Saturday, May 16, 2020

Continuing Coronavirus Coverage

Country-wide & World-wide

May 15,

There's so many mixed signals and articles with information that just seems to be at odds with each other. It's hard to make out if the virus is continuing and building strength and or going after different victims now (that being the young ones), or diminishing and going away, and if society should be reopening or not.  

While I do have a couple N95 masks (1 was used for a few minutes so kept it, but technically I think it should be trashed, not sure but kept it in case I needed one again just for a few minutes some other time) left and we do have those P100 masks (not disposable), we - both my husband and I decided to go out and get our groceries without any masks or gloves or anything yesterday. He was staying in the car while I shopped and I wore N95 masks and surgical gloves everywhere I went previously since the lock down began and removing them before getting in the car and using the hand sanitizer we had in the car, to clean my hands before touching anything in the car. Yesterday though, he wanted to come inside the store with me and we only have 1 N95 mask left so we decided to go sans mask, because it makes no sense for one to expose themselves to the virus while the other one doesn't because the other one will get it anyhow. But apparently according to the news stories and the gov't while they recommend using masks they say it's not mandatory. So if it's not mandatory then there should be no problem, supposedly (but given the insane lengths they're going to to get rid of us, or so it seems, maybe they're just saying that). Given the conflicting signals out there, it's really hard to know too. 

So when I was in the drug store to get my prescription for my vitamin D refilled, I notice there were some surgical masks in there for sale. So bought a pack of 25 for us to use when masks are required, because basically they provide as much protection for us as not having one does. It's for other people's protection, so because they are quite expensive comparatively speaking to the N95 masks we bought that  does provide US with protection. I mean the N95 masks for 3 cost us $7 those surgical masks in a package of 25 cost us $35, and they do NOT provide US with any protection. So I'm not wearing them if I don't have to, considering there's no protection provided for the cost paid. We'll keep them for the paranoid places that won't let you in unless you're wearing one, or unless the gov't makes wearing them manadatory. Because those homemade masks and surgical masks are just silliness when it comes to preventing the spread of the virus. They provide psychological protection more than anything else. N95 masks and P100 masks are the only 2 masks that I know of that protects from most viruses if not all (P100 masks claim to protect against basically all).

No one said anything to me about it yesterday (my husband went into one store with me and stayed in the car, while I went in the other stores by myself, to cut down on his exposure risks). They barely even cared if we washed or sanitized our hands before entering either. There was one person, a man, who thought he and his teen-age brat he had with him were so self-righteous and perfect (while the teenager was literally bouncing off the shelves along the aisle), that he thought he should inform me that I was going the wrong way down an aisle. By then I was half way down the aisle and what I wanted was within sight of me, and he told me to turn around go back the other way, I said nope, what I want is right there and I'm getting it and continuing to the other end of the aisle. I mean I don't go up and down all the aisles, I go across the top or bottom and when I get to the aisle that has what I want then I go into it and I'm not walking all around the frigging store so I can manage to be going the way the arrows point at the tops and ends of the aisles.  

I hate shopping with a passion and only do it because I have to and so I want to get in and out of there as quick as possible which means I go directly to the spot in the store that has what I want without traipsing all over it. Which makes very little sense to me if people who are asymptomatic could be spreading the virus without knowing it. So now you're going to make them walk all over the store instead of letting them go and get what they want and get out of there as quick as possible? To me that's just stupid and this following behind the person in the aisle by 6 feet and waiting for them to move on before you move....

Holy gawd, I'd still be in the freaking store now, if I did that as some people get in front of you and I'm not sure if it's to antagonize you to death or if they're just totally oblivious or what but they spend forever looking in the same spot and then pick up one thing read the label in it's entirety, get on their cellphone and yak about it to someone, send them a picture of it, and then put it back on the shelf and start the same process all over again with another item. One woman in front of me that I was waiting for her to move, did that 3 times and I was  getting exasperated while waiting for her, so inched closer to her hoping she'd take the hint and continue. Nope, she continued standing there yakking on the cellphone. When I got close enough I could hear what she was saying and it was totally irrelevant to what she was looking at in the aisle. She was having a full blown conversation with someone, while making everyone else behind her wait for her to move on.  Anyhow I figured, I needed to go because I had other places to go before they closed for the day and so passed her and kept going. But this is how annoying and ignorant some of these people in the stores in the aisles where we're not supposed to pass each other in either direction can be.  

