Wednesday, December 2, 2020

An Important .....

Covid 19 


December 2, 2020

First things first..... I think I'm going to give the old graphic I used in the slot above a break for awhile at least, if not retire it permanently and try to use mostly different graphics on a regular basis for each new post from now on if I can. All of the graphics will be from and I'd like to thank them for allowing the use of the graphics I've used up until now too.  So don't think you've accidentally wound up somewhere else while intentionally trying to come here, because the look isn't 100% familiar. 

While things haven't deteriorated that much here in QC since I put this blog on hold, there have been some developments and discoveries that I thought I'd post here. While it's nowhere near as thorough as it was before I put the blog on hold, I'm at least trying to get the most important news - which primarily affects us here in QC & Canada the most and maybe other areas of the world as well. 

So here it goes: 

Since this blog was set up for Canadian seniors with priority going to QC seniors, this story is at the top of the list here. Please heed and take care if you're in this category.
We now have the best evidence yet that coronavirus immunity lasts 6 to 8 months after infection, and perhaps even years I knew it. So now we need to be tested for antibodies so we know if we've had the disease or not (for those who aren't sure if they did or not), to know if we need the vaccines or not. 

I'm going to take a quote from this story and copy it here and comment on it afterwards - quoting: Canada, said Trudeau, "no longer has any domestic production capacity for vaccines" and it makes sense that the countries that do will prioritize their own citizens.  - Comment: That is total unadulterated BS that we don't have any domestic production facilities. How come we could churn out a bazillion doses of the H1N1 vaccine in 2009 but we can't churn out any of this vaccine????? We had vaccine production facilities then and STILL DO because Harper signed a contract with a vaccine production company that runs out in 2021. So technically we still have those facilities, so what's wrong with bozo brains renewing that contract and extending it longer in case we need it again? That guy is a consistent clueless idiotic liar as far as I'm concerned. He's so pathetic I don't even know how he got re-elected last year.  
Loneliness Is Hurting Everyone In The Pandemic, But It’s Killing Seniors  Oh? So you're finally starting to clue in now, after we've been talking about this since the beginning of the pandemic!?! Talk about slow learners - no wonder this country is in the mess it's in. None of the idiots in power can even take a second to listen to anyone else and they think they know it all, when in fact they're nothing but a bunch of clueless airhead idiots that can't hear for listening. It's a little late now to clue into that fact don't you think? Considering a vaccine is upon us and the first ones in line for it are seniors, ergo giving them an out to get out and about and start living again instead of just being warehoused in a seniors death camp or at home alone. Talk about daft idiots at the helm. Had to find a way to deprive us of freedom, life and liberty eh, while trying your utmost to infect and kill as many of us as you possibly could? Was that the gimmick?  To cut down on the pensions having to be paid and the "useless eaters" as Henry Kissinger called those he disdained - which included the elderly, amongst others including those that they call the front line workers today - the working poor - those holding minimum wage jobs to keep essentials open and running. I hope the old fart himself comes down with this and dies before it's over with, that'll serve that ultra-useless-eater right.

It's one thing telling us we'll be getting a gazillion doses from all different sources, but it's another thing telling us WHEN WE'LL BE GETTING THOSE DOSES! That I get the Trudeau Liberal gov't is too light in the brain dept to understand trivialities like that, but it's those trivialities that matters to everyone who has more than 2 halves of a brain cell to rub together, unlike the Lieberals in power. 

This story asserts that we have 2 contracts with companies to produce vaccine that's good until March 2021. So what's wrong with enlisting their help to crank out supplies of some vaccines for ourselves? And extending the contracts with those companies to last at least another decade if not more just in case....  So you can see what kind of bald faced lying scumbag our PM is from the quote I copied and pasted from another news story above. 
Almost 1,300 people exempted from coronavirus border restrictions: officials Annndddd of course, it's not possible that even 1 of those 1,300 people are or were potential covid carriers as either asymptomatics nor as those showing symptoms eh? 

Considering everywhere else has approved a vaccine already, I don't see why Canada can't. Oh yeah, I forgot the numbskull in charge of Health Canada would first have to attend med school and at least take a biology course, if not get a full on medical degree, in order to be able to understand anything to do with this let alone approve it. So that's at least another 4 year wait. That's what happens when you put art teachers in the Health Minister's portfolio.
Violence against women intensified since coronavirus outbreak: UN Oh geez, that's a news flash and a half - at least to some of us. Others though I'm pretty sure, knew this from the beginning what kind of abuse some women would be suffering at the hands of their sissy-men boyfriends/husbands. Those guys that think they're so big, bad, tough and strong, but would pee their pants if a man their size wanted to take them on. So the only way they can feel strong and powerful is to beat on women and kids, because they'd never be able to even take on a man even half their size, that's how weak and wussy they are.  That's what I personally think of men who beat on women & kids as chicken sheite men who like to fight but not with other men of their own size and strength so they have to pick on weaker people than them like women and kids. 

