Sunday, October 4, 2020

A Day Off Shopping For Fun Stuff & Back to Reality With....



October 4, 2020

After taking a day off doing chores and looking after food, to go shopping for fun stuff at Michael's. I swear that must be my favourite store out there today. I've always enjoyed crafting and making things - for the most part needlework like knitting and needlepoint and embroidery, because up until these past couple of decades or so crafting fell out of style at the end of the 70s and beginning of the 80s and along with it falling out of style making finding supplies and equipment next to impossible. The only things I could find material and supplies for were the conventional crafts like those I named above as pretty much every department store sold stuff to accomodate people who indulged in those passtimes.  Then in the 90s or so the dollar stores came along but for the most part they catered to school kids arts & crafts needs and not really us "crafters" per se. Now though more and more they're carrying things that are a little outside the school kids crafting needs and cater more to older crafters, but they still didn't carry a lot of the "tools" and equipment needed. So today, anticipating another long boring stay at home want to blow your brains out lockdown, I figured it might be more fun to make things than sit around contemplating suicide, so I went to Michaels and got some nifty "tools" to use for various crafts - as I already have oodles and oodles of material having gotten a lot of it before at Michael's or from people at but lacked the things like felting needle, punchneedle, texture sheets for polymer clay, rug hooking hook (I had one years ago but don't know where it is anymore) and other things like that. So now if I get an idea for a project (and I always have plenty of those but not necessarily the tools to do them with) I'll be better equipped to do them. I haven't seen a punchneedle since I was in my teens, the last time I used one, so  now I'll have to try to learn to use it again. The rest of the stuff I might need for the things I might want to make, I pretty much have. Except fresh tile glue and grout. Might have to pay the plumbing dept at Rona a visit for that. But as hardware stores were deemed to be essential stores they remained open last lockdown so maybe it'll be the same this time around too. In which case, when or if I decide to do some mosaics again, I can get it then. That way it'll be fresh and not dried out. 
When I was a kid - a girl kid - being from the maritimes the women (my mother and aunts) figured I should learn to do all these things from sewing and knitting to embroidery and macrame and felting and candle making and you name it. So before computers came along, that was my go to thing, to keep busy and wind up with something nice for my efforts, or to keep my mind off things, like when a pet died, or things like that, I'd immerse myself in whatever craft that I was working on at the time. I've done weaving and wood burning, candle making, and string art, sand art and sand painting, stained glass, etching on glass & mirrors, sewing, knitting, embroidery (crewel & needlepoint as well), needlepunch, rug braiding, rug hooking, corking (french knitting I guess is the fancier name - done with a round spool and finishing nails around top of spool which you use to make a cord or depending on size of spool maybe a long tube (like for a toy's body), made things with pompoms and those flowers made with weird gizmos that you wrap yarn around, tile mosaics and you name it. But what I like the most is working with clay or polymer clay (as I don't have and can't afford a kiln).  That was my "thing" until everyone started praising me for my cooking (which I myself never thought too highly of), then I got more interested in that too. 
Now I guess pretty much both are my thing, but given the fact we had a problem with our freezer in July and I had to go nuts trying to cook as much as I could to save whatever I could and then harvest time sneaking up on us real fast this year, and as a result having to look after whatever was in the gardens I kind of cooked myself out. Now I want something different to do if I can have it.

Plus I stopped at the grocery store and picked up the things we needed along with some pectin, to make more mint jelly and my rhubarb jam, having found a box of 500ml jars at Canadian Tire last week - it was the last box they had. Lucky me!

When we got home we had some Italian sausage hamburgers cooked on the BBQ and had them the typical way we eat BBQ'd hamburgers - on buns with condiments, while on the speaker phone with our son, catching up on each other's week gone by.
So now that the day's activities have been recorded  here, I guess I should try to get to some more of those backlogged headlines on COVID19. Pull up a chair and get a nice warm drink to keep you company and dig in...
Canada is not in a second wave, but coronavirus cases increasing sharply: Tam Wow! I'm impressed that the dunce actually knows that much! 

Because it's an absolute necessity for us to be behind everyone else, including the 3rd world countries!
COVID-19 messages may need to have greater impact Please tell me what these dire messages might be besides, stay home, stop breathing and die? 


If they prove to be, you can bet we'll never be able to afford a pineapple for dessert again!
Ottawa family waits in line 3 days in a row for COVID-19 tests And I thought Tam said our testing wasn't overwhelmed and they were handling them pretty reasonably. If that's reasonable, I'd hate to see unreasonably - must be like the back log of court cases, where if they're not heard in a reasonable time they're thrown out - which I guess some lawyers figures is 31 months or so - not even 3 years. So are we talking same "reasonable" time frame at that here? Because if we are, that's just plain pathetic. 

