Sunday, August 8, 2021

Neverending Waves & Long Conversations About.....



August 7, 2021

I didn't get much accomplished today, that's for sure. I called my son to ask him a simple question, totally unrelated to the plandemic but somehow we got onto that topic and he never let go. My ear is still ringing and sore and as I type this particular sentence it's 8:11pm and I called him around 1:30pm to ask the question.  Which I almost forgot to ask because of all the tangents we went off on.  All of them to do with the plandemic and what's afoot here in QC now with the gestapo like tactics with the passport and all. 

I also asked him, because his wife is a nurse and now they're thinking of making medical personnel in the province get vaccinated, what his wife will do in that event (as she doesn't want to get vaccinated) and he said "well she'll have no choice, but she doesn't want to, that's for sure". So I asked him if he'd get vaccinated and he said no, not unless the government forces him to. Because then if anything happens to him he can hold them responsible and I said good luck with that, look what happened to the thalidamide kids. They got left high and dry and screwed by the government for the most part. 

He said that there's maybe a rumour (or maybe it's true) going around the medical community about a doctor who was being coersed to write that a car accident victim died because of covid19 on the death certificate and he was so adamant that he was going to write the truth on the death certificate that he actually got into a yelling match with the person trying to make him indicate it was a covid19 death on the death certificate instead of what it really was. So I thought yeah, just what the gov't & hospital wants as it would benefit both of them, but really screw the family over big time. The gov't would win because then they wouldn't have to pay that insurance that goes to vehicular accident victims here in Quebec (or for the death of the accident victim) and the hospital probably gets a certain amount of money for all the covid patients and deaths they handle (like mandated by the CDC in the US - the document about that is linked on my blog - look for it in the sidebar, for proof). However the family of that accident victim would be screwed on any accidental life insurances that the victim may have had, and for the insurance paid by the QC gov't for road related deaths here in QC. So if anyone has a relative that you know died by accident and the doctor is wanting to put covid as the cause of death on the death certificate ask that doctor how much they value their medical license and if they'd like to lose it or not. And if they still won't put the real cause of death on the death certificate then report that doctor and what they did to the Canadian College of Physicians and the media and have the media investigate. See they're not afraid of the College or ombudsmen or anyone else because they basically protect doctors, but the media not so much.... The media love stories about crooked, lax, incompetant, negligent or deviant doctors.

Anyhow he made a whole lot of valid points, saying why do the vaccinated people care whether he gets vaccinated or not, as they're already vaccinated, so it shouldn't bother them any if he does or he doesn't. It's him that's going to get sick and maybe die, not them. It's not going to make them better or worse because he gets vaccinated or doesn't. That they can still get into places that he can't (which he finds goes against his rights and freedoms and is even thinking of hiring a consitutional lawyer to look into such things and will hire one if it impinges on his right to vote in wobby eye's soon to be called election).  

Like me, he figures that the vaccine passports are going to be used for all kinds of things, but he wasn't thinking as nefarious as I was, when I said before it could be used for tracking people etc. He thinks that it's going to contain things like your whole medical pedigree and all your future vaccines like flu vaccines and academic standings and maybe work history along with maybe "credits" like the Chinese use for "good little citizens" who tow the party line and do everything the gov't wants them to do and maybe also all the bad things - like all the outstanding tickets and jail time and maybe if you've protested in the past etc... In other words a person's whole life history kind of deal. Then depending on what that passport contains will determine the rights and services that person has - like if they didn't get this year's annual flu shot then they can be denied entry to bars and restaurants like the covid unvacinated are now, or if they were at a protest rally in the past and it shows on the passport, denied entrance to all sorts of things from concerts and theme parks to anything major etc... 
That's what he thinks it'll wind up being used for unless enough people protest it and refuse to use it and as a consequence business owners start losing a lot more business than they expected because of the passport, because of the vaccinate who care about civil liberties refusing to use the one they have to get into restaurants and bars and just stays home instead.  Which is precisely what anyone who cares about our rights and freedoms in this country ought to do. Just refuse to even use it at all. 
Just stay home, and order the food, buy a cartload of booze at the SAQ and have home get togethers with friends instead of going out. In the end it'll be cheaper. Think of all the money you'll save just on drinks alone. Why have just 3 beer when you can have a case of 24 for the price of those 3 beers and tips? Why pay gazillions of dollars for popcorn and drinks and tickets when you can buy a 2l bottle of soft drink and a ton of popcorn kernels for the price of one drink at the cinema? Why squirm in uncomfortable seats and miss half the movie while waiting in line at the washroom, when you can sit comfortably with your feet up, knees up, crossed, lying down or however you want and have the movie paused for you while you go to the washroom?  Instead of being limited to coke you can have a rum and coke to drink and no one can throw you out. If you have a comment to make or something to say you won't have half the auditorium shushing you either. 

