Monday, April 6, 2020

Not To Stress You Out More But....

These are More Articles & Audiocasts That You Need to Know About

April 6, 2020

As time goes by and as the response by the authorities to this "virus" gets crazier and crazier, I just can't fathom nor even believe for a second the excuses given for all these draconian actions and measures being taken. ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

I was a nurse and I know how you deal with contagious viruses and infections and I know that what is being done now in the name of this virus is NOT how such things are handled. It's all a pile of horse ๐Ÿ’ฉ as far as I'm concerned.

As far as I'm concerned ALL of the authorities from Tedros in the UN right on down to Hajdu the art teacher aka Canada's Health Minister, Tam the lying genocidal maniac with a doctor's license that needs to be revoked, to the idiot that masquerades as Canada's PM, need to face an International Crimes against Humanity Court for genocide, IF this disease really is as bad as they say it is, but failed miserably to prevent it's spread and then containment. ALL OF THEM & ALL THE OTHERS IN OTHER NATIONS WHO ARE THE HEADS OF NATIONS & THEIR RESPECTIVE HEALTH MINISTRIES, AS WELL. ๐Ÿ‘ฎ

Now, I shall explain. When I was a nurse we were taught that people who exhibited symptoms of a contagious disease were to be isolated by themselves until they either got better or died. It sounds harsh to say it like that, but that's the truth of the matter.  We were also taught that yes it was normal that asymptomatic people - aka newly infected, who's body was incubating the virus until symptoms started showing were contagious and in some cases sometimes even after they were better for a few days. This is NOT a sudden new discovery, like they're trying to make everyone believe it is.  That is why vaccinations against dangerous childhood illnesses were promoted - to protect those who had no immunity to such diseases in case they came into contact with just such a person - someone who was incubating the virus in their system and thus contagious.  I'm just going to state, that having suffered everyone one of the childhood diseases that were going around when I was young, from measles & mumps to rubella, I'm just glad my kids didn't have to get any of those diseases because of the vaccines that were available by the time my kids came along. But.....  I digress.... ๐Ÿ’‰

So the right & only ways this should've been handled from the beginning is:

1) China should've alerted the world the moment they knew they had an epidemic on their hands.

2) Even before the corrupt Dr. Tedros of the WHO declared a pandemic, the world should've taken steps to prevent people from China entering their countries by closing all their borders to them and forced them into immediate 40 day quarantines if they did get into the country. None of this voluntary ๐Ÿ’ฉ, because we all know how well that works and in this case worked, or more precisely didn't work.

3) Each country should've been sourcing PPE for their medical personnel and citizens as soon as China released the information about the epidemic, in case it got to other countries and that equipment would be needed.

4) The corrupt Dr. Tedros SHOULD HAVE DECLARED IT A PANDEMIC MUCH, MUCH EARLIER, so idiots like we have in Ottawa could've taken measures much much earlier to reduce the amount of virus getting in and circulating and ensuring that we had the necessary equipment we needed instead of sending 16 tons of it off to China. ๐Ÿ˜ท

5) Tam, the so-called Dr. (Doctor of Death is more like it), that supposedly is our "chief medical officer" SHOULD NOT HAVE LIED TO CANADIANS by telling them not to worry and to wash their hands, when she knew perfectly well that that was not only insufficient protection, it was next to no protection, when it's a respiratory illness you're dealing with.  So by her doing that she endangered and condemned to death countless Canadian lives.  And Hajdu, the art teacher aka Health Minister, just mimicking all that nonsense is nothing short of criminal on both of their parts. Tam, because she knew she was giving bad advice that would result in sickness & deaths & Hajdu because she knew she was not equipped with the education background to handle anything medical let alone of this scope, but refuses to step down anyhow and by her actions of reinforcing Dr. Tam Death's directives are imperiling many other lives, those lives that may have listened to a Health Minister's voice who knew what they were talking about and had the guts to contradict, Dr. Tam Death's Lies. By Telling everyone  to wear masks from the very beginning! ๐Ÿ˜ท

6) Quarantining everyone isn't how quarantines are done. In fact that's bassackwards to the way it's supposed to be done. The sick, their immediate families (those living in the same residence) and recent contacts (and their immediate families) are how you quarantine for infectious diseases.  So this home arrest ๐Ÿ’ฉ for everyone is just that major unmitigated B ๐Ÿ’ฉ !!!! For anyone to tell you any different is a liar and probably behind whatever is going on out there. Quarantining the healthy and collapsing the economy is not how it's supposed to work. The healthy need to be able to continue on with their lives, in order to keep the economy going.  The fact that they're not being allowed to, means to me anyhow that the authorities wants the economy to collapse.

