & Labrador or if it applies Canada wide, but in any case, those in Nfld-Lab can probably use the advice given here, even if no one else can.

'We hugged and hugged': Families reunite at N.W.T. seniors' homes after COVID-19 rules loosen  Awwww, that's what I missed most about the lockdown too, was hugs from the kids. It felt so good to finally be able to get one and give one. 

Canadian woman dying of cancer will be able to reunite with American fiancĂ©  I was going to say the headlines changed from when I bookmarked it, until now. Because the headlines originally said they were being kept apart because of the COVID19 border rules. Now it says they'll be able to reunite. Finally someone in  government grew a braincell and a heartcell. Perhaps we have hope as Canadians that our government isn't composed solely of heartless, spineless & brainless jerks, but that some of them actually have compassion and a working braincell or two in their head.

As it happened: Covid 'most severe health emergency' WHO has faced  Because for the most part the only other pandemic that's been through since the inception of the UN & thus WHO, is the Hong Kong Flu in 1969. The WHO wasn't around during the Spanish Flu, nor the Black Plague nor any of the other probably much more serious pandemics than this one.  It's the only healh emergency it's ever faced and given it's lousey track record on this one, let's hope they never face another one again.

Coronavirus: 'I killed my mother with my own hands'  How much more misery and anguish can this virus keep throwing at us anyhow?

Covid-19 is 'the most severe' emergency WHO has declared, the agency warns as number of global cases hits 16 million - a rise of one million in just FOUR DAYS  Like I said above, it's pretty much the only health emergency it's ever faced and it failed spectacularly at it. So we should just disband that useless institution and start practicing medicine the common sense way instead of the idiotic NWO way.

Chinese Doctor Alleges Covid-19 Cover-up, Says Wuhan Market was 'Clean Already  Well of course the market was "clean already", because it never came from there to begin with. It came from the Wuhan Biolabs - since it's anecdote was made prior to 2016 and completed in 2016 by the Wuhan Lab and Gilead Sciences. 

Even if there's a coronavirus vaccine next year, don't expect to throw away your mask and stop social distancing, a top vaccine developer says  So then what's the point of the vaccine then? Is it just to deliver the implantable chips that Gates is working on? Is that it? That it won't do anymore than that? If that's the case, take your "vaccine" and shove it, you know where. At least Moderna is saying that if theirs is 90% effective you'll be able to go sans mask and shoulder to shoulder with your buddies, pals and loved ones.

Travel bans cannot be indefinite, countries must fight virus at home: WHO Tedros there should be a travel ban on you! You should not be permitted to go anywhere except to jail!  But yeah there should be travel bans remaining until this virus is beaten into oblivion! 

Deluded Anti-Mask Tourists Swarm COVID-Plagued Puerto Rico

‘It’s really devastating us’: Beach towns fear they won’t survive a summer of COVID-19

Sinclair Pulls the Plug on Anti-Fauci Propaganda — This Time 

Diabetes highlights two Americas: One where COVID is easily beaten, the other where it's often devastating

Virus vaccine put to final test in thousands of volunteers

Red Deer hospital restricts visitors after COVID-19 outbreak

Quebec sees 'worrying spike' in COVID-19 infections among young people

Tensions rise over COVID-19 outbreak in Haida Gwaii

Aviva insurance faces class action lawsuit from hotels denied COVID coverage

Canada provides exception for U.S. students planning to study north of border   Don't know why they'd provide an exception, especially if most classes are going to be conducted online. If that's the case they can stay home and still take the courses. The US isn't providing exceptions I don't think.


Getting Almost Current With

The COVID19 News


July 28, 2020

Having finally restocked the freezer with fresh meat, life can return to normal around here for a change. Or for what passes as normal I guess.

So that means I should (I make no promises though because the shoulds very often turn into shouldn'ts in my life) have more time to work on the blog here and try to stay at least close to current with the headlines. Anyhow, I'll give it my best shot and we'll see how that works out.