Gawd as a parent of 2 kids, who was on disability with only one parent making a gainful income we had to find creative ways to not only give our kids a kind of "social" life (I mean kind of like kids would normally have in an extended family with grandparents and lots of aunts, uncles and cousins in the area - similar to family gatherings and the like) even though we didn't have any family in the area to do that with and to make our kids not feel so "left behind the times" (as in missed out on things like seeing popular movies or events etc...). So we got creative in that sense. Instead of family because there was none in the area, we invited friends (of our own and our kids) over to partake of celebrations and activities. For instance almost every weekend we'd have a family who's kids were friends with ours, over for dinner and maybe a movie or a board game that all could enjoy. It switched up, I mean we weren't always the ones having everyone over all the time. They reciprocated too, so that we'd go to their place one week and someone else's another week and so on.  Sometimes it was a potluck where the invited were asked to bring something - maybe it was the rented movie, or the snacks, and someone else the dessert, or the wine,  etc... So our son said he's used to doing things that way and he still does things that way. Even though they have no kids - that's basically how they have fun with their friends on a regular basis. They (and their friends) like it like that. It's not so costly nor rigid and a lot more informal and comfortable.  
So he thinks if enough people do that, and refuse to use their passports eventually the businesses that are required to use those things, will just tell the gov't they've lost too much business relying on those things and they just simply refuse to be bothered with the passport BS anymore. 

I'd be surprised though if the people who are fully vaccinated did that though as I think most of them are blithely unware of the gravity of any of this. They see their cute little QR codes and think "oh that's nice" and "what could be the harm in showing this anyhow, it's not as if the guy who's using his scanner can read it himself" and just blindly follow along not realizing all the ways it could be used to not only open doors for them, but close them to them, punish them, and track them or even apprehend them if they're wanted for anything even as mundane as outstanding traffic tickets. So it starts (as a way to get people to accept and use them) as providing some kind of benefit to the user, which will eventually (I'd say quickly going by Gestapo Barbie's machinations in the past) morph into a tool to be used by the gov't that can be used for and against us, depending on their agenda. Given this gov't who knows what that agenda might be? They change their mind and mandates from one minute to the next.

I know people don't realize or know any of this, because my husband and I were at a restaurant recently and the waitress serving us was a university student studying microbiology and just as a small talk quip I said "so you're going to be able to find out if that virus was man made or natural then?" and she said "hmm mmm", I said I bet it's man made and then I told her the history of Gilead Sciences and the Wuhan labs and the fight over the patent on redemsivir in 2016. Her eyebrows shot up and she was flabbergasted and said "2016"? I said yup and she said well then they not only knew about the virus then they were working with it before then. I said "yup, I came to that conclusion too". 
There were a couple of senior ladies sitting in the booth behind me and they both stopped talking - I guess in order to listen to our conversation - as they were silent the whole time we talked to that waitress about the virus and other events our governments as in Canadian and American gov'ts did to their own people. Which everyone (the waitress and ladies) all knew about the events that transpired but didn't know the whyfores and wherefores behind the scenes, but that I found out while doing research for this talk show host in the US. I talked about the plandemic and about the accusations the gov't has about conspiracies etc out there, and how all or almost all of these so-called conspiracies were started by the blamestream media themselves and I had the links on my blog to prove it. So then she asked for my blog URL and I can never remember it, so couldn't really give it to her but told her how to find it if she can. Going to have to remedy that and type the URL out on a sheet of paper a few times and cut each instance of it out to hand out to those who are interested. Because just from that little experience with the ladies in the booth behind me, I know they're at least curious if not outright interested in what might be behind all of this. I think the reason they stopped talking and started listening was because it was maybe shocking and surprising to hear what I was saying that they maybe never figured any of that could be the case. I know I heard one gasp when I said that Tam, Mr. Dressup and Haggydodo needs to go before a Human Rights Tribunal for crimes against humanity, genecide and senicide in specific.  
But maybe it'll put things in a new perspective for them and they'll start examining things a bit closer before so blithely acquiescing to all the gov't demands.

