Friday, October 30, 2020

Giving It Another Go at Trying to Get This Done Soon.....



Oct 29, 2020

Wow! Only 2 days to go and I know right now I'm NOT going to get this done on time! The reason I know that is because I won't have the time because we have to go out hunting for an affordable new toilet and then someone's coming to install it on the 31st, I think. So that's going to drastically cut into the time I have to devote to getting this done. 

I still have hundreds of headlines to go and I'm sure between now and Oct 31st, there'll be a few hundred more headlines too as it just never ends. It's constant. To quote Trump, "Covid, Covid, Covid, Constant Covid in the news". So he was right about that even if everyone thinks he wasn't right about much else.

So I'm going to give it my best shot to get as many headlines in here tonight as possible, but be forewarned, I've been nodding off, off and on all day long so that's apt to be the case while I try to work on this. So that may drastically cut into the time I have to do this, and thus cut down on the amount of articles I can get posted before I nod off for my 8 hours of sleep. I don't know what's wrong me because it's only the last few weeks I've been like this. Most of my life I've been an insomniac, now I struggle to stay awake for any length of time. It's awful.
So I'm going to be getting started now, so grab your glasses, beverage of choice and easy chair and start reading...



Vancouver Christmas Market cancelled due to coronavirus pandemic  Of course. Just wondering when they're going to cancel life altogether. 

The Cdn gov't site on border measures being taken in regards to the virus along with immigration, refugees, family abroad, etc... If you want/need any official information on those subjects directly from the government itself, this is where you go.
Coronavirus: Levels of anxiety and depression rising among Canadians during pandemic In my case it's not anxiety & depression that's getting to me, it's pure unbridled anger and hatred of the governments and all their sycophants in the medical establishment and media that let them get away with this charade and continue to support them in the efforts in it. Now don't misinterpret what I'm saying here. I'm not saying that Coronavirus isn't real and infecting people and killing some, what I'm saying is the way it was handled from the get go was all wrong and anyone who attended med school or even nursing school for a half hour KNOWS THAT and KNEW THAT IN ORDER TO PREVENT A VIRUS FROM SPREADING YOU SEGREGATE YOUR SOCIETY FROM IT.  In other words you  PREVENT IT FROM GETTING INTO YOUR COUNTRY IN THE FIRST PLACE BY CLOSING ALL BORDERS THE MOMENT YOU HEAR ABOUT IT IN ANOTHER COUNTRY.  So the moment they heard about it in Wuhan, knowing that we have a lot of people who travel to and from China on a regular basis, hurt feelings on behalf of the Chinese community or not, it was IMPERATIVE THAT WE CLOSE ALL BORDERS AND STOP ALL INTERNATIONAL TRAFFIC COMING INTO THIS COUNTRY FROM ANYWHERE.  Because air travel allows viruses to spread so rapidly around the globe and not knowing where a person has been before they came to Canada or who they rubbed shoulders with along the way, was enough cause to close the border down completely BACK ON JANUARY 21st WHEN WE FIRST OFFICIALLY HEARD ABOUT THIS DISEASE IN WUHAN.  NEVERMIND WAITING FOR THE CORRUPT BRAINDEAD IMBECILES IN THE WHO TO DIRECT ANYTHING. When that wasn't done, then what should've been done and is outlined in our constitution on how to handle pandemics should've been followed to the T, because THAT IS THE RIGHT WAY TO DO IT. You isolate the sick and their contacts, for the full 40 days. So you remove them totally from the population and so technically if they were the only ones who got into Canada with that disease they and their contacts won't be spreading it hither and yon. And you set up quarantine officers to check on them (like they're finally only starting to do now with the cops checking on them - but that should've been done in the very very beginning). Anyone else you find with it you do the same with them and their contacts. But you let everyone else go about their daily lives. Then to cut down on the risk "in case" you didn't catch/find them all, you make the rest of the population wear masks. Nevermind this BS hand washing BS. It's a respiratory illness that spreads via droplets and aerosols in the air that you breath in, that's the main way it's contracted. Sticking your hands in your mouth after touching a contaminated surface might do it too, but honestly how many adults goes around sticking their hands in their mouths for no reason all the time? We're not 2 year olds who constantly have our hands or fingers in our mouths. All the doctors and nurses in Canada KNEW THIS and if they didn't then they have NO BUSINESS HOLDING A LICENSE TO PRACTICE MEDICINE OR NURSING. NONE.  ZILCH. ZERO. As there's NO EXCUSE FOR NOT KNOWING THOSE PROCEDURES. I mean how the F do you ISOLATE CONTAGIOUS PEOPLE IN HOSPITAL WARDS IF YOU DON'T KNOW THOSE SIMPLE CONCEPTS?????? So for them to sit idly by and let this happen, means they should all lose their licenses. Either that or put up and shut up, since you bunch of idiots did this to yourselves (I'm talking about the exhaustion and over work etc...). And for the media - well they don't know which way is up to start with so we can't expect miracles out of them. But they should say "Whoa" what's going on here when they find little nuggets out like the one Arruda dropped tonight on the news admitting that the Coronavirus deaths might be inflated, because if there was a death that they think could be related to the disease but aren't entirely sure it is, like in the example he gave about someone having Cancer and dying but also had Covid, that person's death will be listed as a Covid caused death and not by Cancer.  So they're using the same tricks here in Quebec (probably right across Canada) as they use in the US, where just about all deaths are deemed to be Covid related, because the CDC issued directives to the hospitals to label them all COVID caused in order to cut down on time doing autopsies. There's a link to that 7 page CDC document, somewhere amongst all the links on all the pages in my blog. I'm not sure now if I put a label to it or what it would be called if I did. So if you want to find it, comb through the labels on the right hand side and see if you can find anything that might look like it in there and click on that to get taken to that page, or failing that do the good old fashion detective work of combing through all the pages until you find it. That's all I can suggest if you really want to find it.  I mean you'd think the media would go "oh yeah, that's interesting" I wonder what else it is that they're hiding or doing crookedly that they're not telling us and start investigating rather than sitting on their lazy stupid ashes swallowing whatever BS the gov't tells them hook, line and sinker. Once upon a time being a journalist meant you were also an investigator of sorts, now a days it's just an idiot with a microphone and tape recorder recording whatever the other idiot is telling them and then copying it verbatim onto a worksheet for print or broadcast. No investigating involved. I doubt any of them would know how, these days.