7) Forcing everyone to stay home even if they're healthy? Why? What's the purpose of that? To introduce an authoritarian police state? ๐Ÿ‘ฎTo try to prevent an uprising? ๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿ’ฃ If so, to what? To try to collapse not only the stock markets but the economy and along with that society in general?  ๐Ÿ“‰ And what's the purpose of social distancing? ๐Ÿ“ต(They want to change that to physical distancing now because of the societal backlash against the term "social distancing") Is that to get us used to being apart and not expecting anyone to come help us, comfort us, be with us in times of trouble & crisis? Is that it?  Though they do want us to carry our cellphones around with us, so they can track us and keep tabs on our whereabouts. The thing is though if you're "social distancing" as they want you to do, you won't be socially in touch with anyone and so have no need of a phone - especially if you're not working. ๐Ÿ›‚

All of these things and more are running through my mind and I just can't figure out what is going on. I did however find some audio files and news stories that might explain things. Then again, how accurate or inaccurate are they? And will we ever find out what's the real reason for all this nonsense anyhow? At least a few of these (so far as I can tell) have some credence to them, no matter how distressing they seem.....

๐Ÿ”‰ Audio ๐Ÿ”‰

Woody Harrelson Says 5G May Be Tied To Coronavirus Pandemic   -- Okay, in the screenshot in the story you will notice 3 URLs to alleged reference material. I could only verify one of them, as the other two weren't in existance when I went (it doesn't mean they never were in existance only that when I tried to visit them they weren't). The third one to Asian News, I was able to see and verify but while I was there I also saw a very interesting and titillating headlines indicating that the virus may have actually come from the Wuhan Bio Level 4 Labs as has been alleged all along. I will post a link to that story below with the rest of the print news stories. There is also a video below the  Woody Harrelson story of Alex Jones discussing the 5G connection to the virus.  For a time we had a computer users  group and so during those years I learnt a lot about computers and how they work including Paul Baran of  Rand Corporation's invention of the internet for the military (sorry nope Gore had nothing to do with it) and the light spectrum. Which is what all radio waves, microwaves, radar waves etc operate in, so at least the portion of the video that Alex Jones is describing about radio broadcast and radio waves is accurate. I can vouch for that much. However, the Dr. talking that video, is all over the place and doesn't make too much sense to me, except that yes we're all affected by electromagnetism. That I will give him but the rest of it, hmmmm if I could make total sense of it, I'd have a better idea on it. So I'll leave that for further rumination.

The following audiocasts have some interesting ideas and perspectives and maybe more than  a few facts about the current crisis we find ourselves in. 

Jeff & David Oates - SHOCKING CoViD Speech Reversals On CDC & Trump   I always find these speech reversals amusing and interesting even if they're not accurate. 

News Reports

China to launch first 5G smart highway  -- The article referenced in the Woody Harrelson email screenshot on InfoWars site.

Wuhan lab virus leak ‘no longer discounted’: Cobra  -- The article's headline captioned in right hand column of the article about the 5G smart highway, as referenced in Woody Harrelson's email.

Antibody tests key to ending COVID-19 lockdowns  --This is what I've been saying because I'm positive I've already had this virus and if I have, my husband is immune to it, probably because of his anti-viral pneumonia vaccine he had earlier (which may help other senior citizens become immune to it as well). But the only way we can know that for sure is if I can get tested to see if I have the antibodies.

How doctors in Canada will decide who lives and dies if pandemic worsens  If Tam, Hajdu and Trudeau had've done their jobs of protecting the population against this pandemic no doctors in Canada would have to be faced with such decisions. 

Let's just hope that the pandemic isn't used as an excuse to facilitate the same ends here. Hopefully before that happens an opposition party leader in Ottawa will grow a pair and have the wanna-be dictator at least thrown out of parliament on a non-confidence vote, if nothing else.

How Long Does Coronavirus Live In The Air? Here's What We Know.  That all depends on the expert you talk to. I've read anywheres from 3 hours to 27 hours. While 27 hours seems to be stretching, even 3 hours seems long. I'm wondering if they really know or if it's just a bunch of educated guesses.

'Superheroes': Coronavirus survivors donate plasma hoping to heal the sick   This is why we should be looking for those with antibodies, because it'll be a long long time before we  have and actual vaccine, so in the meantime people can be afforded immunity using antibodies of others who've already had the disease. Even though Francois Legault thinks it's a waste of resources. Maybe someone ought to educate him on that, neither of his 2 health authorities seem to either want to enlighten him on that, or even know about that possibility. Which I find hard to believe since it is common medical knowledge. So, I have assume that they do know, but don't want to tell him about that possibility. Or maybe they have but he rejected it. So now the question is WHY???? Is it to get rid of as many people as possible before they resort to that, or what? What's the exact agenda here?

These Coronavirus Exposures Might Be the Most Dangerous  That should go without saying, that the more you're exposed to something the more chance you have of contracting it yourself. But I guess the media feels people have been dumbed down so much that they don't realize that, anymore. 

What You Need to Know About the Coronavirus --- This is a series of news articles by the American paper The Atlantic, many of which are relevant no matter where you live, though some are regional specific, like how they're dealing with it in their over crowded prisons etc.


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