I think maybe if enough people knew what was really going on and what kind of harm that passport could do to them (even if it allows them access to their favourite restaurant now - that may not always be the case - especially if they cross a gov't line or dare to speak up for their rights), they might be more reluctant to go along with things. Or at least I would hope so. People need to resist this draconian BS before it's too late. So tell your friends to come pay my blog a visit  for the scoop on things, to do with this plandemic - copy & paste the URL (the http address shown in the "goto" line of your browser - usually at the top) into an email and send it to all your friends and acquaintences, to try to wake them up to what's really going on out there. It's all documented and linked to all the pertinent information and articles. None of it is made up by me. It's all bonafide lamestream media information and links.
Now on with more of the headlines that never seems to end. I know I won't be getting anywhere near the end of them tonight, but I'll do whatever I can. Which is more than I ever intended to be doing this late in the year, considering I wanted to stop on March 16th. But lookit me, here I am still struggling on with this neverending BS that only seems to be getting worse and worse if you believe all the headlines out there....
C.D.C. Internal Report Calls Delta Variant as Contagious as Chickenpox And as dangerous as chickenpox too? If that's the case then it's not very dangerous, it's more of an aggravation kind of disease than a serious one. Yes in later years it can cause shingles which is more serious in the way of pain and rashes it causes, but most kids don't suffer anything more severe than a slighly elevated temperature and itchy rash (that leaves pox marks when scratched). As with other illnesses, if there are other health related factors it could cause serious health problems or possibly death. Though death is a rareity. Though today there is a vaccine against it. There wasn't even as little time ago as when I had my kids. My daughter had it in 1987 and my son had it in 1994. Back then there was no vaccine against it and both kids were no worse for the wear. I would hazard a pretty good guess and say that most readers of this blog had the chickenpox and so know what I'm talking about. So in essence if it's as contagious as chickenpox and accounts for the same amount of deaths or similar in amount as chickenpox, then all the measures, vaccines and passports are nothing but smoke and mirrors and a whole lot of BS to f us and our lives over with. That's all.

Dr. Scott Gottlieb estimates up to 1 million Americans infected with Covid daily as delta spreads This quote taken from the story, makes you wonder why we bothered getting vaccinated at all: 
“What it reflects is a reality where you have a highly transmissible variant that’s widely spread across the U.S. right now that’s spreading mostly in a population that’s either vaccinated and developing mild symptoms or no symptoms at all; or spreading in a younger population that’s also less likely to develop symptoms because they’re younger, healthier,” 
CDC mask decision followed stunning findings from Cape Cod beach outbreak As I said above, why'd we even bother? Seems to me there's almost no sense to put ourselves at the risk of having unknown and unproven mRNA vaccine injections when we can still get the virus anyhow. We might as well have waited for the J&J vaccine, or subjected ourselves to the Astra Zeneca clot causing vaccine,  instead of putting unknown replicating RNA substances inside our bodies on the belief that they would protect us from covid19, when in actual fact, that's not the case. This actually makes the case for anti vaxxers.
Simple mouthwash test for COVID just as accurate as nasal swabs This should've been a no-brainer. But even that seems to be too many brains for those running this COVID19 BS plandemic show.

NYC considering vaccine mandate for all restaurants Like I said before.... And so it starts...

Sydney readies for the army as lockdown fails to squash Delta outbreak Dictators'R'Us running Australia now I see... I suppose when you're a wanna be dictator any excuse to be able to quash rights and take over becomes too irresistable to you and you just have to find a way to take advantage of such a situation as it's basically like a wet dream for all wanna be Hitlers, Pinochets, Stalins, Chairman Maos, Castros, and all other hardline dictators and they just can't help it. And Australia fancies itself a democracy eh? With democracies like that, who needs authoritarianism and absolute dictatorship? Hope Legault and his Gestapo Barbie aren't watching their tactics and taking notes because we're apt to see the same sheite just different territory here.

