Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Super Exhausted But Still Trying to Wade Through Tons of Backlogged Headlines About ....



May 10, 2022

As you might've gathered by the picture chosen for the post this time, I'm super happy, but exhausted. In fact, chances are I might fall asleep on the keyboard here before I finish even though I was given a double espresso this morning to wake me up earlier than usual, so I could start my day, because we had a lot to do, as it's our first get together since Legault put the kibash on our gatherings back in December.
 We decided to have smoked meat sandwiches for supper in our front yard with our neighbour friends (not the NHL hockey puck heads next door, but the other neighbours who are our friends). 
So one neighbour brought over a table that we used to set the food, plates and utensils up on and some pickles and coleslaw to go with the meal and the other neighbours brought some soft drinks to go with it. We went through pretty much a half a brisket between the 6 of us. One couple wanted to take some of the meat back with them for their lunch tomorrow and for their dogs (they have 3 dogs and I love every one of them). There's still meat left out of that half for us for our lunch or snacks if we want it. 
But it was a frenzy of activity from us and the other neighbours that supplied the extra table and some of the cutlery and glasses (they were all disposable - yeah I know not eco conscious at all - but we already had them from years ago, so might as well use them and then throw them out as opposed to just throwing them out unused. No?). They all got immediately excited when we broached the idea to them in email. There was a flurry of emails back and forth between the 3 of us about who should do what and when.... So I could tell everyone was excited for this kind of event.
It was a spur of the moment thing and we all got together to supply various parts of the meal and equipment and had a great time together. It was a beautiful evening for that too, with a light breeze, sunshine and hardly any bugs around. Though some mosquitoes were bugging one the men that were invited. We offered him some Muskol to put on, but he didn't want any. Guess insecticides and food don't go well together.  What also helped to tire me out, is I was primarily the legs of this operation - carrying everything in and out, and setting up all the chairs and taking them back again, and then sitting facing the sun with the sun in my eyes - so squinting for a large part of the evening. The sun on my face and in my eyes probably helped tired me out a bit too. So while it was tiring, it was fun and worth all the extra effort we put into it, I think. The first fun of the season. 
Well winter only really departed maybe 10 days ago and now we're into the "hell" portion of QC weather.... You know how I say hell freezes over because I live there? Well this is it.... It went from -2C about 10 days ago to +24C today and is going up to +30C (and we have no clue what the humidex will be then so it'll likely feel much hotter than that even still) by Friday.... So um yeah.... Welcome to hell... Typical QC weather. We have 1 week of spring and 1 week of autumn and the rest of the time it's either hell or it's frozen over.

Anyhow.... On with the trainload of headlines about this silly plandemic that never seems to end.... One day maybe I might catch up with them, but I have no clue when that will be.... So just stay tuned for as long as you can stand it and you might eventually see current headlines appearing here again...

America Is Running Out of Everything Yup same here, now, I guess.

Just 180 More Days Until Your Oven Arrives: Appliance Delays Cause Havoc That's why knowing how to repair your own appliances comes in handy. My husband had to do repairs on our dishwasher lately. He has before too, but this time it was crucial as we can't get another one in any timely fashion - at least not one that we actually want or can afford.

What is frozen shoulder? Symptoms, treatment and a possible pandemic connection. Oh of course, according to all the hysterical morons out there, EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED TO COVID EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING TO EVERYTHING AND MORE OF EVERYTHING. Just look at the news. Anything that's wrong or gone wrong or people can't come up with an explanation for, it's because of COVID naturally. I mean give me a break about this one.  
I can guarantee you this girl has been resting her arm in an unnaturally high position (maybe a higher than usual armrest on a chair she sits in for long hours - like an office chair with armrests and because she uses a mouse with one hand the other isn't really used much and so rests on the armrest) and that is probably the cause of the whole problem. If she rests her arm in her lap or does other things like  type with both hands for most of the time assuming her desk is proper height for that, she wouldn't have that problem. 
I had that problem once and that was when we had our other dachshund. He insisted on sitting on my lap whenever and wherever I sat down - even if it was while I was on the computer typing and he would lie upside down on his back in my arms - he'd actually fling himself onto his back on my left arm and make me hold him like a baby like in that position while I was holding him. So because I couldn't hold my elbow in midair with his weight on my arm, I rested my elbow on the armrest of my chair which is a tad too high for me. So whenever I tried to reach behind my back (even to clasp my hands behind my back) it hurt like hell in my shoulder too. After he died, and I no longer did that, I didn't have that problem anymore. It went away because I no longer needed to rest my elbow on that tad too high armrest, for long periods of time. Just to prove not everything is caused by or related to covid.



