Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Medical Tests, Groceries, Destressing & Headlines About

 Covid 19


January 19, 2021
I had to go get an ultrasound done today, so that got me out of the house for something. So I figured I might as well pick up some groceries on the way home, so I don't have to go out again needlessly exposing myself to germs out there.
I've also been trying my best to destress, before the covid news gets the best of me. In fact, I've decided that no matter what - no matter how good or bad the pandemic is going that on March 17th that'll be 1 year mark that I started this blog, and my final post on here. Because honestly I can't keep this up for the rest of my life if this stupid pandemic isn't brought under control before I die and the way it's going here in Canada it doesn't look like it'll ever be brought under control. So I decided that a year is enough of this. 
It's a lot of work and the headlines stress me out a lot because of all the faux pas (and that's putting it nicely) and stupidity I see surrounding this plandemic, that makes me super angry, because I know that if there was someone with a thimbleful of brains in charge, this wouldn't be happening. It wouldn't have happened in the first place, at least not in Canada. 
But what can you expect when you have a country run by a snowboard instructor and the health minister is an art teacher? Neither of whom have a braincell nor a backbone between them.  So as a consequence I don't ever see an end to this, because they're too spineless to stand up to the pharmaceutical companies and demand our share of the vaccines be delivered like they are in Europe. Demand that Moderna step up it's deliveries, approve of other vaccines and start taking deliveries of them and get these vaccines into people's arms. I mean gawd almighty we were able to vaccinate almost the entire country in 3-4 months when it was the H1N1 virus going around in 2009. So why is it suddenly so difficult now to do the same thing with this vaccine????? 

Is it because the H1N1 vaccine was vital to the pharmaceutical industry in that if we did not get vaccinated and contracted the H1N1 virus we'd be immune to all future colds and flues coming along? Because that's what happened with me and my entire family after we got H1N1. We haven't had a flu a cold or anything since we had that virus. Not even a sniffle or a sore throat. So imagine if everyone got that virus and survived. The pharmaceutical industry would've lost a lot of clients, given that most people on an annual basis buy cold and flu related medications - either lozenges to sooth sore throats, cough medicine, antibiotics, etc.... That's a huge chunk of their industry. So take that away and they'd be floundering financially speaking. So is that why they were in so much of a hurry to get us all inoculated then? Not to save us per se, but to save the pharmaceutical industry? 

And now, they're dragging their ashes and not standing up to the pharmaceutical companies to get our doses of vaccines, because it benefits the government? As in the longer it takes to get some, the more chances there are of more elderly retired people dying? So they can save on monthly pension payments? And the longer it takes to get the vaccine the less we have to pay for it, as we're getting the dregs of whatever's left over? Is that it? 
And of course the pharmaceutical companies don't care if we get our jabs or not, especially if they've already been paid upfront for the amount of doses contracted for by the gov't. Unlike the H1N1 virus where if they didn't get everyone vaccinated they'd lose gazillions down the road because everyone would be immune to the ailments they make medicine for.

Because honestly that's all I can think of the reasons being that they don't stand up for us and demand our vaccines that we contracted for. Unless I'm right about them being totally brainless and spineless and just let everyone walk all over them without standing up for Canadians (as it's their job to do). In that case they should be thrown out of office as they're as useless as tits on a bull - as the saying goes.
It just gets so annoying to see all of these supposed to be educated people in charge who just seem to have their heads so far in the sand that all we see are their ashes sticking out and they just look like giant ashes. I can't even understand WHY either. I mean it's not as if they didn't know how to prevent something like this from happening in our country to begin with or to handle quarantines or how long a real effective quarantine should be (as in 40 days), and that respiratory diseases generally requires masks to cut down on infection, not washing your hands (that may help but only if you're sticking your hands in your mouth and up your nose for some reason) so much. I mean we were lied to from the get go and now they're finally fessing up and admitting it. Which I was saying from the get go. But it's too late now to admit all the faux pas they made thinking that'll help. What would've really helped is if they didn't make them in the first place. And the ones who saw all these faux pas being made, not speaking out about them and trying to get them fixed ASAP, no instead they just blindly went along with it all, like as if it was normal procedure. That didn't help any either.
And the more they drag this out, the more excuses they make and well I'm just so sick and tired of all the BS, it's getting to the point where my demeanor, my language, my tolerance is just getting worse and worse. Pretty soon if I keep this blog up, I'll be cussing and swearing like a drunken sailor on leave. I seriously don't want to degenerate to that point, so it'll be best if I put the blog to bed at the year's anniversary point, no matter what. That way I can resign from it still with a little dignity intact and the plandemic won't have gotten the total best of me.  