He's got the right idea! Have a hobby, something you enjoy doing and  then on the days that you're bored or have got you down you have something to distract you and keep you busy.
The boom in household waste and what our garbage tells us about the COVID economy I guess because the amount of times we used to go out to restaurants has been replaced by take outs and deliveries the materials that were used for packaging the order is added to our usual garbage/recycling but for the most part that would be about the only difference here. Unless you want to add the junk food bags and wrappers - yeah we've up the consumption of those things, but not that much that it makes much of a difference in things. We're definitely drinking more (not just alcoholic beverages, but more juices, coffees, teas etc because we're spending more time in the house and not out running around places), so those bottles and containers are adding to the recycling/garbage as well, but that's about the only differences. 
The impact of banning alcohol during Covid-19 Well here in QC, the SAQ stores (gov't run liquor stores) were deemed to be essential services and kept open. So that tells you all you need to know - that 1) the gov't relies on the monies from those sales and 2) us QC'ers are a bunch of lushes. 


Bill Gates: The way travel ban was executed may have actually made things worse, not better I couldn't hear what he was saying, but I'd lay odds of 100 to 1 that I'd disagree with him entirely or flat out call him a liar. Either way I can't stand that snake in the grass and trust him only as far as I could throw him. Which isn't very far, that's for sure. 
Bacterial Outbreak Infects Thousands in China Amid COVID-19 Another thing we have to watch out for is outbreaks happening right along side the COVID19 outbreaks.



Kellogg CEO on managing a 114-year-old cereal giant through COVID-19 I guess now that everyone has more time in the mornings they have more time to make themselves a decent breakfast rather than a bowl full of carbs sprinkled with yet more carbs and made soggy by the addition of milk. I've never liked cereal nor things like bread, toast or sandwiches and so basically would rather not eat breakfast than eat any of those things. I'd rather have leftovers from the previous night's dinner than any of those foods to start my day, if I had to absolutely eat breakfast but fortunately for me, I don't have to.

A Florida bar owner is banning customers from wearing masks and asking them to leave if they do I guess he's lucky his bar is in Florida because if it were here in QC, it would probably have it's liquor license suspended or revoked.

Of course, if they haven't learnt anything from the current wave and don't implement those measures they identified as needing to be enacted to save lives in the future.

Don't we want to do more than suppress it? Isn't our goal to get rid of it altogether?




Provinces plan targeted measures after COVID-19 infections double in Canada Yeah we can tell. Targetted measures alright. Depriving us of life and liberty. By life I don't mean our very survival. I mean life as in something we live and a reason for living. 




Not just in the Outaouais but province wide really.
Young Canadians have curtailed vaping during pandemic, survey finds I knew I forgot something when we were out today.... Rolling papers, so we can get baked when we're utterly and totally bored this winter.... 


Pandemic is putting more children at risk of hunger, advocates warn From all the headlines I've seen about food and food shortages and food lines, I'd say it's not just children it's put at risk of hunger, but everyone. No country seems to be immune from it now.

A DARPA-Funded Implantable Biochip To Detect COVID-19 Could Hit Markets By 2021  Oh yes! Definitely! That's precisely what we all need asap! Instead of working on stupid sheite like that why don't they work on a chip that zaps the virus instead? At least that would be more useful.


At least they're able to have it, even though it's highly regulated, unlike all the fun and festivities in Canada that have been cancelled altogether because the gov't and those who organization such events are too lazy and brain dead to figure out how to hold it so the public could attend, while being safe. It wouldn't have hurt any Canadian event organizers and the gov't to put their thimbleful of brains together to come up with ideas and ways to still have these events but safely, instead of cancelling them altogether. 


This ties into the stories about Bill Gates patented chip that people claim he wants to put into the vaccines, which all has to do with the global reset which is supposed to be a transition to a global digital currency. 
Even more evidence shows the coronavirus spreads easily on long plane flights  This should've been an obvious no-brainer for most to figure out considering most of the cabin air is just recirculated throughout the entire flight. 

Very scary and very sad. 
This $199 acrylic helmet with HEPA filters powered by fans designed to wear instead of a mask is being compared to sci-fi movies It looks way more comfortable and nicer to wear than those stupid surgical masks are.

I was an Evangelical Christian too and I don't know why many of them resist logic about COVID 19 I guess it's an American brand of evangelical christianity, particular to the US. 

On that somber note, I'll leave it here for the night. Until next time take care and stay well.