Now, Flying Microchips Are Headed Our Way  There's a supply chain shortage for microchips for everything from computers to cars, but yet they can make microchips to fly around in the air, ostensibly to monitor the air, and presumably because of covid amongst other things, but who says they aren't also watching us as the sub headlines infers? But yet they can't make microchips for things we actually need, because "there's a shortage". Funny doesn't seem to be any shortages here though....
U.S. Job Growth Falls to Slowest Pace of Year  The headlines date of this article is Oct 8, 2021

7% of Israel’s serious COVID cases had three vaccine shots  Which were basically all Pfizer, probably as that was the vaccine of choice Israel chose to use. So that only goes to show you how lousey that vaccine is, if after being inoculated THREE TIMES with the vaccine, there are STILL SERIOUS COVID CASES DESPITE THAT, THERE'S A PROBLEM WITH THE VACCINE. It DOES NOT APPEAR TO WORK THAT WELL.

COVIDIOTS No-jab celebrities paying £750 for FAKE Covid passports so they can appear on TV shows They probably make more than that for their appearance on the TV show, so it's worth it to them.


Are COVID-19’s big waves over? Experts are split  It doesn't look like it from where I'm sitting here on May 10, 2022. 

Thousands march in Rome to protest workplace vaccine rule  If that were here in Canada, sheitehead in Ottawa would've called the army in with tanks to run them over like the rulers he admires did in Tienanmen Square, considering he had cops on horseback run little old ladies over with their horses during the Trucker protests. 



Lawyers brace for first wave of layoffs related to COVID-19 vaccine mandates I hope these aren't law school students or legal aid lawyers, but rather lawyers that are familiar with and defenders of constitutional rights. And I hope they stick it to the gov't so good Mr. Turdo doesn't know if his ash hole is bored or burnt.

Preliminary Ontario data shows lasting COVID-19 vaccine efficacy  That is ONLY BECAUSE THEY INDISCRIMINATELY MIXED BOTH THE PFIZER & MODERNA DATA TOGETHER! IF they separated them like they did for the other vaccines you'd see that PFIZER FAILS MISERABLY IN COMPARISON TO MODERNA!  as per this ....

Canada's overworked healthcare sector brace for staff shortages as vaccine mandates loom That was mostly threatened but never implemented here in QC. Which infuriated my daughter-in-law as she had no plans to get vaccinated (she's a nurse), but was told she would be laid off or put on unpaid leave if she wasn't vaccinated by such and such a date (don't remember exact date now), so reluctantly she got vaccinated in order to keep working, but she really didn't want to and still regrets doing it, but it's done now and so can't be undone.


Global National: Oct. 10, 2021 | Loose COVID rules in Canadian Prairies prompt Thanksgiving concerns

New Covid-19 cases continue to drop Until they drop to 0 and stay there, there's no cause for celebration as far as I'm concerned.

How disagreements over vaccination and COVID-19 have ripped apart these Alberta families Maybe before hanging friends and family members out to dry for their views on anything to do with this plandemic, they should edjumekate themselves first as they're obviously oblivious about the whole issue as nothing is cut and dried over this plandemic especially anything to do with the vaccines as they're still no better than snake oil elixir as far as this ex-nurse is concerned. If they were worth their salt as vaccines there would be no breakthrough infections and people who've had both doses wouldn't need umpteen million more booster shots to stay protected either. Look at all other vaccines from the past. ALL OF THEM WERE WAY MORE EFFECTIVE THAN ANY OF THESE VACCINES HAVE BEEN EVEN WITH THE BAZILLION DOSES NEEDED TO KEEP FENDING THE VIRUS OFF. But IF ANY ONE OF THEM CAME CLOSE TO THAT GOAL THEN THE REST OF THEM HAVE THAT WOULD BE MODERNA, from all I've read about them - and I can pretty much safely say I've probably read more than the average Canadian has, or journalist too for that matter. 

