Thursday, March 11, 2021

Mixed Messages, Mixed Emotions & Mixed Headlines About....



March 11, 2021

Not much to say about today, other than it's nice outside, with +11C temps, but still knee deep snow on the ground slowly melting off, only to refreeze into ice at night when the temperatures drop. 
Other than that, it's a downer for me. For the most part I try not to let myself get depressed. Anger, frustration, ambivalence, yes, no problem there, the news about this plandemic has those effects on me, but never depression. Today however it's different. 
I think because my husband is driving it by playing invalid like he's got both feet in the grave up to his kneecaps. All he needs to do is lie down and it'll be fait accomplit according to him. I don't know what's gotten into him all of a sudden and the fact that I sat on hold for 2 solid hours while trying to call our family doctor, to try to make an appointment for him (which I never managed to do) isn't doing anything to lift my mood. 
Then it was specified on the QC gov't's site that caregivers could get their appointments for the vaccine, along with the seniors who were eligible so he said for me to make an appointment for him, if I could also  get my shot then too, as his caregiver. So I made the appointment for him (supposed to do the senior first apparently & then the caregiver's app't according to instructions on the gov't website) and when I entered the data for me, as his caregiver it rejected it and said I can't make the appointment. So now he doesn't want to go to his either.
Some days it just feels like I'm trying to wade through a quagmire of quicksand and getting nowhere except dragged further down into it. This is one of those days I guess, despite all the optimistic news articles out there, it just doesn't feel all that great to me.
Now on with the optimistic, depressing, infuriating, happy, and otherwise blaise news articles...
Fauci Struggles to Explain Why Vaccinated Americans Shouldn’t Travel: Without ‘Actual Evidence,’ You’ve ‘Got to Make a Judgment Call’ Well it's normal for medical professionals (except in some cases like Tam's that is if you want to call that witch doctor a medical professional) to err on the side of caution when they're not sure what to recommend, they'll usually always recommend the safest methods of proceeding. 
Brazil, Hit by Covid-19 Variant, Surpasses U.S. in Daily Cases and Deaths  This is a super scary variant that needs to be contained one way or another. We can't let this one, the UK & SA variants run rampant in our countries.

Okay..... Isn't that bordering on becoming a police state? I mean if the mandate has ended, then cops are arresting people who aren't breaking any laws, and forgive me for thinking this, but isn't that illegal? And shouldn't the cops making those arrests be arrested themselves for illegal arrests? Just a thought...  But one more to add to my already long list of why I've turned against cops and seethe pretty much everytime I see one now. They're nothing more than highway robbing thugs with guns and badges (letting them get away with all their crimes), now. 
Explainer: Activists, drug groups in waiver war over COVID-19 shot patents There's a very simple solution to this problem. Do like the USSR did when they outlawed all patents and copyrights. There's no patents so it doesn't belong solely to one company or conglomerate anymore, now anyone and everyone can get the formula and reproduce it themselves without having to pay any royalty fees either. The WHO prides itself as being the WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION but it's f'n impotent organization that can't do a damned thing if companies and countries don't want to go along. So maybe the world court needs to get involved and issue a mandate making all COVID related medicine patents null and void and they automatically become public domaine so anyone can get and use the formulas to reproduce them for themselves and their country. That the only thing those entities would be allowed to charge for would be their costs of reproducing it and some profit, but not insane profit like pharmaceutical companies charge when trying to recoup research & development expenses.




Pollen level in air linked to COVID-19 rates; robust vaccine responses seen during pregnancy, lactation Yet another theory on why COVID is more contagious during certain periods of the year. Wondering which one/s will inevitably turn out to be the correct ones, because so far, I haven't seen or heard one theory that seems plausible.


Rapid increase in first jabs before the end of March, says minister  Wow! They really are going at it, aren't they!?!  

Advocates want governments to better support youth leaving foster care amid pandemic Pandemic or not, they should better support them anyhow. Lots of them haven't learnt any life skills and couldn't boil water without burning it, if their lives depended on it. So they probably need support in that area - to learn life skills that enables them to live on their own, like cooking, paying bills, banking related skills (like balancing a cheque book - even though we rarely use those anymore - it's to balance out what was paid, owed and left in the account etc...), maybe minor clothes repairs (like sew a button on, iron, mend a unsewn seam, or hole) do things like cleaning and laundry.... So they can take care of themselves and their living quarters and know what they're doing. Even young adults who leave their family homes are often clueless on a lot of those skills, but they still have their family that they can ask or rely on to help them figure it out, whereas those foster kids usually don't have anyone to help them like that. So the gov't could offer life skills support classes free of charge to foster kids, to help them learn those skills.