Canadians will pay the bill for COVID-19 in higher taxes — here’s how it will likely happen Oh I can't wait! We're already taxed to the eyeballs here in QC, so um yeah just add 'em on.... Pretty soon we'll be drowning in them with no hope of ever paying. That's when the gov't will confiscate all property (like they did in the USSR) and proclaim it all belongs to the government and we all work for them now for mere subsistance salaries. That's what it seems like this is all working towards.


Canada ‘desperately’ needs people to dig in, stay home in coronavirus fight: Qualtrough Actually we desperately need leaders who knows what they're doing and how to handle the situation and to be advised by REAL DOCTORS & N O T WITCH DOCTORS (Tam), ART TEACHERS (Hajdu) & PENCIL NECKED ACCOUNTANTS (Dube), WHO KNOWS DIDDLY SQUAT ABOUT MEDICINE & INFECTIOUS DISEASES!!!! AND I N V E S T I G A T I V E JOURNALISTS WHO WANT TO PUBLISH THE REAL TRUTH ABOUT WHAT'S GOING ON AND NOT JUST TOW THE MAINSTREAM BS LINE!!!!! We need people who will stand up for truth and justice and who will do the right thing by the people & NOT JUST THE MONEYMAKERS!!!! That's what we need the most. Not more lies, massaged data, manipulated numbers, and paranoid propaganda put out by the governments! 

Ontario doctor says he was told to expect fewer flu vaccines in this, the year of COVID-19 We were contacted the other day by our pharmacist offering us the flue shot, but I didn't know at the time my husband wanted one, so I declined. Then I found out last night he wanted one if he could get it and so I called her today to try to get one for us, but now she's not sure she will have enough. So I told her if she has at least 1 shot left to give it to him. She said she'll get back to us and I thought she would by the end of the day before she closed, but we didn't hear anything from her. 


23 workers test positive for COVID-19 at food distribution centre in Delta, B.C.  So obviously this is a super spreader event, that is NOT a social gathering of any kind, but rather a work place. It's about time that the authorities started recognizing that a lot of work places are equally capable of being super spreaders and not just bars, restaurants and family gatherings. The reason they don't do that though is because they don't want their precious economy to falter and fall apart if the workers all suddenly deem it too dangerous to go to work and decides to stay home instead.


Could that be due to a high fever perhaps? Fevers can induce hallucinations. So maybe that's what's happening here too?
CDC revises coronavirus guidance to acknowledge that it spreads through airborne transmission Look the mere fact that it is a coronavirus means it spreads through air, so how come it took the CDC 10 f'n months to figure that out and admit it????? I'm sorry but I'm beyond aggravated with the criminal negligence and stupidity emanating from that criminal organization called the CDC. 
The Post-Pandemic 'New Normal' Looks Awfully Authoritarian Nevermind post pandemic. It looks awful authoritarian now. 


So keep taking your medications regularly.
‘Babies are doing well’: Infants born to moms with COVID have few complications That's good to know. Let's just hope they don't have hidden latent problems that show up years later, instead of immediately at birth.

Well of course it can spread indoors. If there's air, it can spread, doesn't matter whether it's indoors or outdoors. It's even in some lakes, so maybe it can spread via water too, for all we know.

It's good to see a company show some compassion & decency in this  time of pandemic.
Ottawa has been Canada's hottest market for new home prices during COVID-19 I seriously can't understand why anyone would want to live in Ottawa unless they had to (as in their job is there like in parliament for instance).

Haven't we all eaten a lot over this pandemic? Everyone I know has, so you're not alone Adam.

There was a chart posted on the net somewhere that I printed out and posted on our fridge. It outlined the differences between the flu, a cold & coronavirus. That was the only place I could think to put it where we'd both see it and be able to consult it immediately, without searching the computer files or around the house for the printout of it.

Cargo carriers warn that getting a COVID-19 vaccine to everyone on Earth could take up to two years I'm sure there'd be some places where it would be locally produced and could be moved by ground carriers to the local population.



Well I guess I'll end it here for now.... Until next time take care & stay well.