Or else the journalists aren't doing their work - as in querying blanket statements about certain things like when Pfizer gets up on their bandstand and starts bragging about how great they are. If there are journalists there in the audience that have done their homework, they'd know that was an outright lie and grill them about it. Instead they seem to accept it as fact and publish it as such. So either they aren't doing their jobs as journalists or they have no clue about it and so accept it as fact. Either way they aren't fit to be reporting about it, if they don't know their facts or don't challenge bald faced lies especially when it's detrimental to the public's health, like that. Or.... And this would connotate that they're on the take.... Either accepting bribes from certain companies to report it as fact (in which case that should be a paid advertisement and not a news story) or have a vested interest in the companies - such as being a shareholder of that company. That's the only way I can see that... Either they're lying because of money involved to them or their news organization, or they're lazy or just ignorant. So not at all qualified to report on such things to the public. And that's why there's so many ignorant people out there as well - because they're relying on the BS the fake journalists are reporting as news.

‘The system isn’t working,’ says B.C. mom of 9-day COVID-19 school exposure notification delay I don't get that.... When my kids went to school the moment there was a case of chickenpox or lice in the school, letters were sent out to parents that very day or the next day at the latest. So what's going on now, that it takes that long to send notifications out to parents?

'Important measures' coming for 15,000 unvaccinated Quebec health-care workers, minister says In hindsight we can now say that was a HUMONGOUS PILE OF UNADULTERATED BS 💩💩💩, as no such things happened. Which like I said infuriated my daughter-in-law no end. 

Grenada PM's message for Canadian tourists amid pandemic: 'Please come'

Southwest Air Pilots Seek to Block Covid Vaccination Mandate 

Sydney starts to live with covid after 106-day lockdown. First stop: The pub.

Inside Melbourne’s eternal lockdown 

Masks Are Changing How Kids Interact

Smoking marijuana could lead to breakthrough COVID cases, study finds  

Merck requests FDA authorization for COVID-19 antiviral pill 

Hundreds of thousands of U.S. troops have not yet complied with vaccine mandate as deadlines near Maybe because they know the gov't is bluffing because if all those troops were thrown out of the military, the US - the country that likes to stir up the hornet's nests the most - would be left pretty much defenceless. 

The Scariest Part of Halloween This Year Is the Supply Chain 

Unvaccinated family members infect lung transplant recipient with COVID-19 

Past Covid infection plus vaccination gives greater protection, study suggests It's probably got more to do with the past infection than the lousey vaccines. 

Most Alberta offenders sentenced to weekends in jail, now serving at home due to pandemic

French study shows vaccination is highly effective against Covid and its variants 

Torontonians 12 and over will have to show proof of vaccination for indoor sports 

Foreign travelers with COVID-19 vaccines approved by FDA, WHO can enter the US in November 

U.S. administers nearly 402 million COVID-19 vaccine doses, CDC says 

Key COVID-19 numbers in the Ottawa area today  Oct 10, 2021

Pushback grows as vaccine mandates become more widespread in Canada I wonder why...

Peace officers keep watch over Saint John church service

COVID-19 outbreak declared at N.W.T. Legislative Assembly after 6 test positive, new exposures identified 

$1 device developed in Halifax that helps detect COVID-19 in sewers drawing global interest

AstraZeneca antibody cocktail study shows success treating COVID-19 

EU assesses Regeneron/Roche COVID-19 antibody cocktail for authorisation

Risk of dangerous blood clots linked to moderate COVID-19; high-dose blood thinner can prevent clots 

Texas governor bars all COVID-19 vaccine mandates in state, rips Biden for 'bullying'

COVID Variant Medical Detectives Deploying To San Francisco International 

Gas prices skyrocket as the global energy crisis worsens They think the prices sky-rocketted then... eh? Yet they were nowhere near the deep space prices we're seeing now.

In search for covid origins, Hubei caves and wildlife farms draw new scrutiny

B.C.'s vaccine card fails to show 2 doses for some as deadline approaches for full vaccination 

More vaccines, climate help needed for poorer nations, say UN, Non-Aligned Movement 

This is where I'm leaving it tonight as I can barely see through my eyes now Can't struggle to stay awake any longer. Will be back again soon with more headlines, so stay tuned.

In the meantime remember BOYCOTT Metro, Metro Plus and Metro Richelieu stores. If you have a claim that you wish to make against them for injury or loss sustained because of their negligence you're more than welcome to join the class action lawsuit I wish to launch against them. You can visit the blog mentioned here:  Metro Injury 'n' Loss Victims, or write:
Until next time take care and stay well.....