Really???? Seriously??? Now it's teeth falling out too eh? And not merely due to total lack of oral hygiene over the years???? That one I find ultra hard to believe and any doctor or nurse that does, needs to go back to med school for a refresher course.
Music Legends Eric Clapton, Van Morrison Team for Anti-Lockdown Single ‘Stand and Deliver’   I hope I remember on the 4th to look for their songs so I can hear them. This takes me back to when I was 17 and under age drinking in a bar in Montreal and Eric Clapton was in town for a concert (which I got to see). The night before the concert I was at a bar with a friend of mine. She left with her boyfriend and left me sitting at the table alone (but as any young girl at a table alone in a bar knows, she's not alone for long before the table is swarming with guys buying her drinks which is what happened in my case). But Eric Clapton was at the bar, drinking and occasionally looking my way. Finally after awhile the bartender brought me a drink and said it was on that fellow at the bar and he says his name is Eric Clapton. OMG my jaw almost hit the floor and I said to the bartender to say thank you but I didn't know what else to do and was too paralyzed from fear and awkwardness to even think about what to do, so I just sat there. I never understood why me until I recently saw his life story on TV and saw that I pretty much looked like his first love which I guess he was getting over at that point in life. But seeing what his life was like, I'm really glad I didn't go over to see him now.

Censorship on overdrive. 

 Yeah but the question is.... Will we have any vaccines available to us by then? 

'Don't take epidemiology advice from a BBQ owner': Toronto's Meat & Pie Co. restaurant challenges Adamson Barbecue's protest Why not???? After all we're expected to take it from a snowboard instructor, an art teacher and an accountant! Not one of them has even spent a half hour in med school. So what's the difference?????? 


Of course, got to find a way to staunch the protests, so maybe fines will do it, as they can't use jail as recourse.  


Apologize for??????? I think that beitche that has no qualifications to hold her post but insists on holding it anyhow despite everything that's gone down, needs to do more than just apologize. That lame brained airhead, needs to do mega time behind bars for 8,000 deaths caused by gross negligence and ineptitude. She should be charged with gross negligence causing mass murder. Her, Tam & Trudeau! All three of them need to spend the rest of eternity behind bars for what they did and let happen to this country ESPECIALLY TAM (as she was allegedly the only qualified one - according to her saying she's a doctor) and Haggydodo for being such an arrogant ash hole imbecile that she was too stupid and arrogant and full of herself to step down and let someone more qualified take her post and the snowboard instructor for being a total and complete idiot and following whatever the witch doctor and art teacher said should be done. 

In Japan, more people died from suicide last month than from Covid in all of 2020. And women have been impacted most  This is just such a sad sad story. It not only highlights the depression caused by COVID19 but by society's exploitation of women especially the vulnerable women who desperately need jobs no matter how lousey the pay & working conditions are. The pandemic is just making things worse for them.

Well! At least there's some hope for us after-all! Personally I'd rather have Moderna's vaccine or any other vaccine over Pfizer's considering Gates had his grubby paws in theirs. Must find out which other vaccines he had anything to do with, if I can.
DeepMind’s protein-folding AI has solved a 50-year-old grand challenge of biology This was the scientific conundrum that was supposed to take another 50 years to figure out, that AI managed to solve, which will not only help with the coronavirus but basically all sorts of things to do with biology. 

City Without a Pulse I think probably a lot of big cities around the world are like this now-a-days.

Even still what would that do considering that in a lot of areas, if the person doesn't live with you you're not allowed to see them. And forgive me for pointing out, with the exception of my husband and son, most men's phones conversations consists of uh huhs, grunts, yups, nopes, and okays, or in French bien bon, oui, mon hostee,  (or phonetically sounding beh bon,  y, mon ostee) and things like that, but not much conversation at all. Usually, it's the other person doing the talking if it's a woman, and if it's a man, it's a very brief few sentence dialog). If it's my son or husband though they don't seem to know when to shut up and hang up. Oh and my brother too. 