That's probably where the scientist from that Wuhan Lab released it to, to confuse and confound the health authorities who may eventually wind up trying to find the origins of it, especially considering the reported headlined story I posted the other day about the US Military knowing about them messing with a dangerous coronavirus in the Wuhan Labs back in 2018. 
But more than that.... Gilead Sciences & that lab were working on an antidote to the very same virus going around now, and must've had it completed by 2016 as that's when they started fighting over the patent rights on Redemsivir. Remember that? One of the very first treatments for this virus mentioned way back in early 2020? If not, go back through my archived pages here and you'll find it eventually. 
So, logic would dictate that they had and were working on it before 2016. I mean there's no other way around it. 
And why the "powers that be" can't seem to understand such a simple concept as that is beyond me. I mean how else would you make an antidote for a disease if you never heard, saw, knew of, or experimented with that disease before? It's not only super unlikely, it'd be impossible to see if your antidote worked against it or not, without having a sample of it to use to try it against. No? 
I mean come on now, how willfully blind, stupid, ignorant and asinine must these "powers that be" be anyhow????? 
They're obfuscating the issue and muddying the waters to try to make it harder to trace it back to the Wuhan Labs, on purpose, themselves - those supposedly doing the investigating. If they're not Chinese nationals then the question is "WHY?" Are they purposely trying to hide China's role in creating a biological weapon like this? Again WHY? I mean what does the investigating parties have to gain by absolving China from having any part in it's creation, when they clearly did create it with Gilead Sciences (An American company)?  Is that why? They don't want any suspicions led back to the US on this? Probably.... Because there's probably more than just Gilead Sciences behind this in the US. Maybe the military, Gates, WEF, Schwab,  and the president (who was probably Obama if the patents were already being applied for before Trump took office). See these are things we need to know but probably will never find out, for sure.
Senior Toronto scientists question 4-month delay of 2nd dose Finally some doctors somewhere in Canada are finally finding the guts to question the wisdom of the Art Teacher in Ottawa posing as our Health Minister and the Genocidal Witch Doctor posing as our Public Health Doctor of Canada. Just wish you guys had've found the courage needed to speak up against all the BS in the beginning in the way things were handled right from the start.
Her daughter has a mask exemption, but Chapters-Indigo wouldn't let her in So boycott them. Don't even think of buying anything there anymore in protest, is all I can say. I know that if I didn't have to eat, I'd start boycotting all the grocery stores around here now, with their fallen on their heads policies they're implementing. Like lining us up to the back of the freaking store, 6 feet apart and purposely only putting one cashier on the cashes while trying to force us to check our own groceries through their automatic check out counters. Nope no way Jose, if I'm doing your work for you I want to be paid for it. So if I have to now do my own checkout, pack, and take to car services, then I should be paid for it, as I'm saving the company the cost of 3 employees time to do their work for free. Super C in our area was doing that when we went shopping there the other day. It was near suppertime and we were lined up to the far front end and down the far aisle to the back of the store FOREVER meanwhile we have a half hour drive to get home before curfew time but the imbeciles that run that store either didn't care or were oblivious to that fact. Either way, management could NOT be found when we asked to speak to the manager. It was getting so close to the time we'd have to leave, that I was getting ready just to leave our grocery carriage there in line where we were and walk out of the store and let them put everything away, when another cash opened up and we were first in line for that cash.  I mean what kind of BS is that? When you have a line up to the back of the store near time everyone in that line should be leaving to get home before curfew isn't the time to put one cashier on and then force everyone to go learn how to do their own checkout. Trust me, I remember sheite stores pull on me and it's a long long long time before I go back there again, if I ever do. 
So it'll be awhile before I visit that Super C again and our local Metro store as well. I already refuse to go to Maxi's store so that basically only leaves IGA (Sobey's in the rest of Canada) to go to around here. It took me 20 years to step foot back in their store after some grievances I had with them awhile back, and I only went back to the store because the management had changed from the previous management that I had the grievance with. 
So same option there. Don't go back to that store and maybe make a complaint to their head office and see if that does any good. But don't hold your breath because I complained to Metro's head office a few weeks ago and still haven't heard anything back from them. So obviously they don't give a flying F, so why should I when it comes to shopping there? You might adopt the same attitude if they don't do anything to apologize or help you, too.
All the while the smaller stores are worrying and complaining about maybe going out of business, the bigger chain stores like Indigo/Chapters and Super C and Metro are busy sticking it to their customers, instead of treating them with decency and respect. Maybe the chain stores should be the ones going out of business in this plandemic and not the smaller ones. 
Maybe if they had the same hardships during this plandemic as the smaller stores have, they'd think  twice about how they treat their customers, and wouldn't be putting us through this sheite.