So arrows on the floor or not people are passing each other in the aisles. So when that guy told me I was going the wrong way, I didn't give a hoot, wrong way or not, I've been forced to pass tons of people like the woman described above since this pandemic started. So what difference does it make if I pass them face on or sideways (like they're usually standing to stare the shelves they're fixated on) which means when they're facing the opposite shelf from where they're standing, they breath directly on you as you pass in front of them? 

I mean com'on people, show some respect for others. Get what you want and move on. If you really must talk to someone on the phone, take yourself, your phone and your conversation elsewhere, where you won't be holding people up who are waiting behind you to move on, so they can too.

So much for courtesy and respect for others....

News Headlines

Tucker Carlson Rages Against Dr. Fauci, Calls Him ‘Chief Buffoon’ I don't know about "buffoon", but he seems to care more about money than people, given his policies, connections and directives.

Sitting in a freezer for years, potential SARS vaccine now ready for coronavirus trial Oh doncha just love this!?!  While they thought they could keep us all under lockdown for a year or more they were saying it was going to take that long to make a vaccine, now suddenly this company remembers the SARS vaccine that they had sitting in a freezer and other companies are claiming they might be on the verge of a cure or breakthrough vaccine (like Gilead Sciences redemsivir that was made back in 2016 as an antidote for this very virus COVID19), amongst others including a couple of vaccines being made and or produced in Canada - as per articles I'll post the links to further down. I guess they realized they won't be able to keep us under lockdown forever, so they'd better boogie if they want to force everyone to take a vaccine against this virus, before letting us out of confinement. 

Working From Home Poll Finds Nearly Half Of Canadians Like The New Normal Well it sure took long enough. I remember back in the 1980s when home computer were fast being accepted in homes for computer games and homework, they were also touting them as a means for office workers to end commuting and to work at home and that computers would make this a paperless world. Back in the 1980s though the modems were generally only 300 baud modems, meaning it would take about an hour to send a 1 page typed document via modem over dial-up landlines.  Teletype machines were about as efficient. So that put an end to that, idea. It's only in the last decade or so that electronic telecommunications have become fast enough and efficient enough to basically do everything online, so it's really only become practical around now. 

Health Canada issues recall of some KN95 masks made in China  We couldn't keep our good ones that we made, oh no, we had to send them to China, so they could send back their substandard masks to us.

False Negatives Raise More Questions About Virus Test Accuracy  Along with the false positive tests, it's a wonder anyone has any idea about anything to do with this virus.

UN health agency chief unbowed amid attacks, Trump criticism Tedros is one corrupt arrogant piece of work, so of course he's "unbowed". He'll never admit his guilt in this, never.

Coronavirus Outbreaks Rip Through European Slaughterhouses So it's not just North American slaughter houses having these problems, it's in Europe too.

Italy’s Broken Finances Bring Back Fears of Messy Euro Divorce This virus is having so many different repercussions and fallout, it's just unbelievable the variety of them.

EU official warns of extremists exploiting virus outbreak I think they already started practicing their methods via attacks on hospitals in Afghanistan. 

Class action alleges neglect by nursing home owners "neglect"? That's all? I'd go so far as to call it grossly criminal neglect.

Students can apply for COVID-19 emergency aid beginning Friday Is this to ensure that they won't need to work during the summer months?

Trump says he would mobilize military to distribute coronavirus vaccine when it's ready Now if this doesn't scream mandatory forced vaccinations at you, nothing will. 

Wave of COVID-19 bankruptcies poses next threat to US economy Probably to our economy as well, given that Santa  Trudeau is out on his doorstep everyday handing out billions of dollars here there and everywhere and now he's going back over the groups he's already given to and giving them more, except of course to the seniors.

Thousands of Pigs Rot in Compost as U.S. Faces Meat Shortage I'm sure the same will be happening in Canada shortly, considering the Cargill plant closures. 

‘I Do Remember Birds Flying In My Room’: Doctor Recalls Hallucinations While Battling COVID-19 That's probably due to a high fever. People can hallucinate when their fevers are high enough. Which is true for anything that causes a high fever and not just coronavirus.