Because he LOVESSSSS THE CHINESE SO MUCH 💕  & he's such a f'n moronic pig 🐷 for punishment it's not funny. I mean gawd almighty they took 2 innocent Canadians hostage after we grabbed that Wahway beitche for the Americans AND THEN refused several shipments of various kinds of food products (which notably has a limited shelf life and will rot after awhile) that we sent to them under a signed international trade agreement we have with them. Not to mention all the various pointed threats they keep issuing specifically at Canada whenever they do something they know we won't approve of. I mean they're out and outright hostile towards Canada and Canadians now and the f'n idiotic airhead mental case we have in charge here in Canada is too f'n stupid to see or understand that. So of course he signs a deal that's not only vital but actually downright detrimental to the wellbeing of all Canadians, with the Chinese. The very people who take every opportunity they can find to screw us over and threaten us on top of that. I mean how moronic is that idiot at our helm anyhow? Anyone with a half a brain cell in their heads would've known by now not to trust the Chinese at all with anything to do with Canada or Canadians nevermind anything as detrimental as a vaccine that their lives could and probably does depend on. I mean that's akin to the Brits asking Hitler at the height of the 2nd WW to make vaccinations against some deadly disease in cooperation with the Brits in England. I don't think Churchill was that naive. 

That's a very sweet gesture, but it shouldn't only be limited to seniors. Lots of other people in this country are experiencing hardship and deprivation now. I think I saw a French news story that said there's a 43% increase in demand at food banks and charities this year here in QC, compared to last year and they can't meet demand. That's a whopping increase for sure! So it makes me even gladder that we gave what we did to a local organization that's collecting donations for food banks and families in need. I mean when we went there there was hardly anything in the baskets set up to place donated items in - maybe a couple of cans of soup and a few boxes of Kraft Dinner and that was about it. As it's one of our main (not only but main as in large all at once) donations usually around Christmas time, where we do a large grocery - figuring on feeding 2 families for a week (minus the perishables) or 2 family for 2 weeks and providing some Christmas goodies for the kids and pets, the girl that took in our donations was busy thanking us over and over again and even cried a bit. I just thought maybe it's a little early for other people to give in their donations but the girl said no, that we were only 3 days ahead of the donations acceptance being closed for the year, because they'd all be handed over to the organizations that do the actual distributions. ---- But yeah, everyone and not just seniors needs a little help and pick me this year I think. 

As I just talked about above....
COVID-19 : bilan du 29 novembre Leur tableau ne functionne pas, a cause de le format sur l'ecran.


Oh boy, then I practically have it made, having asthma, being on vitamin D megadoses, and having the right blood type.... That may explain why I was able to beat the virus so easily when I had it back in January.... 

For those who weren't aware, but need it.
America's New Normal - Silent, Obedient Consent They've just worn everyone down and made it socially unacceptable to go against the new norms. I mean some people like me (who has asthma) would just rather wear a mask no matter how hard it is to breathe through it, then fight with and answer to everyone all the time about why I'm not wearing one. I can't be bothered and so long as I can take a shot of my pump before leaving home to open my airways so I can breathe better, it's just easier to wear a mask than fight with every sanctimonious self-righteous ash hole out there. That's all. Not because I actually agree with and want to wear the thing, at all, because I don't, but on the other hand I don't want to fight with every person I see out there either.

This is just super sad and shouldn't be happening in this day and age and in one of the most affluent countries in the world.

I'd pay $75 in a heartbeat to know if I had the virus or not, like I think I did. When I asked my doctor about such a test she told me they're available but here in QC they're $200 or around there. I can't afford $200 for a blood test, but I'm sure I could find $75 for one, if they were the same price here in QC.
COVID-19 was silently infecting Americans before first cases emerged in Wuhan: CDC study Wow! That's a rather high ratio, almost 1 in 73 people who donated blood had indicators of COVID19, between Dec 13 - Jan 17th in the US. So, I finally feel vindicated in insisting I had it in January because there's no stretch of the imagination involved here when there's 1 in 73 people in the US walking around with it, given the daily cross border traffic we had back then between the two countries. I mean how many people in Montreal go back and forth to NY on a regular basis. A lot of Montrealers have been known to do weekend shopping trips in Plattsburgh, NY and a lot of people in Quebec regularly go back and forth across the border if they live in towns and villages along the border. So it's so easy to see how I managed to have it then, knowing what is divulged in this article.

Hopefully nothing, like what happens when parents refuse to have their kids inoculated against common childhood illnesses - even dangerous ones like measles. 
Britain OKs Pfizer vaccine and will begin shots within days The world would do well to pay attention and pay heed to the side effects and fallout from this, given Gates grubby paws being involved in it.


We've been married for 45 years and that's pretty much our attitude too. We do everything together and we don't want to miss out on whatever might be left of our lives so we try to find some enjoyment wherever and whenever we can - including going out to our favourite restaurants (when they're open or ordering from them when their dining rooms are closed). Staying home, bored and miserable isn't living, that's subsisting and even then, I wonder....

Those are the stories that weren't the redundant over and over again same type stories I felt were noteworthy and deserved to be posted here. Until next time, stay safe and take care.