Full-time school for some grades, larger social bubbles as Yukon to ease COVID rules Since they're allowing all adults to get vaccinated now, I guess they can ease up on some rules. 

Fort Worth Republicans all oppose COVID relief package, saying there’s no need I guess if you're an elected politician in Texas, there's no need as you probably get a hefty enough salary coupled with all sorts of perks, that you don't need a relief package, but I bet there's plenty of citizens there who do, not only because of the plandemic and what that did to them and their incomes but also because of the recent damage they suffered due to the frozen and burst pipes many people endured during that deep freeze Texas went through recently.

Survey finds Canadian doctors fatigued by slow vaccine rollout  They're not the only ones. Everyone is, I'm sure. It's annoying, frustrating and starting to be a little bit scary when we have to take into consideration we might get hit with a third wave that was worse than the first two, without having been inoculated against even the original virus, yet, never mind the new strains going around. 

Huron Perth Public Health recommends booking COVID-19 vaccine appointments online  I hope that's easier to do there, than it is, here in QC. 

Legal challenge launched against Canada's federally mandated quarantine hotel policy Gawd! I hope they win. The gov'ts (all branches) have way over stepped their bounds during this plandemic, I think and I think this is just another example of that. This time I hope the court rules in the plaintiff's favour and not always on the side of the powermonger government again.

Oh of course "it's complicated" on such a simple question.... Seriously? How complicated can it get? Unless of course you're dealing with the likes of DuMbe and Dumber or Haggydodo, or maybe Tam the genocidal witch doctor, then of course everything's complicated to them. Tying their own shoes themselves is too complicated for them to do, so of course answering a simple question like that will require lots of help with the answer, as it's too complicated for them to figure it out on their own like that.
Food bank demand up last month, executive director says To me this is one of the more worrisome aspects of this plandemic, the poverty, homelessness and despair it's causing even for those who weren't affected by the actual virus itself. Things like this will live on in people's psyches even after they've recovered from the destitution, homelessness and despair, it'll change their lives forever. So that's why I think if you can afford to donate to Food Banks and charities/centres benevoles you should. Like my picture at the top of this post indicates, every little bit helps. 

I wish our family doctors here in QC were going to be involved in giving vaccines to their patients!  That way we might actually get to see ours without sitting on hold trying to get to talk to the secretary to make an appointment for over 2 hours (like what happened to me today). Ridiculous. There's no way it was that busy all afternoon. Someone there must've decided they didn't want to answer the phone and took it off hook, while they spent the afternoon filing their nails and picking their nose. So if our doctor was going to be involved in giving us the jab, we'd at least get to see her then and maybe get to alert her to our problems and hers (regarding the lazy secretaries she has working for her) if nothing else.

Quebec to expand vaccination to people 65 and up in Montreal area: health minister But not their caregivers if their caregivers are younger than them, DESPITE ALL THE EMPTY APPOINTMENT SLOTS BECAUSE NO ONE WANTS THEM. I mean hey why give the appointments and vaccines to younger care givers when you can let the appointments be vacant and not give the vaccine to anyone instead?  I guess it must work better that way in their mind, because they're saving a ton of money by NOT giving the vaccines out like that. They're so pathetically stupid in this province, it's unreal!!!!!!


Isn't that what this virus is? A Chinese biological attack? Sounds like it is, given all it's back history that we've found on it.
Pfizer vaccine proves effective against Brazil virus variant That's good to know I suppose. Now if it wasn't one of those mRNA vaccines that might be great!

For First Time Since Start Of Pandemic, Senior Living Residents Can Hug Loved Ones  See? It's not that difficult for Americans to figure out the answer to that question that's too complicated for Canadian officials to answer.... Doesn't say much for our level of intellect does it?  Gawd, it just makes me even more ashamed to admit I'm Canadian when I see the level of stupidity and uncertainty Canadians have brought to this plandemic. It's just downright embarrassing. 