TIME BOMB ‘Trump Death Clock’ showing US coronavirus toll in real-time is beamed onto massive Times Square billboard Such a cheery display. Why not show the cadavers too while they're at it if they want to make a massive psychological impact (like Americans like to do)?

Paraguay, land-locked 'ísland' amid the pandemic As has been demonstrated time and again, this is how you keep the virus out of your country.

From opera to bread line: Italy's surge in the 'new poor'  I'm sure Canada will have a few "new poor" as well.

Trucks used to store bodies amid coronavirus can go back to hauling food: FDA  This is not only disgustingly gross, but sickening to think of as well. Not to mention the virus hiding in crevices in the trucks and missing sterilization, so being around and able to multiply on the food being hauled in them.

Black light experiment shows how quickly a virus like Covid-19 can spread at a restaurant  Is it just me? Or does anyone else ever notice that whenever they're trying to get a point about the virus home to us, THEY are not afraid of close contact for their purposes? I mean if it's as contagious and deadly as they are trying to demonstrate to use through their videos why are they so willing to make the videos using all kinds of people in close contact like this?

Nearly 40% of low-income workers lost their jobs in March Naturally the people that can afford it the least are getting hit the most.

Coronavirus brought median Toronto condo prices down $65,000: Zoocasa Wondering what the median is in the Montreal area...

Ontario stage one reopening includes stores, surgeries, tennis, dog grooming Speaking of that, I'd love to know when the QC gov't plans on letting dog grooming places reopen as our dogs are in dire need of nail cutting. In fact one of them has taken to chewing her nails now.

'Weird as hell’: the Covid-19 patients who have symptoms for months Obviously this virus seems to have the medical community totally stumped from all it's weird symptoms, lack of symptoms and durations.

U.S. Factory Production Plummets by Most in Records to 1919 These stories are both telling the same story a drop in sales leads to a drop in production.

Santa Ana PD: Robberies Increase By 50%, Suspects Using Face Covering Orders To Their Advantage Well that was essentially only a matter of time before they connected the dots between face masks and robberies.

Poll: US believers see message of change from God in virus  No doubt, considering the last post I did there was a story about the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse being unleashed, amongst the headlines there.

Social Distancing Eases as Some States Lift Restrictions

Recovered coronavirus patients warned 'avoid sex for 30 days or risk spreading bug'

Chile digs thousands of graves for COVID-19 surge

Brazil and Mexico report record surge in coronavirus cases as Latin America reels

'Perfect storm': Haiti COVID-19 peak set to collide with hurricanes  As these southern countries all seem to be either starting to get into the pandemic now or they're having a surge in numbers, I'm wondering if perhaps it has to do with it being akin to their late autumn, right about now?

France urges caution as first post-lockdown weekend beckons

This is how Bali escaped being virus hot spot with local traditions

As lockdown hurts, desperate Venezuelans turn to cow blood soup This is just sad, but then here QC, there's a dish called Blood Pudding, which sounds similar and Blood Pudding has been eaten long before Coronavirus arrived on the scene.

Mythical monster goes viral as Japan prays for end of pandemic

China: Federalism, Lack of ‘National Tracking’ Mean U.S. Cannot Defeat Coronavirus

The pandemic is changing how human beings think about status

TRIGGERED Super-rich buying underground bunkers with SHOOTING RANGES over fears coronavirus will spark social meltdown  They're not the only ones, I know a few people who think the same way, except they don't have the means to buy underground bunkers.

Jim Carrey Draws Damning Indictment Of Fox News' Coronavirus Coverage

Can ‘immunity passports’ provide a path out of lockdown? I proposed this, way back in January when I was asking about antibody tests,  online in messages. Only I didn't call it a passport, just a paper. But I guess that wasn't a fancy enough name. Since day one, everyone out there has been stealing my ideas, only months after the fact though. But everything they are just starting to do now is what I said they ought to do back in January shortly after I came down with something I think is COVID19 because as soon as I heard about the symptoms I realized I had the same thing, including what they are calling "wet lung", which I treated myself against, using Robitussin (all I had at my disposal). I guess it must've worked because I didn't wind up in the hospital and got better within a couple of days.