So on with today's headlines.....

This is where it starts.... This doesn't sound like a pandemic anymore so much as something designed to allow governments to clamp down on and cage their own people for whatever lame excuse they care to use to justify their total draconian authoritarianism.
U.K. Steps Up Mass Vaccination as Travel Corridors Close  It's good the UK is able to do that, unlike here in Canada where there is no vaccine to be had in order  to do anything like that.
Rich in US minting money in pandemic like never before Well of course, that pretty much goes without saying. The rich always find ways to exploit a good crisis like this plandemic has turned out to be for them.

World is on the brink of a 'catastrophic moral failure' on vaccines- WHO chief That's for sure and Canada is one of the victims of that catastrophe, despite the amount of doses bozo brains is said to have secured for us. 


Government on track to reach 2m vaccinations a week as another 324,000 get Covid jab Here in Canada we can't even get 500,000 vaccinated in a month.... So that's rather sad compared to the UK here.

COVID-19: Some restrictions could go by March and vaccine should be offered to every adult by September If you ever wanted or needed proof that this was planned and orchestrated internationally, then here it is. No matter the size of the population all the countries are saying that every adult who wants to be vaccinated will be, by the end of September. The UK has a population roughly double ours, Fauci said that the US will also be finished vaccinating around the time Canada finishes and they have a population of almost 10 times the size of ours. So doesn't it seem a little fishy that it's going to take a country with 35 million the same amount of time as it'll take a country with 66 million or 328 million the same amount of time to inoculate their citizens? It seems to me the countries with the smaller populations would finish well ahead of those with the larger populations. So is that why bozo brains is dragging his ash on this? Because we don't have that many people compared to the UK & US to inoculate but we can't finish before them for some reason? If so, what's the reason? 


It's not a big box store but it is a store that sells other things besides just food, a mini version of Walmart - called Giant Tiger. I went in there today to get some stuff and they had everything cordoned off except work gear like scrubs and jackets that people working in construction would wear with the bright neon stripes and Xs on them and lots and lots of junk food like candies, chips, peanuts, pop etc.... Why are those things (the junk food) deemed essential but socks, underwear, warm clothing etc not essential? Just wondering about the logic here.



Three experts on how well Canada has fought COVID-19 and how we could do better We could do a lot better if we actually had people in charge who knew what they were doing instead of the idiots and imbeciles we have there now.

Same with a lot of seniors in QC too!

I don't think I will get it, if I don't have to.
Covid Cases Fall Everywhere In England For First Time Since Christmas Well that's some good news for the Brits, anyhow.

This is precisely what Canada's caught in. We need to help Medicago along with their vaccine and approve it as quickly as possible so that WE can have our own vaccine and not be held hostage by other countries, the way we are now.

Coronavirus: Ontario to provide $125 million to add over 500 critical care beds in pandemic hot-spots The pencil neck accountant that masquerades as our health minister here in QC, is too cheap to do anything like that, so he's instructed doctors that if it gets to the point where there's no more room in the ICUs or beds in the hospitals to start triaging for letting people die. So QC'ers lives aren't worth a damned thing to him. 

I can't hear this as I've always been plagued with having or working on computers without any sound to them and again this is the case.  So I have no clue what he says here or whether I'd agree with him or not. 

Wow what down & dirty deals gov'ts are resorting to in order to secure doses of vaccines for their populations. I wonder if the Israeli's who's data they've so blithely volunteered to share with Pfizer minds or not? Did they give the gov't permission to do that, I wonder?
558 Manitoba health-care workers with COVID-19 vaccination appointments given wrong address Oh just another typical Canadian bungling of getting this vaccine into people's arms. Wondering if all this ineptitude is on purpose or what?



The gov't has one helluva  nerve blaming the people for the problem when it's only the gov't that has the power to act and enact laws and close borders etc.... The people can't do that on their own. The people were at the mercy of the inept idiots here in Canada that couldn't move for tripping over their own f'n shoelaces that they're too stupid to manage to tie. It was up to the gov't to close all borders the moment they knew about what was happening in Wuhan and apparently the military gave them a report in December 2019 about it, which they didn't bother to even look at for 3 solid weeks, and then blithely ignored all the information and advice in it. The people aren't at fault here, inept, braindead, impotent, incompetent, criminally negligent, genocidal, bozos at he helms are the ones to blame, not Canadian citizens. That's who's to blame here. So Doug Ford if the shoe fits, wear it. And we're still at the mercy of the inept idiots who can allegedly "secure" a gazillion doses for Canadians but can't even get a million of them delivered to us and injected in arms.