Probably because they've had more than enough of staying home, I know I have.
'It’s a minefield': How public trust in Canada's top doctors is undermined by politics amid the COVID-19 pandemic Ohhhhhhhhh I don't think politics had anything to do with Tam's case.... Unless it was her politics regarding China, Chinese tourists and immigrants, because if she really is a doctor (and that's f'n doubtful as far as I'm concerned) she had way more medical knowledge than either of the other 2 nitwits in charge of Canada and it's health - aka Mr. Moron Monkeyface Dressup and Ms. Haggydodo the art teacher aka Health Minister, so she was the one basically in charge of letting the borders stay open at the critical juncture or closing them. She chose let them stay open so as not to offend the Chinese (but she had no qualms whatsoever about offending Canadians who's families had members that contracted the virus and later died from it). THEN SHE PURPOSELY told us to wash our hands and we'll be fine when she KNEW (and she can't deny that she knew because ALL CORONAVIRUSES ARE VIRUSES THAT ARE SPREAD VIA COUGHING AND SNEEZING - AS THEY ARE GENERALLY COLD VIRUSES) WE NEEDED MASKS TO PROTECT OURSELVES. SHE ACTUALLY DENIED THAT WE NEEDED THEM - WHICH WAS AN OUTRIGHT LIE & EVERYONE IN THE MEDICAL COMMUNITY KNEW IT BUT DID & SAID NOTHING ABOUT IT!  None of that had to do with Mr. Moron Monkeyface Dressup or Haggydodo because they wouldn't know their ash from their elbow about anything to do with anything about that. It was HER & ALL HER DOING ALONE!!!!!!! Mr. Moron Monkeyface Dressup and Haggydodo are complicit in it, because they went along with it and rubber stamped all her genocidal dictates, without even asking for a second opinion from another doctor before giving her genocidal dictates the go ahead.

OECD says Liberals should hardwire quality-of-life framework into pandemic budget Oh trust me they will but only for the lower upper class, women and kids. The rest of us can go drop dead as far as they're concerned.

COVID-19 end is near: Canada finally has a 'ticket out of the pandemic', one year after virus shut the country down When I finally see the end of it, I'll believe it. Meanwhile there's so many things that can go wrong, we might never see the end of it. 

AMC reported loss of $4.5 billion in 2020 as pandemic clobbered movie theater industry It's been a rough year all around. Lots of businesses suffered losses and still others totally went out of business because of the plandemic. None of this had to happen of course if the imbeciles in charge handled things the proper way things should be handled during pandemics. Instead they were all blindly following suggestions made by the imbeciles Gates and Schwab at the Event 201 forum they had. If you watch that video from that conference (if you can manage to stay awake long enough) they laid out everything from beginning to end about this virus, the ensuing plandemic and how to handle it. None of them referred to any medical references about how to handle it at all. What they wanted to do and did was destroy economies and the global economy at that. Which is what they did. None of it contained the virus though because their method of handling things wasn't to contain the virus it was to destroy livelihoods and businesses and the economy overall.

Canada on track to receive 36.4 million COVID-19 vaccine doses by July  Oh goody goody! NOT. I think I'll save my celebratory happy dance when I see them actually arrive. Until then it's just more pie in the sky promises from Mr. Moron Monkeyface Dressup, and nothing more. 

10,000 newly eligible Albertans book shots in hours as AstraZeneca vaccinations launch  I'd book our shots in hours too if I thought we could get that particular vaccine. But we can't - it's Pfizer or Moderna for us. 

‘We are clearly getting’ to a level of herd immunity: doctor  Not in Canada. Not yet, considering you need to have more than 10 people per province fully vaccinated, before you can even dream of approaching 1/1000th of what's required for herd immunity even in 1 community and for an entire province add another 0 at least, onto that fraction. 


IOC and China make vaccine deal for Tokyo, Beijing Olympians If I were an Olympian, just knowing that, would be enough to make me drop out of the Olympics. There's no way I'd accept any vaccine made in China, no matter the reason why.


‘The silver lining of covid’ is ‘the fact that we are re-thinking work’: Pamela Stone on the hybrid work models That's NOT the silver lining. That was the whole point of this f'n plandemic exercise.




Documents reveal the Trudeau government warned Donald Trump not to cut off Canada’s supply of critical COVID-19 masks — or else hehehehe.... Just the thought of numbnuts threatening Trump is hilarious.... Or else.... Or else what?

Mask-wearing, physical distancing to remain ‘part of our lives’ for some time: Njoo So I guess that means grandparents hugging their grandchildren is out. 

COVID-19 patient dies after rare 3-hour erection in hospital  There's a warning on this article, that you ought to read before proceeding to read the actual article itself. 


That seems to be a rather ambitious goal, especially when compared along side Canada, where we won't even have enough vaccine in this country to give everyone their first shot never mind 2nd one, before July.
Anyhow, that's it for today.... Five more days of this to go..... Finally managed to get the headlines posted at a reasonable time. Until next time take care and stay well.