So now here's today's effort. Get comfortable and ready to do some reading...

Eight killers die of coronavirus on America's biggest death row Well at least the virus was good for something.... 

We Can't Wear Face Masks, Don't Shame Us, Say Those With Invisible Illnesses I know, boy do I know. I suffer from asthma and while I take my medication before leaving home, so I don't have to drag it around with me, it's getting so I'm tempted to, just so I don't have to wear a mask, because if anyone says anything I can pull my inhaler out of my pocket and show them that I'm asthmatic. I hate wearing the masks that much.

ECONOMIST WARNS: U.S. 'cannot carry on for long' with 32 million unemployed  It must be way more than that, considering they said there's 21% unemployment there and there's a population of 400 odd million. So that would presume at least 80 million out of work and not just 32 million.

'They threw everything at me': Coronavirus patient leaves New York hospital after 128 days during which he had seizures, infections, and a drug-induced coma   Wow! He's lucky he was able to leave the hospital at all and not in a body bag, by the sounds of what he went through!

New CDC guidelines say people with mild to moderate COVID-19 need to isolate only 10 days   So much for QUARANTine - Quarant = 40 in French. Meaning 40 days. Even now with the 14 days quarantine that they used as the standard up until now, I don't think was enough, given that boats that've been asea for 35 days started having cases of COVID aboard, even though when the crew originally boarded 35 days prior they had no symptoms. Someone must've been harbouring the disease for those 35 days in question in order for it to suddenly appear aboard a boat that hasn't been near land in 35 days. So I think 40 days is the required amount of time minimum for isolation for this virus. That's probably why it's running amok like it is because the isolation period is too short. I wouldn't doubt it.

Coal should play no part in post-coronavirus recoveries, U.N. chief says  How else are you going to heat a blast furnace to produce and harden steel if not with coal?  These UN clowns have no idea about what they're talking about or how to do things. I don't even think there should be a UN for all the good it's done. Which is absolutely none. The WHO is part of it, and look what they got us into now with this pandemic. They are just a bunch of inept mouthpieces - paid shills by their respective countries to put their countries 2 cents worth into the dialogs going on there. But none of them actually knows or understands what it is they're talking about most of the time.

Hutterite leader says COVID-19 outbreaks leading to stigmatization  Most of the time, the community named is inhabited 100% by hutterites when it's a hutterite community. They've been naming communities all over the country, like Montreal North where it's mostly ethnic minorities and poor people. Do you think they didn't feel stigmatized too? You're not the only ones in the country who's communities are being named and they're not naming the communities in order to shame them, they're naming them so others who don't want the disease can stay away until it's cleared up.  So stop with the whining. I don't see why certain groups feel they're more special than others and so should be treated differently than everyone else. Why? What makes you so special anyhow?

German sniffer dogs show promise at detecting coronavirus The trouble with that is, the amount of sniffer dogs you'd need in order to minimize the spread of the disease.

Many Americans See The Hand Of God At Work In Current Events  I can't say as I blame them, considering what it says in Revelations about the end times.

Flight From the Cities: New Home Sales Jump 13.8% in June—Highest Since 2007  I hope they're not all moving prematurely, thinking that working from home is going to be the new normal, because I've seen reports where a lot of companies aren't too enthused with it. They say there's a lot of problems with working from home, from training new personnel to getting things done immediately, to team collaboration on projects etc. So it may only be a temporary situation and people may wind up going back into work at the office eventually.

Quebec tourists 'invade' public beaches in Gaspe region, fueling tensions  I know what they mean. We used to have a nice lake by our cottage in the Laurentians and then bikers started showing up and not only swimming but taking baths and washing their motorcycles in the lake. Aside from causing pollution, it caused blood suckers and leeches to start propagating in the water too.  Very few cottagers had the nerve to approach the bikers to tell them to leave or to smarten up, so we had to put up with it, as there were no cops around at all.  It wasn't fun, I can tell you that much. So as far as Quebecers go I can vouch for that and that behaviour is still the same despite the many years it's been since we had our cottage.

