Saturday, October 3, 2020

Chicken Cacciatore, Working with Food (again), Heartbreak & ....

 Covid 19


October 3,

Even though I wanted to go out to Michaels, Mark's Work Warehouse, and to some grocery stores, because I don't know when bozo the clown Legault is going to crack down on shopping at stores that doesn't sell groceries, pharmaceuticals, or booze again, as I wanted to get some stuff before that happens, we didn't go. 

So we stayed here and I looked after more food that needed taking care of, like dehydrating more chives and curry, while blanching to freeze asparagus, chopping & freezing shallots,  and plucking enough leaves off of mint sprigs to make more mint jelly.

So since I was in the kitchen anyhow I figured I'd make chicken cacciatore for supper using some of the spaghetti sauce I made the other day. I added a swig or two of Leffe dark beer into it before spreading it over the chicken legs in the oven. That with basamati rice, and asparagus. Yummmm....  It made for a good supper.

What spoiled supper though and made me want to cry was the episode of W5 that came on after the news tonight. They were doing an exposee on the deaths in the nursing homes and talking to some of the nurses and others who worked with the people in those homes, especially the nurse that went into the Herron Residence in Dorval Montreal. What she said about the conditions she found in there were dreadful and stomach churning to say the least. I almost started to cry and my husband wanted to shut it off. 

Based on that alone, considering there were literally thousands who died like that across Canada, the Canadian and all provincial governments where that occurred NEEDS to be held criminally responsible! End of story! We won't even talk about the damage and deaths done to the population at large, nor the damage done to their livelihoods and the economy.  I'm seriously to the point where I think every single ash hole in a government position in this country needs to be stood in front of a firing squad and fired upon. And every private for profit nursing home operator  (where those atrocities occurred) and their administrative staff and head nurses and doctors also need to face that punishment. Talk about draining the swamp. We'll be bereft of politicians and shyster predators of seniors aka nursing home owners and operators in this country. It'll be a virtual utopia after that probably, or hopefully, but I'm sure there'll be more shady and unsavoury characters to take their places.
Now for some more COVID19 headlines - believe me, there's no shortage of those. I'll probably be posting headlines still a week or two after they declare the pandemic over (if they do), that's how many there are and how far behind I am. I suppose if I did this and only this all day everyday, there wouldn't be a problem staying on top of them and being current, but as it's just lil ole me, reading and bookmarking the stories and then posting the headlines and my take on things in this blog, plus having a life other than this blog, it's basically impossible to be current, but I do my best each day to cover as much as I can in hopes of catching up. But I also want to be as thorough as possible - covering as much of the stories as I can, so that's why there's always such a backlog.
So now for today's attempt at getting caught up with the headlines.... Feast your eyes....
Why millions of travellers have entered Canada despite COVID-19 travel restrictions  Those coming in via air, don't have any visible signs of being a foreigner, like those driving across the border do, that's why it's so much easier for them to come in via plane. 

The budget definitely isn't going to be able to balance itself, by the time he's finished digging a financial hole to hell, for us.
Corona-mafia? Organised crime setting sights on EU Recovery Fund, experts warn My husband has been saying all along that this whole plandemic is nothing but a money scheme, designed to drive some into poverty while enriching others and that there's a whole cabal behind all this PPE stuff like the masks and so on and that most of it is crooked and it too is just a money gimmick. Like the exorbitant fines and penalties for walking 2 inches too close to someone else and all the rest of the ridiculous BS that they instituted in order to fine and charge people with crimes. In a way I hope the mafia manages to grab the money, in another way knowing what they do with their money I hope not, because it's like changing one evil for another one. They're both about as bad, but maybe instead something could happen to the money during it's transfer, like if it's via wire, it just goes askew. If it's via some form of transportation it winds up in an accident with it spread everywhere and lost, except maybe to the lucky few who can get ahold of some before it's lost for good. I don't see why they would need a recovery fund if they didn't let the virus in, in the first place. So they shouldn't be entitled to one, nor should Canada, nor the US either for that matter. Only the countries that genuinely tried to keep it out by closing their borders as soon as they heard about what was going on in Wuhan, but wound up getting it anyhow, because  they were forced to let in because of international signed treaties - like UN inspectors (who may have been infected), for example. 