CDC says vaccinated people should get tested after being exposed even if they show no symptoms Good gawd almighty! When and where does this nonsensical BS end????? So everytime someone has a blister on the bottom of their foot now (yes apparently athletes foot is another sign you have covid), a sniffle, a scratchy throat, or headache, apparently they need to get tested. Well geeze Louise, I had a migraine yesterday. Does that mean I might have covid too? Ummm.... I think not. I think this is all a bit much now, insisting that everytime you turn around and get a hangnail or fart you need to get tested.
Government extends pandemic recovery programs and business supports Yup but meanwhile they're clawing back money from seniors on their OAS payments. Because apparently $2,000 a month is too much money for a senior couple to manage all on their own. That's too big a sum for them to fathom what to do with it all. Like rent/mortgage, utilities, phone, medicine, gas or bus passes (whatever mode of transportation is used), food, the odd piece of needed clothing or footwear, maybe care providers or odd job workers (for those who can't cut their own grass anymore or need a floor board nailed down but can't get down on their hands and knees to do it themselves anymore, and things like that) doesn't take care of most if not all of it already. So the gov't has to claw some of that back apparently. Instead of clawbacks they should be GIVING THE SENIORS MORE MONEY TO LIVE ON AS THE COST OF LIVING HAS INCREASED DRASTICALLY DUE IN LARGE PART TO THE PLANDEMIC APPARENTLY!!!!! But of course, they're rather help everyone else except the seniors.
Worker pay rises strongly as businesses fight to fill jobs hehehehe.... I love it! This plandemic backfired on the pricks who planned it! They thought by upending the economy & forcing people out of work that they'd all be groveling for a paycheque by the end of it and would accept any old pittance just to have a job. Doesn't look like that's the case, now, does it!?! 😀 

New York's Broadway mandates vaccines, masks for all shows and more sheeple following the flock off the edge of the cliff...

SELF LOVE IS THE DRUG Can masturbating REALLY boost your immune system and fight Covid? Ah, why not.... I've had all kinds of other wacky headlines and theories posted in here.... So why not this one too? 

Nanjing: New virus outbreak worst since Wuhan, say Chinese state media Good! It'll serve them right if it decimates their population! That's what they get for releasing it on the world in the first place! Well there's one bright side to this.... If it decimates their population that'll be that many less of the rest of the world's populations that Gates and Schwab want to get rid of, so maybe they'll pull the REAL vaccine out of their hats and offer it to the world then. In the meantime we've been given bogus vaccines that only do half-ashed jobs if at all.
Covid-19 pandemic: Japan widens emergency over 'frightening' spike Well um duh... What'd they think was going to happen anyhow, when they decided to go ahead and hold the games  there despite the plandemic with several atheletes that weren't inoculated, and the variants running amok? 💉

Canada is heading towards a 'Delta-driven' fourth wave, Tam says  And a 5th wave, and a 6th wave, and 7th wave and on it goes, onwards to infinity, after all an 8 is an upright infinity sign.
Canada doesn’t need vaccine boosters yet, but planning for possibility: Tam Oh BS. This one lies so much she could actually be employed as a professional  rug. She'd make a better rug than she does a doctor that's for sure! Of course they'll say we need booster shots (whether we do or not is totally irrelevant) because that's what Israel and the US says and the drug manufacturers say (which incidentally is in their financial interest to say - if anyone can't see or understand that then there's no hope for them at all). 

Alberta's health minister says chief medical officer came up with plan to lift all COVID-19 orders What a piece of inbred chicken excrement this one is! Making her take the fall for his chicken sheitedness! AFTER HE WAS SWARMED ON CANADA DAY WITH HIS FAMILY, HE EXPECTS US TO BELIEVE IT WAS HER DOING??????? I F'N DOUBT IT!!!!!! THE INBRED IDIOTIC LIEYER THAT HE IS IS THE ONE THAT DECIDED THIS AFTER THE SWARMING & HIS FEAR OF IT HAPPENING AGAIN! SO ****HIS***** AND HIS REACTION ALONE WAS TO LIFT ALL RESTRICTIONS OUT OF ********F  E  A  R******* !!!!! I can guarantee you that Hinshaw had NOTHING TO DO WITH IT, EXCEPT FOLLOW THE F FACE'S ORDERS - BECAUSE HE IS HEALTH MINISTER (EVEN THOUGH HIS EXPERTISE IS LAW & NOT MEDICINE)!!!!!!! When I see cowardly liars like this, ESPECIALLY MEN who try to MAKE WOMEN TAKE THE FALL FOR THEIR F'N COWARDNESS & DECISIONS, I see red. No wonder the sheite face got swarmed!!! Especially if this is how he operates on a regular basis!!!!!!! If that's the case he DESERVED IT!!!!! Maybe some others in this country need similar treatment in order to get the message that enough is enough.

Vaccinated Canadians feel entitled to ‘greater freedoms’ than non-vaccinated: poll  Not if it means having to have an electronic passport and not merely a paper document for eyes only. I refuse to use an electronic passport that can be captured and used for so many things by gov'ts, employers, insurance companies, doctors, the cops and you name it, each with their own agendas.