Boris Johnson tells Brits to lose weight to curb winter COVID-19 outbreak as he says he’s lost a stone He lost roughly 12-15 lbs (stone weight), because he was sick with COVID19 and lost that weight while he was sick.

Mom creates ‘virus veil’ for her kids to wear to school — experts applaud the ‘ingenuity’ but say safety tests are needed  This looks a lot safer than those stupid clothe rags everyone is wearing on their faces these days.

Health experts tell Ottawa to hurry domestic vaccine funding amid China delays  You know other than knowing and realizing that Trudeau is an obtuse moronic idiot that needs to be kicked in the head, shins and groin before he gets a message, I seriously can't understand why we partnered with China on making a vaccine, given all the kicks in the head, groin and shins China's given us over the last few years. You'd think that Ottawa would be more than a little leery of doing any kind of business with China, nevermind something as vital and developing a vaccine for Canadians. That I just wouldn't trust in China's hands at all, if I had anything to do with it. So I don't understand why he does.

N.B. border restrictions could infringe on mobility rights, says civil liberties group They're probably right because I think the constitution allows for unhindered passage between provinces and territories amongst Canadian citizens.

Got a toothache? Don't let fear of COVID-19 keep you from getting treatment, dentists warn

How to socialize safely outside your bubble  I guess until this virus has gone away for good these are some of the things we'll have to get used to doing.

 Could Rt number be a key indicator of whether we need return to lockdown mode?

Asylum claims being filed in Canada continue to rise slightly despite pandemic   You know, I'd think that all those wanting to come into Canada from the US that's being stopped should include these people too. Paying medicare coverage for all the Canadians with coronavirus must be hard enough. Plus all the gov't handouts given out to everyone and now we're letting more people in, to have to pay medical expenses for if they get the virus? And to give them money to survive during the pandemic instead of issuing a welfare cheque or two with stringent requirements that they take a job within a set period of time and get off welfare, we're probably not expecting them to be able to find a job in these circumstances so will continue to give them money until the pandemic's cleared up?  That's a win win situation for most of those people who decide to traipse across our border on a whim. While it's a pay pay lose lose situation for most Canadian taxpayers.

Kenya COVID-19 hospital gears up for surge in new infections

N.L. and Quebec, fuelled by pent-up pandemic demand, leading the way in auto sales growth 

Life's a beach, but some European countries have new COVID-19 fears

Yukon COVID infections reach 14 as resident infected outside territory

Nova Scotia making mask-wearing mandatory in most indoor public places by July 31  Behind Quebec who's already made it mandatory.

Sherbrooke authorizes 300 people to attend baseball game, despite public health recommendations

WhereIsMyName: Afghan women campaign for the right to reveal their name This is a really sad COVID story about a woman who's husband beat her up because she gave a doctor her name for a prescription.

24 million Americans fear missing next rent payment as benefits dry up I swear I think they engineered this pandemic to get rid of as many people as possible, in as many ways as possible. If the disease itself doesn't get them, then maybe poverty and resulting starvation might.

How risky is it to get a haircut, go to the gym? New gov't site has the answers Getting a haircut isn't risky at all, if it's done at home by a family member like our haircuts were.

COVID-19 outbreak declared on Haida Gwaii with 13 cases

Analysis: Two more Montreal bar closings raise COVID concerns

UFO sightings across Canada have spiked during the pandemic, maybe that's because we have more time on our hands and more time to star gaze.  If you're interested in this subject you might be interested in these books:  The UFO Dossier is a PDF,  UFOs: Government Secrets Kept  is a MOBI, and Evidence, the Case for NASA UFOs is a PDF, all books are downloadable at the longfiles link. And this following article that recently appeared in the Daily Mail in the UK: Previous Next Pentagon's UFO hunting department was NOT disbanded in 2012 as stated and could now give public reports every six months amid claims it found 'vehicles not made on this earth'

Online shopping has doubled during the pandemic, Statistics Canada says

Treading water: a simple comfort during a global pandemic  I guess if that's all the space you're allotted and all you can do in it, you have no choice but me, if I go swimming it's to go swimming, not to tread water or lie on the beach/pool deck baking in the sun. I love swimming and would swim everyday if there was a place to go swimming that was viable.