Quebec the gestapo state, at it again...
Ottawa officially in COVID-19 pandemic's 2nd wave, says city's medical officer of health Personally I don't think anyone's in a 2nd wave. I think we're seeing a resurgence of the 1st wave because of all the back to school, end of summer parties that happened before this lockdown started and all the people going back to work and school. There hasn't been a total drop in numbers of cases (like in the single digit range) in many of these areas that are claiming to be in a second wave. NS or NL or even PEI & NB could claim to be in the midst of a 2nd wave if they got hit  hard again, but not QC, ON, nor any other province in Canada for that matter. None of us got down to near zero in daily cases or weekly cases except those provinces, so none of us got out of the 1st wave yet. We're seeing a spike in cases now due to the end of summer and back to school & work activities - the last blow out of the season where maybe some people let their guard down and got a little too intimate with others when they shouldn't have. Not to mention kids have been named as super spreaders and we're letting all those kids out of their homes to go back to school. Meaning they infect others they come into contact with unknowingly - everyone from the school/bus driver to the teachers to other kids who in turn super spread it to their families and friends. Plus now that they're back at school, that frees parents up to go back to their work places, where they're now in contact with others who may be asymptomatic and spreading it to the rest of their colleagues as well. That's what's happening here. Not a second wave. Merely a super resurgence of the first one because of all those factors, which all converged together. 
In a month or so they'll say then, that the numbers have lowered substantially, we're out of the second wave, but really it'll still all be a part of the 1st wave and it's just that the spike in numbers has levelled off and maybe even dropped a bit because all those that were going to infect anyone, or anyone was going to get infected with the sudden new daytime situations they found themselves in (school or work), has already gotten sick or infected others, so now it's levelling off and dropping. So when the numbers get down to single digit or zero numbers then and only then will we have gotten through the 1st wave. 

Then we can start worrying about the 2nd wave. Until then, this 2nd wave BS is just that. BS.

Will we be wearing masks forever? Here's what experts think The way the cretins in power are going, probably..... Because it gives them a reason to fine us over silly stuff and make money for their coffers.
COVID-19 has done what world wars and depression could not: take away Ontario's fall fairs Nevermind fall fairs, the gestapo police here in QC are doing more than that. They're taking away an enjoyable fall outing to see the leaves, by having road closures blocking people from one zone going to another BY CAR. So if you're a red zone (big city - Laval, Montreal & surroundings, & Quebec City ) you can't go see anything as you can't get near where the trees are. So the QC gov't has managed to suck the life out of this entire year and folks don't be holding your breath waiting to celebrate Christmas or New Year's either for that matter as they'll find some lie to suck the life out that too! Especially after having sucked the life out of Easter, Mother's Day, Thanksgiving,  & seeing the leaves change, via lockdowns and road closures. Oh they allowed people to visit their father's on Father's Day (any coincidence that most of the nazis in the NA are men maybe????), to have St. Jean Baptiste Day (the separatist holiday) and Canada Day (which is moving day here in QC) and the rest of the summer out of strict lockdown, but we still weren't able to have any fun, because everything was closed up tighter than a drum! I can't wait to hear the excuses they give for cancelling Halloween and Christmas and New Years. Maybe they'll even forbid us to send valentines to our loved ones on Valentine's Day claiming that the virus travels via email and Canada Post. I wouldn't doubt it. Then we're near St. Paddy's Day and well the parade will be cancelled and all the green food dye makers will suddenly find a shortage of whatever it is they need to make the stuff, so no green beer for all you die hard wanna-be Irish. All green crafting materials will said to be laden with the virus and not allowed into stores in the province and you name it. So you won't even be able to decorate for St. Paddy's Day. It's just one pathetic excuse after another. Honestly I don't think if you put all the politicians together they'd even have a thimble full of brains between them, because they obviously are so f'n stupid that's what got us into the mess we're in, in the first place. 

I guess you can tell via the tone in this blog over time that I'm getting more and more disillusioned and fed up with the lying government BS. In the beginning I gave them somewhat of a benefit of a doubt, except for the fact that THEY LET THE VIRUS INTO THE COUNTRY IN THE FIRST PLACE. But the rest of it, I gave them the benefit of a doubt, but now as time goes on and the full picture starts emerging, I am beginning to HATE THE GOVERNMENT WITH A PASSION and I wish and wish and wish some more for them either to step down en masse and we have a complete change of government (at all levels), or they're usurped by some start up faction that is for the people and not for big pharma, Bill Gates and themselves, or the military or RCMP steps in and arrests them all. Short of that, an all out revolution to get rid of all the ash holes in power and throw them all behind bars, where they belong. So they can either go peacefully or some other way. Makes no difference to me, so long as they get gone.  Same with the ash holes in the WHO and UN. But I wish for it to be SOON in fact ASAP.

Ahem.... Now back to the task at hand.... Posting as many headlines as I can....

I'm not getting one and IF I get even so much as a cold this year, it'll be the first in 11 years, since we had the H1N1 virus. Since we contracted that virus that gave us a slight headache and gave us a brain fog that made us silly for a few days (we couldn't keep track of what we were doing from one minute to the next and sometimes it was a real struggle to stay with the task at hand and not wander off doing something else altogether for another minute or so before suddenly getting distracted by yet something else again - it was kind of like being stoned on cannabis) and that was it. Since then we haven't had a flu let alone a cold. We've been immune to both pretty much since then. All 3 of us, me, my husband and our son.
Wakefield trick-or-treat tradition called off Well of course, we have to spoil some more fun for the kids this year, we haven't spoiled enough on them already, we gotta go for broke and spoil all of it. Hey why not call off Santa Claus and Christmas too? After all Santa is apt to pick up and carry that nasty coronavirus, considering all the people's houses he'll be visiting - there ought to be at least one out of all of them that aren't all that sanitary and has the virus floating around in it, so he'll contract it from there and bring it to your house maybe. I mean geez while you're at it, why not? Get a 100% batting average on spoiling fun for kids this year, if you can. Make it a MEMORABLE YEAR! NOT!!!! I mean holy gawd, what's wrong with decorating houses on the outside to let the kids see them from the outside? I suppose we shouldn't be putting up exterior Christmas decorations or lights this year either eh? Because the people driving around in their cars to see them, will be spreading the virus via the car's exhaust pipes huh? Gawd.... Simpletons and pathetic paranoid cowardly chickens rule this world. 