Scheer wants in-person Parliament to resume on May 25, demands a fiscal update Scheer is right we should have parliament resume on May 25th. For a lot of reasons but most of all to keep "Mr. Spend - A - Lot" in check.

N.B. COVID-19 roundup: Province extends state of emergency, announces no new cases

Investigators look into catastrophic outbreak that infected all residents of TMR seniors' home, killing 70  Conditions in those death camps were rife for something like this virus to sweep through and decimate the population.

Middle and high school students to process lobster after temporary foreign worker ban It's about freaking. I knew a lot of kids back when I was a kid, who relied on summer jobs at fish processing plants as their only hope of a summer job in order to make money to go away to college, in the NS fishing villages, like what I grew up in. Wondering how they found summer jobs since the TFWs were allowed in to take over their summer jobs? I mean painting and lawn mowing just won't cut it and the girls would have to babysit the entire village's brats in order to make anywhere near enough money like that.

Parents turning to police for help with teens during lockdown I can imagine that this has been rather hard on families for a variety of reasons, but even harder on teenagers who just want to be with their friends and don't want to abide by lockdown rules and probably fight their parents over it. Or teenagers who just think they know everything and have to have the last word on everything all the time. After several weeks of being shut in with that type, I can imagine the last resort is either calling the cops or finding a gun and either shooting oneself or the kid, just to end it. Most parents probably know what I mean - in fact I'm pretty sure parents are coming to the end of their rope now, considering the commercial on TV about calling 811 if you can't take your kids anymore. It's probably just as bad as parents being constantly locked in with a terrible twos kid who has to whine and scream and throw temper tantrums everytime someone says no, or looks at them cross-eyed.  Don't know which is worse really. A whiny screaming temper tantrum throwing kid, or a chip on their shoulder attitude 16 year old that thinks their parents are idiots and the world owes them everything and "it's just not fair, having to stay home all the time like this" and have decided to flout the rules and their parents and just go out anyhow.

Chief, mother say 'discriminating' travel bans make Sask. northerners feel like 'caged animals' A lot us under lockdown feel like that I think.

COVID-19's devastating toll on families in Montreal's poorest neighbourhoods

The new normal: School for children of essential workers and a look at what the future may hold

Is it safe to borrow library books? Your COVID-19 questions answered Or you could always avail yourself of the online libraries - where you download them to keep. No returns necessary and no one else touched them. There's some online libraries listed throughout this blog. Just click on the label "ebooks" in the right column to find the pages where they're posted.

Increased foreign threat to COVID-19 research prompts extraordinary warning from Canada's spy agencies  Okay, if the Fauci, CDC, and the Gates WEF Wuhan "conspiracies" weren't enough to prove this is about money more than anything else, this story should seal that for you, considering Canada is scared of their intellectual property rights (aka patent rights) being stolen. And why do you suppose everyone is so paranoid of that happening with their work and all the players in the vaccine  game are getting so vicious, backbiting and miserable towards each other if this wasn't about money and was purely an altruistic venture to develop a vaccine to save mankind. Nope. That's not what it's about. It's about making a vaccine to sell to mankind to make money with the 7 or 8 billion vaccines that they hope to sell because of forced vaccinations.  There is no drug in history that had that many clients all at once ever! So whoever makes the first vaccine and comes out with it, will be the richest entities (whether that's individuals like Fauci and Gates or companies like Gilead Sciences or countries like Canada, the US or China depending on who does it first and who has the patent rights on it) ever. So this just goes to prove it's more about money than about the virus and the reason they're making such a big deal about scaring the heebee jeebees out of you to keep you home is to keep you scared, so you'll be more willing to accept the vaccine when one is available. That's  what this is about and nothing else.

Saskatchewan's temporary closure of 12 rural ERs over COVID-19 draws concern 12 rural ER closures in any province should draw concern.

Global coronavirus death toll exceeds 300,000: Reuters tally yup and so?  This is what it says about the flu's death tolls each year:  Flu Kills 646,000 People Worldwide Each Year: Study  And that's not from some conspiracy theorists tabloid, that's directly from Medline - a respected medical site on the internet. Visit the link to read the story and verify the source.  This is what I'm saying they're making it out to be way worse than it is and compared to the flu, it's not nearly as deadly, but no one makes us barricade ourselves in our houses and the economy isn't shut down over it either. So, like I said and will continue to say..... What is happening has nothing to do with this virus and everything to do with plans they have for us and the rest of the world later on.

