Friday, October 2, 2020

Last Night's Outrage, Today's Harvest, Raspberry Coconut Squares & ....



October 1, 2020

I was super angry over the new police powers the cops have to enter people's homes if they suspect there's an "illegal" gathering there or a party.  The next thing you know they'll be able to do that for any reason or crime they suspect is going on inside a private home, despite what it says about unreasonable search and seizure in our constitution. If you didn't read last night's post I hope you do, because you need to be aware of the things going on in Canada with seemingly both levels of government in agreement. So QC, may not even have to use their "Not Withstanding Clause", which this CAQ loves to use everytime it wants to enact a law that may not fly under Canada's charter of rights & freedoms. Looks like the Feds don't contest what he's doing with giving the cops those powers, so look out they may use the same laws for the RCMP and Canada wide under other cop juridictions as well. It wouldn't surprise me any if Legault and Ford concocted this BS law while they were conferring in Ontario last week or a couple of weeks ago. It probably went like this Legault - I'm going to pass a law to cut down on parties and illegal gatherings by giving the cops the power to enter private residences in order to do so and Ford probably responded: Good give it a go and let me know how it goes and if it flies I'll do the same thing here in Ontario. I'm telling you if we citizens don't fight to have that law repealed, it'll only get worse and worse - they'll completely trample all our rights until the only right we're left with is the right to breathe and even then they might force us to wear some kind of meter that measures the amount of air we've inhaled (oh and for the CO2 taxes they'll add a seperate meter measuring the amount of CO2 we exhaled and then tax us on it). We've got to stand up for our rights while we still have some, because after they've been taken away, it'll be too late and the way they're going that won't be too long from now. By the time Christmas comes we'll be lucky if we're allowed move around from room to room inside our own houses and might be forced to install cameras in every room including the bathroom because they don't want us escaping outside via any windows either, sight unseen. Not to mention we'll all be issued gov't Alexa's but instead of being useful to us, all it'll do is eavesdrop on everything we say. If we let them get away with what they did last night, it won't be long before most of what I said above comes true too, because they'll know they've literally got the Canadian Sheeple by the balls and they won't fight back no matter what. For those wondering what was the title of last night's post it is "Quebec Has Become a Gestapo State". You can find it in the label under "nazis in QC legislature", "unconstitutional laws" or "gestapo law in QC". Just click on one of those labels to be taken there.

Spent the day in the garden harvesting stuff that I didn't think would survive the impending frost on the week. I got some shallots and onions, cucumbers, raspberries (enough to make raspberry squares), a lot of baby carrots, a bunch of garden greens - a mix of leaves like kale and mustard and spinach and things like that, mint, chives and curry.  I just finished scrubbing the dirt off the carrots and cutting the tops off of them (which are edible and basically tastes like carrots - so I'm adding them to the garden greens I have, to blanche later). I put the carrots aside to dry up a bit before separating them for saving in the fridge for eating soon and blanching for eating later. 

My Raspberry Coconut Squares Recipe

2/3 cup flour
2/3 cup oatmeal
1 cup softened butter or margarine
2/3 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup shredded coconut
1 1/2 - 2 cups raspberries (you can make a thinner filling if you don't have enough)
For Topping
1/2 cup flour

Preheat oven to 350F & grease & flour 9 inch square cake pan.

Mix all ingredients except berries together in a mixing bowl, with your hands until you have a crumbly mixture - dough like.  Pat 1/2 in bottom of prepared cake pan, arrange berries evenly over the top and then add the extra 1/2 cup of flour to flour oat mixture in bowl and continue working with hands until resembles bread crumbs. Pour remaining mixture over top of berries.  Bake 30-40 minutes until top is golden brown. Let cool completely. Cut into squares & serve.

Now that I've covered my outrage, my day and my recipe, I guess it's time to start covering some of the headlines and try to get through as many as I can. So get ready, here we go....

Study finds prolonged loneliness, apart from unhealthy diet and inactivity, could lead to onset of type 2 diabetes Looks like they're using the pandemic to kill us off in innumerable ways from the actual disease itself, to not being able to get treated for a current condition, to finding ways to impoverish people so badly they become homeless and starve to death on top of that. Yup, cutting down on population alright, except it's cutting down on the wrong population. Instead it should be cutting down on all the liars and criminals at the helm of all the countries that let the pandemic in to ravish their people & their economy. So in other words the political class and the head honchos in the WHO.

