Friday, April 10, 2020

COVID19 Information Inundation

Sheesh I don't know where to start

April 9, 2020

Wow! Just wow! In the past day and a half or so, there's been tons of information that's come out in relation to this virus, and what effect it's having on us, society, the economy and everything else. I honestly don't even know where to begin. Some of the information here dates back to February, which I only just ran into lately, but it is still relevant and still explains a lot, but most of it is from the last day or two, everything from dire outcome predictions to how to make your own masks and who to call if you live in the West Island of Montreal and need help getting groceries delivered. So maybe I'll start there with the helpful information first and move on to the more mind blowing and outright gloomy reports.  

Quarantined Kitchen

If I don't fall asleep on my keyboard before I get a chance, later on tonight (well this morning technically), I plan on posting a couple of my own recipes for cutting down on waste in the kitchen, because now more than ever we need to stretch our food to make it last. For some of us that might be merely because we can't get out to buy food as often as we'd like due to strict quarantine rules/laws, and for others it might be because we recently lost our only source of income and aren't sure when or if you'll get or even qualify for relief income of some kind from the government. So with that in mind, I have found a few links of potential interest:

Cooking Scrappy: 100 Recipes to Help You Stop Wasting Food, Save Money, and Love What You Eat  is an epub ebook downloadable from the longfiles link found there.

Cooking at Home in the Time of Coronavirus from Bon Appetit  A large assortment of various recipes to help you get by. 

Grocery Delivery Program  I am not sure if they offer this service outside of the West Island of Montreal - like on the rest of the island or off island, as well, but I do know they serve the west island and will delivery groceries to shut-ins on the west island free of charge. So if you can't get your groceries yourself, you can ask for their help, visit their website for details. 

COVID-19 pandemic support for Canadians: Where to get financial and health support  This article details where Canadians can apply for financial assistance, get physical & psychological help and also where you can find food banks and other assistance in finding food. 

Speaking of government help, here's more but the only correlation to the kitchen maybe is in getting money to put food on the table for those qualifying for this government assistance: Ottawa announces new measures for students and businesses affected by the coronavirus

Moving onto the Masks

How to Make Face Masks for Yourself and Hospitals During the Coronavirus Shortage  complete with a how-to video to make your own or if you're so inclined to make several for hospitals or others.

Coronavirus: How to Make Your Own Cloth Face Mask at Home  Another very good article with explicit diagrams on how to do it yourself.

A Little Levity

Remember in a previous post, me talking about fixing and maintaining things like appliances and computers etc? Well this next item might make you understand why.... Naomi Watts' nervous breakdown over appliance and printer breakdowns on same day while under quarantine might provide a little levity but also a little insight as to why it might be a good idea to heed what I said. If you wish to avail yourselves of that info just click on "Home & Appliance Repairs" label in the right hand sidebar to be taken to the post in question..... Now without further ado I give you Naomi Watts ladies and gentlemen! Naomi Watts documents quarantine meltdown as appliances break on same day 

Now Moving Onto the More Serious Stuff

Now before I lose you  to charts and graphs that the governments have released in the last day and a half detailing forecasts for the outcome of this virus, which I will post here after all the rest has been said and done in this post, because really when you digest most if not all of this information, you'll look at those projections like I did and go "huh"? Where'd you get those ideas from anyhow? Because honestly, I don't know how they came up with those figures nor even why when you see the disparity between them. But anyhow we're not to that part of this post yet, so I'll just leave it there for the moment, and get onto these things....

I thought maybe we could start with a little history lesson about quarantines here: A history of the deadliest epidemics and largest quarantines in the world 

Here's another link about history but this time to do with this particular outbreak:  Intelligence report warned of coronavirus crisis as early as November: Sources  So that gave the virus 2 and a half months head start to spread unstopped and uncontrolled around the world before China even bothered to alert the world to it. I know that I contracted something that sounds an awful lot like it, back in the first week of January and by then it had at least a month and half if not 2 full months to spread unchecked and unhindered around the world. Wondering how many COVID19 carriers left Wuhan to come to Canada or the US in that time frame? And how many had the opportunity to spread it hither and yon by taking public transit and shopping at the same stores the rest of us shop at? So, this has been going around here in North America for months now too and not just since January 20ieth.  As the CDC director testified to Congress in March about the deaths being covered up for months already.