Five Forces members catch COVID-19 on deployment in long-term care homes Hmmm..... I'm wondering if there would've been a headlines if they caught the flu instead? Because the flu from what we've seen above is 2x deadlier than this has been but yet I don't recall military personnel being called into seniors homes to deal with flu outbreaks and even if they were called in, I doubt we'd be hearing about 5 military personnel coming down with the flu on account of it. So what was the purpose of that headline? To scare us even more, thinking that if the tough guys in the military can get sick then the rest of us are in mortal danger of it? Is that it? Seems like it to me. It seems to me that they're trying to take every chance and opportunity they can find to scare people into compliance. 

It's official: K-12 schools to stay closed for rest of school year  And what happens if like they're predicting this big bad scary bug comes back to haunt us in the fall? What then? Will kids be made to stay home for the rest of their lives?

Bank of Canada warns in report of business, household debt from COVID-19 Look we already knew that Canadians owed $1.77 for every dollar earned, before this virus came along. Now with everyone out of work and most told to stay home and order everything online, it's probably closer to $2.25 or so for every dollar earned. If that's not insolvent then I don't know what is. That is what I've been saying all along. This plandemic or panicdemic (whichever you wish), was orchestrated to crash the economy and throw everyone out of work and into poverty. That's what this has been about all along and not a virus that isn't even half as lethal as the average annual flu is.

U.S. stock market swings higher despite rising U.S.-China tensions; oil up

CDC alerts doctors to COVID-19 linked condition in children When I saw the rashes on the kids in the news, the first thing I thought of was Roseola, which has been around forever, I think. It's a pretty serious kids disease too and instead of pink eye it causes eyelids to swell, but basically it too is a respiratory disease and all the rest of the symptoms sound the same between the two. So, I'm questioning if what they're saying is a COVID19 linked condition isn't just Roseola being misdiagnosed, either by accident or on purpose (remember the funding hospitals get when they say they have COVID patients eh?).  Because those rashes sure look like Roseola to me and all the symptoms except the symptoms of the eyes sounds identical. But maybe instead of the swollen eyelids this is a new strain of Roseola that is causing pink eye instead. I'd lay odds of 10 to 1 that that's probably more likely the case than it being anything at all to do with COVID19. I'm sorry but I don't tolerate BS too too well and when I see it, I have to point it out to everyone who cares to look.

'Indifference' to coronavirus landed nation in 'deep s***,' whistleblower Rick Bright alleges Ohhhhh, I think that indifference was pretty pervasive around the world, including here in Canada.

COVID-19 in Canada: Albertans, B.C. can gather with 50 people outside, PM vows to nab benefits fraudsters Well at least there's some hope. I think it's got to do with the fact that they're realizing that not everyone is going to stay caged in for the rest of their lives without some backlash and that a lot of us are starting to realize that this is more of a scam than anything else.

Soon, I'll be doing a whole post just devoted to the Bill Gates depopulation "conspiracy theory" or is it?

Geez this panicdemic or plandemic seems to be creating and touching on quite a few different so-called conspiracy theories. Trouble is, half of them seem to be more real than mere theories would suggest.  So I'll be doing a rather indepth and as thoroughly researched piece about this Bill Gates conspiracy theory too. If I can.

Maybe if I have pages and pages of BS to wade through I'll just give up and post all the links to everything and let those so inclined to wade through it for themselves like I did on the UNs Agenda21 theory. Since everything will be posted here and all documents and videos I'll have downloaded, maybe at some point in time I will eventually be able to wade through it all myself and who knows maybe at the end when the end game is finally discovered I'll have all the pieces leading up to it and be able to write a well documented and detailed book about it.

In the meantime like I said before it's a terribly tangled web of all kinds of theories and all kinds of malevolent  characters and agencies at play here all vying for the riches to be gained from the vaccine while others are scavenging the economic fallout for whatever they can glean from it in order to make money on it. It's just a freaking money racket for the big boys, that's all this seems to be about.

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