Wow! At least a laid back leader who doesn't have his shorts all wadded up into knots like Legault et. al. have. Legault should take some lessons from him! Except maybe Legault is too stupid to be able to.
After early virus warning, 10 days of distraction Well bozo brains in Ottawa didn't do anything about it, until his wife Ms. Piggy & Mommy Dearest came back from the UK with it. Then ohhhhhhhh it was affecting his family so now he had to take it seriously and it's only then that he even started to act on it. Meanwhile the virus had from December until Ms. Piggy & Mommy Dearest's trip in the UK ended to find it's way into the country here - basically all of 3 and a half months, if not longer. So he was no better. Trump knew about it in January and didn't act on it. I know bozo brains must've known about it at least back then if not before because Canada's chief medical officer is Chinese ergo understands Chinese and might stay in touch with relatives in China and have heard about it when it first got going over there and told bozo brains about it then.  Even still neither Tam nor Trudeau did or said anything at all about it, except that they didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings by closing borders and issuing mandatory quarantine directives to those who already arrived from there. Nooooo...... They preferred hurting the feelings of the relatives of those who died from it here, instead. So as much as the Americans want to beitch and whine about Trump's lack of action, he's no different than any of the rest of the leaders out there in the world as they ALL LET THE DISEASE INTO THEIR COUNTRIES & DID NOTHING AT ALL ABOUT IT UNTIL MID MARCH (when everyone all of a sudden did), even bozo brains in Ottawa isn't any better than Trump in that regard.


Worldwide coronavirus cases top 30 million Now remember that's Accumulated Cases From the Beginning of the Pandemic and NOT how many are still walking around with it out there in the community. And of course this article doesn't show how many are recovered, so all you see is accumulated cases and accumulated deaths, but not the recovered. If we could get the recovered numbers we'd be able to figure out the REAL NUMBERS by minusing the deaths and recovered from the total accumulated figure and then we'd know how many people are actually sick with it at this current point in time. So we'd know how prevalent it is in our community and whether or not it's truly as dangerous as they say. But they don't want us knowing that so it's rare you'll find a site or place that shows the recovered figures too.

Just in case you're bored staying home and have more money than brains and don't mind risking your life in a plane crash or by catching COVID19 through the recycled air onboard. 
Second defector's knowledge of Chinese bioweapons reaches U.S. I suppose a couple weeks or so down the road they'll find a connection to Steve Bannon and this person too, in order to try to discredit them.

For something entirely different.... 

Another one that doesn't give the total of the recovered. Scaremongering at it's finest.

Those are UK MPs for those wondering.... But when they say we get what we pay for, that must mean that no one paid anything to the WHO at all because it looks like the entire world literally got the middle finger from the WHO when it came to this pandemic, as though they got no funding from anyone. Which I know isn't true because they're good at making everyone pay through their teeth to them for everything.
Exclusive: France won't buy vaccines through WHO's COVAX scheme - ministry source Smart decision. I don't think anyone else should either, because as far as I can see the WHO and all the officials that work for them are nothing but liars, thieves and criminals in general.


Well of course we can't have the actual truth getting out, now can we? As that'll blow all the elites' plans to hell.
Red Cross warns coronavirus is driving discrimination in Asia It's driving it's own special brand of discrimination here too, whereby unless you have COVID19 you basically can't get seen by a doctor and even if you're perfectly healthy you're still living under quarantine, where the seniors are not supposed to be seen nor heard and told to stay home (in most cases alone) forever and where it's alright to congregate in a work place or school and perhaps contract the disease as a result, but it's not alright to go out and have fun with others as you might contract the disease. So in other words it's alright to risk you life or health for the sake of the economy but not for your own enjoyment. So what's the point of living if all you're doing is going to work or school and back home into lockdown again? There's plenty of discrimination here, but of a different kind when it comes to this disease. It discriminates against those of us who wish to enjoy whatever time we have left by not allowing us too but not against spending time in other's presence in order to work or go to school. 