Now here is a document that really makes you wonder what's going on.  Instead of the CDC trying to cover the COVID19 deaths up now, now according to these documents found here, they're urging doctors to ascribe almost any reasonably associated death with being COVID19. In other words if someone dies of a heart attack in their sleep but had an acquaintance or family member who had COVID19, to just ascribe COVID19 as being the reason for death and listing that on the death certificate, whether or not the deceased actually had COVID19 themselves or not. Same with other deaths that could pass off as being related to COVID19, they are being urged to document them as COVID19 as well, whether they are or not is irrelevant. US HHS Document to Doctors on How to Certify COVID-19 Deaths including Related Deaths you can read the full 7 page document here. Now my question is this.... Why? Are they being told to do that in order to more efficient use of their time? In other words don't spend valuable time investigating the cause of death if you can reasonably ascribe COVID19 as being the cause so you can donate your valuable time to saving others with the disease? Or, is it a psy-ops operation in order to keep everyone scared and adhering to the rules and laws putting them all under house arrest? And if that's the case, to what end? Is it really on account of the virus or do they have other plans for the population and don't want them being able to get out and revolt against them? Because when I see things like that and all the rest of what's gone down before this (from November up until now) and knowing how quarantines work and how they've implemented this one and how every medical authority on this has collectively fallen on their heads and developed amnesia in regards to that, I'm more than a little suspicious.  In fact all my alarm bells are going off , because this feels like it was planned from the get go, with all the western nations in collusion, using mass quarantines and business shutdowns - causing their respective economies to collapse too. So the only thing I can think of, was this was planned in advance using the virus (and maybe those boogey man figures the CDC is churning out using that directive to keep everyone scared and locked down) to collapse their economies because they have something else planned to replace them. Maybe the one world government like they've been fomenting for - which of course would bring a one world currency along with it as well. Is that what's being planned to be foisted off on us? And the reason numbnuts (sorry but can't stand Trudeau I find him to be a total brain dead idiot) says we'll be under house arrest until a vaccine is found? Knowing that that'll be next to never, if ever? Because they'll need that long to implement those plans without us getting in the way of them?  

Yes, I told you,  this was going to be  information inundation and mind blowing to say the least and we're only just getting started here.....  Now if that's not enough to chew on, here's some more.... 

WHO director hits back at Trump threat to defund agency  Tedros the corrupt crooked head of the WHO has a nerve to threaten anyone, after all he's done to cause the spread of this disease. As the head of the WHO it was his job to protect the world from the spread of this virus and the ensuing pandemic, instead he sat on his thumbs and waited, giving it 5 whole months from November to March to ensure it's global spread. I think if there's any survivors left after this pandemic is over and done with, he along with all the heads of public health and health ministers around the world should be rounded up and tried for crimes against humanity. So Tedros is the last one that ought to be issuing threats. He's already caused enough damage in the world!  

So far Dr. Bruce Aylward - the advisor mentioned here, is the only sane rational person I've seen working for the WHO. 

Noam Chomsky: Coronavirus - What is at stake? | DiEM25 TV  Noam Chomsky gives his thoughts on the Coronavirus here.

'Vaccines won't work': US virologist breaks down COVID-19, how to curb spread  An American virologist interviewed by a Korean reporter about why vaccines won't work and why we will probably never have one.

Evidence mounts COVID-19 came from a lab in Wuhan - another report from Sky News Australia.

Germany's confirmed coronavirus cases rise to 99,225, deaths to 1,607: RKI - if Quebec thinks that they're modelling Germany, then they're doing it wrong as Quebec has 10,912 cases with 216 deaths thus far. So they're kind of over the amount of deaths that they should be if they're modelling their methods after Germany's. 

Venezuela elderly feel 'sentenced to euthanasia' under coronavirus quarantine - I saw another report earlier today about a revolt brewing in Spain over the appalling state of nursing homes there and how so many seniors have been left to die on their own. When I read it, I couldn't help but think of the horror stories we've been hearing on the news lately about seniors and longterm care residences in Ste. Dorothee and Dorval and how they've been left alone for days too. And about the horror stories in Bobcageon Ontario and how many seniors died in just one home there. Thinking if the governments don't soon smarten up and fly right, we're apt to have a revolt here too. Found the story here: Horror in Spain Turns to Anger Against Prime Minister

Disjointed Virus Response Threatens New Outbreak, Governments Are Told  Yup, just as I thought, a coordinated effort between countries to get the economies under control ordered by the BIS - Bank of International Settlements - who are the owners and or masters of all the banks world-wide. 

China Spokesman Defends Virus Tweets Criticized by Trump I have seen a lot of reports that suggests that the US military are the ones who either manufactured this virus or had something to do with it and it's distribution of it. At this point in time, I'm not discounting anything because it's all possible. And no one theory is any more insane than the next. They all seem plausible. 

How Rituals and Focus Can Turn Isolation Into a Time for Growth  Finally an article that's more uplifting than filled with despair. 

Coronavirus traces found in Massachusetts wastewater at levels far higher than expected   Now they're actually starting to clue into the fact that there's probably a lot more people who have the virus than the numbers show.

Government documents reveal a slow start to Canada's COVID-19 response   The excuses and ineptitudes listed here are staggering, just this excerpt alone should be enough to raise your eyebows in disbelief: 

Public health officials questioned the accuracy of media reports out of the city of Wuhan, in Hubei, suggesting that the virus was spreading through person-to-person contact.
"Based on the latest information that we have, there is no clear evidence that the virus is easily transmitted between people," a Jan. 19 briefing note prepared for Hajdu said.

Now the next two are about the economy and are rather depressing (no pun intended) to say the least:

Charts & Graphs From the Canadian Governments

As they're pretty much self explanatory, I won't be commenting on them unless needed and am just uploading them one after the other for your perusal. 

Canadian Federal Country-wide Projections


Alberta's Projections

Ontario's Projections

Quebec's Projections


Saskatchewan's Projections


If you see any errors in here please let me know. Too tired to proof read it right now and won't be able to tomorrow (or I should say later on today).

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