Only the elite and the rich can flout our laws and get away with it apparently. 
Federal COVID-19 supports for Canadians with disabilities are too little, too late, advocates say Just about everything they do for the disabled, homeless, poor, sick & elderly is too little and too late. So this isn't a surprise, in fact it's pretty much par for the course.




Drug shows promise in 1st largely minority COVID-19 study I guess that all depends on how you define "shows promise", because I don't see much promise there, but then that's just me.


Here in QC, that's easy. It'll look like nothing because Grinch Legault will find an excuse to cancel it. 
Singh blasts Trudeau, O'Toole for helping big business, super-rich during pandemic Of course they have nothing for the seniors, disabled, homeless, poor, or sick because they've given it all to those who don't need it. Par for the course.

Okay so the date on this is Sept 18.... So that means his 14 day isolation period is up on October 2nd (which is yesterday) so today would be his 1st day allowable out again, right? So what was he doing at press conferences with others like Arruda and the female security agent at the same table as him last week a few days ago (I can find out precisely when that is too via articles in here)? So according to HIS LAWS, WE HAVE TO ISOLATE FOR 14 DAYS when WE test positive but HE DOESN'T????? Why???? Is HE ABOVE THE LAW???? Grrrrrr anyone wishing to know why I'm starting to hate the gov't so much.... Well this is just one out of a myriad of examples I could point to, for a reason.  The date he announced the extended police powers to enter homes was September 30ieth. Two full days before he was technically by his own laws allowed out of isolation. That is provable via news reports - but my question is was he ever in strict isolation to begin with and if so how long was he in it for because it's clear he wasn't in it for the full 14 days that he was required to be by law (his own law in fact).  So the way they flout their own laws and rules (even handling their masks etc...) says to me this is all made up BS for the most part. And now I'm going to check on the day's numbers..... BRB...

As of today's date according to the Canadian gov'ts COVID site there's ONLY 7,035 ACTIVE Cases in ALL of Quebec, in a population of 8.5 million. Just in Montreal alone there's 1.8 million inhabitants, in Laval & Quebec City there's roughly 1 million more combined. So in nearly 3 million people there 7,035 active cases - if they're all concentrated in those 3 cities alone and there aren't some in other areas included in the number - and as it was the whole province of QC those numbers for today were for - it's for the entire province of 8.5 million and not just the 3 million in those 3 cities in the red zones. I would hardly call that an epidemic let alone a pandemic. Gawd, in flu season we have way more infected in the population than that.  So you see people? When you look at the raw numbers and the unembellished with BS, facts you get the real picture and the real picture isn't quite so scary is it?  I mean what are the chances any of us reading this even knows one of those 7,035 active cases anyhow? Minimal to say the least. So you can see it's just hyperbole they're using meant to keep you scared and compliant and in your place. That's all. In fact QC's so afraid of us knowing the truth they don't even list the active numbers just total accumulated cases and deaths to make the numbers seem way scarier than they actually are. So don't be so scared, because that's what they want. 
They need to keep you scared and compliant for whatever is coming next - so you won't flout or refuse it. Whatever that is. AND they want to keep you home at all times inbetween school and working hours so they know where to find you when they come knocking for that whatever is coming next is.... Probably a forced vaccination.  Or some other equally nefarious and sinister objective. I mean if they can use us as mere cogs in their economic engine and forget about our needs to have friends, love, relations with extended family members, enjoyment of any kind, and psychological support then they won't have any problem forcing some inhuman treatment on us, because they already don't see us as being human with human needs, all they see us as being is cogs in their economic machinery. That they need to keep generating money and profits for them.  That's all we seem to be to them now. So in that sense I can't see why we would continue to comply with that BS. 

Sorry didn't get as many headlines in for today as I hoped, but I did get what I surmise might be going on, off my mind.... You can make of it what you will, it's up to you.... 
P.S. Just so you know, I'm not the only one who thinks like this, so it's not just some paranoid ravings of an old lady, here's what I found in the National Post:  Leslyn Lewis: There is a socialist coup unfolding in Canada, and we taxpayers are funding it   Wikipedia intro into her bio:Leslyn Lewis is a Canadian lawyer and former political candidate who placed third in the 2020 Conservative Party of Canada leadership election.[1][2] She was the first visible minority woman to run for the federal Conservative Party leadership.[a][3]
So maybe you should seriously start to consider some of the things I've been saying, before you don't have a chance to anymore. 

Back again tomorrow with yet more headlines and strong opinions too probably. So if you are game feel free to make a return visit anytime you wish. Until then take care and stay well.