Saskatchewan experts say COVID-19 myths cause for concern  Numbers speak for themselves. Today's tally is.....  16,893,532 cases, 663,478 deaths and 10,456,398 recovered. That's world-wide. It looks to be more contagious than lethal if you ask me. Ergo on a par with a bad flu or bad cold. The governments have a vested interest in keeping us scared, because that way we'll comply with their laws more readily than if we didn't believe them and believed the numbers themselves instead.

EU eyes COVID-19 vaccines at less than $40, shuns WHO initiative Looks like it's not only Trump shunning the WHO. Wondering why? Is that maybe because they're nothing but a bunch of negligent genocidal liars? Probably. I know Tedros is. That's a given.

WHO clears air on COVID-19 vaccine being for wealthy people

The-rich-are-looking-to-buy-access-to-covid-safe-havens That was going to be inevitable, I think. It was only a matter of time.

Record numbers of coronavirus cases in every global region - Reuters tally

The Message Behind Gold’s Rally: The World Economy Is in Trouble  I'm not too sure we actually needed a gold rally to tell us the world economy is in trouble. I think that's been pretty evident for a while now.

COVID-19 in Canada: Virus curve is seeing an 'uptick', supply of first approved virus drug Remdesivir 'not plentiful', Dr. Tam warns
I said back in February or March that anyone wishing to make money ought to invest in Gilead Sciences because of their drug redemsivir. This is the one that was made in conjunction with the Wuhan lab in China and that Gilead and the Chinese gov't were fighting over world-wide patent rights for it, since 2016. Which proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that this virus was around since at least that long and known about - you don't make anecdotes for viruses you know nothing about and never saw before. Just doesn't happen. Just the existance of this drug proves the whole Wuhan meat market story a freaking lie.

Coronavirus: Spain drives fears of European 'second wave'

Coronavirus: Obesity increases risks from Covid-19, experts say

College student visa: Trump admin bars new foreign students taking online classes in US And if Cdn colleges and universities are only offering online classes we should do the same, because they can stay home wherever they happen to live and still take the courses online like all the rest of the Cdn kids will have to do too.

Long-lasting COVID symptoms from lungs to limbs linger in coronavirus 'long haulers'

COVID coping: How to make the most of quarantine mood swings

Nearly three-quarters of Americans believe this recession will last until 2021. How will it affect your investments?

Miami-Dade County surpasses 100,000 Covid-19 cases  That's only one county in the whole country. Those figures alone are nearly Canada's total figures for this pandemic so far.

England and Scotland went separate ways on Covid-19. It may lead to a full divorce  I'm sure the Scotts won't mind.

MIT researchers created a reusable face mask that works like an N95 respirator  We each have one but they're P100 masks - what you usually see the cops wearing when they want to make some dangerous drug busts. Those things, with replacement filters.

The pandemic's unlikely pet: Chickens  Well with all the baking everyone's doing, it's no surprise they want their own steady fresh supply of daily eggs, if they can get them.

Huge black bear spotted relaxing in a pool is one big summer mood   Okay this isn't a COVID article, it's another cute wildlife article along the lines of the moose taking a swim in a backyard pool. If you haven't seen this picture, you really ought to. It'll instantly lighten your mood and make you forget some of the terrible news this virus is renown for already.

That's it for now. Take care until next time.


Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Restocking Freezers & Pantries &

Continuing the COVID19 Coverage


July 27, 2020

We're not quite finished restocking the freezer yet, as there was way more food given away and perished than what we were able to buy today. But basically today was spent grocery shopping trying to restock the freezer and maybe pick up some depleted pantry items here and there.  So we're probably going to have to finish that tomorrow.  If we can. Looking at next week's fliers I'd say we'd better try to finish it tomorrow or we're not going to have the same selection of meat nor the same prices. 

Other than that, it's just trying to keep on top of the COVID headlines, which are looking scarier and scarier by the minute lately.  Rather than talk about them, maybe I should post them and you can see for yourself, what I'm talking about. So here we go....

Eerily prescient 2020 plague novels  Summer reading suggestions?

Is it safe to stay in a hotel amid the coronavirus pandemic?  I don't know how safe it is or isn't. All I know is that since Aviva one of the biggest insurance companies in Canada won't insure hotels against COVID19, it can't be all that safe, or at least not in Aviva's estimations.

Movies delayed by the coronavirus pandemic, including 'Mulan,' 'Bill & Ted 3' and 'Tenet' This virus has to get into everything and cause a problem with everything. Doesn't it?

Seniors who struggle with technology face telehealth challenges and social isolation  Perhaps the younger generations can help the older ones adapt, learn and cope with the technology that is used for telehealth and keeping in touch remotely, before we go into lock down again. If necessary print out the procedures in numerical order of what to do first, 2nd and 3rd, in order to logon to computer or tablet (even explaining how many rapidly successive clicks or taps to use on which icons etc...) to get to a certain program or application in order to use it and then how to log off and shut it down again. If their memories are bad, forget setting it up with a password for logon or if one is absolutely required, make it a simple one and write it down for them.  Because as we age, some of us find it harder and harder to learn new things, never mind things to do with new technology, even just memorizing their own phone number if it's recently been changed can be a chore and a half for some. So help them out the best you can while you can get within an arm's reach of them, to help guide them through it the first time or two they use those things.

Four California teens create Covid-19 coloring book for children and raise money for charity  Good for them. It would be nice if more kids used initiative to do things of benefit to the wider community, whether that's something like these kids did, or just spend a few hours with seniors who live alone keeping them company and helping them with some of their harder chores like lawn mowing or snow shovelling and things like that.

How the coronavirus almost killed a healthy woman with "no normal symptoms"

Camper van rentals seeing business double during pandemic  If we could've afforded such a luxury I wouldn't have minded renting one and touring the province of Quebec. Yeah I've seen it pretty much from east to west along the TransCanada (highway 20) and parts of the Laurentians, but there's still a large swath of it I haven't seen and would love to see, while I still have my health. But alas camper rentals are only for the well to do and not for people like us.

Trump faces backlash after declaring most COVID-19 cases "harmless"  Well when you consider the amount of cases there are world-wide compared to the amount of deaths, you pretty much have to agree with him there. But the ones being swamped treating such cases and the ones suffering through a case of it, probably don't agree with him. But in all honestly it's just because of how contagious it is and how fast everyone's getting it - meaning all at the same time, so it looks worse than it is because of the sheer numbers of people coming down with it all at once. But when you look at the amount that came down with it, the amount that recovered and the amount that actually died from it, he's basically right.

Pandemic: A snapshot of life in Rome

COVID-19 rashes: How your skin can be a sign of the virus

Today’s coronavirus news: Ontario’s public health units report 143 new cases in the last 24 hours, but no fatalities

'I feel like I’m being forced to choose': Alberta parents concerned over school reopening plan  Most parents around the world probably feel like this too.

What constitutes a second wave in Canada?

Pfizer Vaccine Deal at $20 a Dose Sets Ceiling for Rivals  Shouldn't they have one already made and ready to go before setting prices?

Hundreds of thousands of Canadians could get a tax break for working from home during pandemic

'Very shocking': Video captures huge crowds, lineups in Niagara Falls Another resurgence on the way in Ontario it looks like.