Burned out and abused: French COVID-19 testers strike over work conditions While the lines are long here in QC and some people never actually get their tests as they can't stay long enough to wait for them, I'm not sure the workers here could claim to be burned out and abused given how they take their sweet time to get around to people. My daughter-in-law is a nurse at a hospital in downtown Montreal and she is hearing complaints from people about how they go to get their test done, but don't stand in line long enough because they simply can't for whatever reason, but yet the following day they get text messages sent to their cellphones saying they tested positive. See they had to give their info in advance and then are told to wait in line. So they do, but some leave before they get tested and some of those are telling my daughter-in-law that they were told they tested positive even though they didn't take the test. So my question is, are those bogus numbers also added to the number of cases? If so, I'm wondering how many bogus cases like that there are out there that've been added to the total number of cases for a region? Is that done on purpose in order to inflate the numbers? Just wondering...

That's nice for the G20, but you do realize there's plenty of adversaries in the G20 who might be trying to use this magnanimous  posturing to try to get some of the more gullible (as in Trudeau's case) to be the first to donate some of the Canadians' supply of their vaccines to the poorer countries, while countries in the  G20 like China and Russia might not donate any of theirs while they sit laughing at the gullible idiots that thought it would be a good idea to give a large percentage of their supply away to the poorer countries, knowing that that's all there was to go around in vaccines and there was no more to be had by anyone rich or poor (at least for awhile maybe). 


They should do like here in QC, drag their ashes so that it takes so long people get sick and tired of waiting and go home, so that way they can just desginate all of them as being positive and get it over with.


What benefit does Steve Bannon get from her announcement? 


You're kidding me right? Needing to show people how to put nail polish on at home? I wonder how us girls managed before nail salons came along anyhow? Geez, a friend of mine and I were a couple of the first girls to put a different colour on each nail, back in the 1970s when all the new colours (like blue, black, green, yellow, orange etc..) first came out. We didn't need nail salons to show us how to do it either considering it's pretty straight forward.





"RADICALIZED BY COVID-19 CONSPIRACY THEORIES"??????? OMG Talk about the height of hubris, ignorance and just plain idiocy!!!!!!! Seriously???? So you're going to blame violent revolts on conspiracy theories and NOT ON THE ASH HOLES IN POWER THAT ARE CAUSING US TO WANT TO REVOLT????? After the BS the CAQ gov't pulled last night, I can't imagine anyone NOT WANTING TO REVOLT!!!!!!! Seriously!!!! And that is NOT A CONSPIRACY THEORY!!!!! It IS FACT - GESTAPO TACTICS PUT INTO PLAY BY THE CAQ!!!! I think it's time bozo brains in Ottawa implemented the War Measures Act,  and arrested the CAQ, like his father did with the FLQ!!!!!! Which incidentally for  Francois Legault et. al., might be a much safer alternative than the population of Quebec going ape sheite wild and revolting en masse and tearing the National Assembly apart along with anything else associated with the ash holes in government including themselves and their private property.  Because if he doesn't watch it, it's apt to lead to that and it has absolutely NOTHING to do with a Conspiracy  Theory of any kind! Just the CAQ's own actions and enacted laws.
COVID-19 in Canada: What a second shutdown might look like Hopefully, not anything like the shutdown in Quebec looks like. Otherwise we ought to petition the US to bomb the sheite out of Ottawa because they've become a Nazi government (like the QC gov't has morphed into). 

Don't you just love this? How they coordinate their lockdowns in lockstep no matter which side of which ocean they on? And this isn't a collaborated effort? Wondering if because they allowed us the summer - pretty much from mid June until just after the official start of autumn, meaning 3 months instead of 30 days, if that means we're facing a 150 day lockdown based on that 30/50 lockdown rule of thumb for stopping the pandemic?  
So sad, they shouldn't be susceptible to it too. I would feel so awful if I were the reason our dachshund got sick with it. Especially if she died because of it.
Eyeglasses may help protect against coronavirus: study If they do, then that's another plus for me I guess. But I'm finding more and more I can't wear them when I have the mask on as their either sliding down off my face, or steaming up. So I have to take them off most of the time.


Anyhow on that dismal note, I'll leave you ponder all of this for now. Until next time take care and stay well.