Tens of thousands of Quebec students still not vaccinated against COVID-19, some refusing altogether I can't say as I blame them. Knowing what I know now about the Delta variant attacking the vaccinated the way it's doing, I don't think I'd have gotten inoculated either, given the apparent futility of it all.

New Brunswick goes green; report seven new cases of COVID-19 Friday  Good for them! I hope they're able to maintain that status!


This form allows you to obtain your electronic proof of vaccination and to register for the Win to be vaccinated contest.  The QC site where you can get your electronic proof of vaccination aka QR code and register for their contest to win different prizes.

Canadian economy likely grew 0.7% in June as COVID-19 measures were lifted Covid measures were lifted eh? Really? You mean being able to go to a restaurant or bar with my husband and another friend was a big give back of freedoms? How about me being allowed to congregate with as many people as I wish in whatever venue I wish, whether that's a church, a park, a concert hall, movie theatre, my own home or backyard or restaurant or bar????? Allowing me in some place under the same conditions as I was allowed in October & November is not lifting covid measures as they were still in force but not as stringent. Masks and physical distancing and limits on numbers of people and in certain venues ARE STILL IN FORCE HERE IN QC! I personally haven't seen any covid restrictions that haven't been around at one time or another since the beginning of the plandemic being lifted. 

StatCan data shows youth unemployment rates have risen during the COVID-19 pandemic And this is a surprise? How? It's always the ones with the least amount of experience or at the bottom of the echelon that gets let go first, or are slow to be hired.

Four vaccinated adults, two unvaccinated children test positive for COVID on Royal Caribbean ship I pity the other passengers and crew stuck aboard that floating petri dish with them.

WHO: The world is blind to where COVID is and how it’s changing Well Tedros we wouldn't have to be worrying about this now, if instead of conveying the message at the beginning of this nightmare, you'd have conveyed the exact opposite message that you did. Instead of telling countries to not close their borders, you screamed loud and clear "CLOSE THE GATE", "CLOSE THE GATE", "CLOSE THE GATE" like in Game of Thrones and told everyone to shut their borders until that virus ran it's course and petered out. Instead you lump of excrement with hair on top, what'd you do???? You told all the countries to NOT SHUT THEIR BORDERS. Um f'n duh. You have NO RIGHT TO CALL YOURSELF A DOCTOR LET ALONE BE THE HEAD OF THE WHO!!!!!!!!!!! You should be tried for mass genecide and gross negligence in your duties causing such!!!!!!  Whether you like it or not!!!!!


Study: Vaccinated people can carry as much virus as others It almost makes it pointless to get vaccinated.

To get shots in arms, governments turn to money in pockets I guess if bribery doesn't work, he'll make it mandatory for everyone to be vaccinated.



'The sky is not falling': Provincetown outbreak shows vaccines work, even against Delta If they didn't work at all, I'd question what the gov'ts wasted their money on, if it was just phials full of water or what. So they'd better work somewhat or else the whole thing wasn't only a waste of time, money & effort on people's part to go get vaccinated, it was a total fraudulent scam by the pharmaceutical companies, otherwise.

WHO expert: Delta variant poses stark choice between behavior change or 'more lockdowns'  Personally I don't see the difference. We basically have the same measures now as we did when we had lockdowns sans bars that is. But we don't go to bars to begin with. Otherwise, most of the good restaurants we'd like to go to are still closed and we have to order take out or delivery from them  and the rest, who did open still do delivery anyhow. So basically I don't see a difference. 

Investigation after woman sent 'appalling' text by COVID contact tracer asking if she was single Yup with this nonsense of contract tracing and now the QR code passport we're apt to see a lot more incidents like this, only some of them may not be so polite. Some might actually be scary and depending on the info in the QR code and if they have a way to read it or not (and I know that the ones here in QC have already been proven to be  hackable and read) they might see more than just your phone number, they might have access to your entire life story and addresses to your home and work as well. So in that case, you never know what can happen and the more people we have to show it to, the more chances something bad can happen.

My fingers feel like they're getting ready to fall off and I'm going slightly cross-eyed from staring at the screen for so long now. So I'm quitting for now. Until next time take care and stay safe. 

Please Remember to spread the link to my blog to all your friends and acquaintances to enlighten and inform them about what's really going on in regards to this plandemic. Just copy & paste what you see in the line in your browser at the top of the page that starts with https:// into a message to send to all your friends the same way you'd cc a funny video or joke message to them.  Thank you for your help & support.