Thai private hospitals reserve COVID-19 vaccines ahead of approval Well if Canada's experience in doing that is anything to go by, that doesn't mean anything. Doesn't mean you'll get anything at all even after it's approved.

Just in Florida? Isn't that the American way, that the rich jump to the front of all the lines?







EU commission urges member states to speed up vaccination They're lucky they're able to do so, unlike Canadians because THE EUROPEANS basically commandeered all the Pfizer supply for themselves. I hope it's bad batches they're injecting into themselves, that provides ZERO protection against the virus. That'll teach them to hog the supply.





Good for them! We can't even get one open in Canada apparently. I mean Toronto tried to open ONE but it had to close within 5 days of opening because of lack of vaccine. 

Here in Canada that's an irrelevant question, since we don't have any vaccine to worry about, nevermind how soon it'll be effective. I guess you need to have an injection of it first before it can be effective. Here that may take a few centuries to achieve. By then we'll have other plandemics to worry about too.
Coronavirus new strain symptoms: The three signs of Covid-19 in your eyes Not a very detailed article that's for sure. But anywho.....


Meanwhile though lawyers in Florida want to prepare legislation to protect them from any COVID related lawsuits - thus letting them off the hook for any responsibilities associated with it.


Very sad.


Oh don't ya just love this eh? If seniors are booking a holiday because they've been vaccinated they're selfish! OMG.... What about all those beach and pool and holiday parties and pub crawls etc, that you young self centered hypocrites enjoyed while the seniors were locked up in their homes forbidden to go out anywhere??????????????????? Eh???? Now tell me who's selfish after you indulged in all those affairs and caused the virus to get out of hand and sky rocket so that we are once again not only under lockdown but curfew as well!!!!!! It wasn't the seniors who did that, it was you bunch of hypocrites that are jealous that the seniors got vaccinated and can now start enjoying life again but you can't. Well now you know how the seniors have been feeling for almost a whole year already. So you know what!?! If I or anyone who does that is selfish well they're STILL NOT AS SELFISH AS YOU SELF-CENTERED SPOILED BRATS WERE & CONTINUE TO BE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Government says it’s 'too early' to explain why UK has worst COVID death rate in world Could it be due to that new strain the UK variant which is supposedly only more contagious but not more severe?

Poll finds strong support for COVID-19 curfews despite doubts about effectiveness Of course the good little sheeple will go along with and comply to all the gestapo boots orders if given whether it helps or not is irrelevant apparently.

Look you can't expect people to believe you after you were caught lying to them in the first place. 


Very very sad.

Israel’s Fauci says Pfizer vaccine’s first dose less effective than indicated  If that's true then the provinces deciding to just give one dose and make those receiving it wait, it's as good as throwing our money away because the 1st dose will hardly be worth it if it's not followed with the 2nd one in a timely manner (in other words according to the manufacturers recommendations).

I don't know why Cdn politicians think Biden is going to be any nicer to Canada than Trump was, because so far from what I can see, he's not. In fact he seems like he's going to be meaner to us than Trump was. 
KINSELLA: Trudeau's Liberals clearly nervous over vaccine rollout What vaccine rollout? Where? Me no see vaccine rollout! You see vaccine rollout? 

What about asking Mr. Numbnuts for more vaccines???? As in getting more doses from Moderna if Pfizer won't deliver? Or approving other vaccines so we can use some of them instead of Pfizer's garbage? Then we can tell Pfizer where to stick their sheite and sue their ashes off for breach of contract on top of that!

PM warns Canada could impose new COVID-19 travel restrictions without notice So why don't you then? What are you waiting for anyhow? For Ms. Piggy to get back home from her holiday overseas or maybe Mommy Dearest to get back from her slumber party with all the boys abroad? 


The coronavirus is becoming more genetically diverse, leaving experts worried The longer we let it float around the human population the more diverse it'll become. We need to squelch it - eradicate it once and & for all by inoculating the world against it. The sooner we do it, the less genetically diverse it'll get. 


Of course our governments have turned into ticket happy idiots. I guess they figure because they make a gajillion dollars a year that everyone does. 'Cept for the fact that not everyone has the taxpayer's trough to draw salaries from, like they do.

That's all for now.... Until next time take care & stay well.