Good vibrations? COVID quiet time soothes Earth's seismic shakes  Another angle on this virus that none of us perhaps thought of.

BC gov. enlists 'influencers'

Nova Scotia goes one week without a report of a new COVID-19 case   Kudos to you NS.

Not all COVID-19 antibody tests are created equal, but which ones are best?

Worried About 5G? Study On Zebrafish Shows Radiation Exposure ‘Predominately Benign’  Since there's been a conspiracy theory linking 5G & Coronavirus, going around, I thought it worth posting this headline, as a counterbalance to the other 5G related articles.

Va. Tech Professor Creates Surface Coating That Inactivates Coronavirus In An Hour Too bad we can't have all our packaged store bought goods, clothes and household furnishings coated in that stuff.

COVID-19 patients will be ‘sent home to die’ if deemed too sick, Texas county says  
Okay as a former nurse, this is just the height of idiocy if you ask me. You're going to send people who are so sick they'll die, home.  Okay for starters how are they going to get home? Obviously driving themselves are out of the question. So that means someone's going to have to take them  home. Who would that be then? A taxicab? An Uber cab? Maybe dear old dad, or maybe sonny boy? So you're going to risk exposing those people to someone who's so sick they're going to die, which means whoever gets exposed to them will probably wind up almost as sick if not as sick. That's besides all the other people that someone comes into contact with. Okay, now while we've been having that debate, the homeward bound conveyance has pulled into the driveway of the sick person's home. The sick person is helped out of the vehicle and into the house. If they live alone, they're already in quarantine and will probably die within hours as they won't be able to even get or do the most basic tasks for themselves like get to the bathroom unaided or get a drink of water on their own. If they aren't there by themselves and there's someone else who lives there and will be trying to take care of them, then while you're making plans with the undertaker for the patient that just came home, also make plans with the undertaker for all the others who also live in that house. Because that's the size of it. And if the others that live in that house have jobs outside the home get ready to make room in the hospitals for all their coworkers and family member as well. You want to talk about community spread and high death rates? Well that's the way to go in style!  To me it just seems like the whole world fell on their collective heads and knocked whatever few brains they had loose as soon as this pandemic began in Wuhan. This is just another classic example of that.

Two Florida mayors urge residents to wear masks at home Just how are they going to enforce that one, I wonder?

Virus Can Travel 26 Feet at Cold Meat Plants With Stale Air

As it happened: UK PM says 'lessons to be learned' from pandemic

What's driving Canada's increase in COVID-19 infections? See the hotspots

Passengers on 30 flights in Canada potentially exposed to COVID-19  Yeah that's the way we're going to curb the spread of it. Put carriers of it on flights and send them hither & yon across Canada. Are you nincompoops in charge of the airlines that careless and stupid? Maybe you should go bankrupt and that would cut down on the spread of the virus in this country big time. So I don't want to see or hear anymore bellyaching about "oh we're going to go bankrupt if the gov't doesn't let us fly soon". Because the way you are wrecklessly handling it, I hope you do go bankrupt.

Despite uptick in new cases, Quebec opts to allow larger public gatherings

New COVID-19 hospitalizations jump in Ontario as cases drop

Coronavirus: Disney delays blockbuster films due to pandemic   Something else being affected by the pandemic, as if there aren't enough things already affected by it.

Out of date design of long-term care homes left residents more vulnerable to COVID-19: study What actually left them more vulnerable was the way they were abandonned or the way they kept changing the staff. That's more precisely the problem. But don't deal with that because that's a human issue, where actual currently working staff and supervisors could and should be held to account, instead of long dead architects.

Can You Get COVID Again? It's Very Unlikely, Experts Say  Huge huge relief to me and what I've basically been saying all along. And given that scenario, it's highly unlikely a vaccine will be needed by the time one is ready, because the majority of the population will have already either died from it or acquired immunity to it, naturally.