Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Quebec Has Become a Gestapo State!

Special Blog Post


Sept 30, 2020

This is not a usual post with several headlines, THIS is an OUT OF ORDINARY POST for this blog, because of the OUT OF ORDINARY &  PROBABLY OUT OF CONSTITUTIONAL PARAMETERS LAWS BEING PASSED HERE IN QUEBEC!
IF there are any CANADIAN CONSTITUTIONAL  legal professionals who hazard a glance at my blog and this post in particular, I SINCERELY URGE YOU to consider  fighting this law in court!  Quebec gives police legal tools to enter homes quickly to stop gatherings during COVID-19
And the rest of us should be as rambunctious about it as possible from literally SPAMMING THE SOBS in OFFICE WITH PROTEST EMAILS  to protesting it on the streets!!!!!!! 
This new law the Nazi government in the QC legislature enacted is a FLAGRANT ABUSE OF POWER & SERIOUS OVER REACH BY A GOVERNMENT and should be fought tooth & nail, in the streets, via email, via  snail mail, via campaigns of all types, via petitions, via protests of every type and kind and especially IN A COURT OF LAW!
We canNOT let them get away with this! Seriously! They've skipped right over going to a police state from a democratic state, straight to a gestapo state and they NEED TO BE REIGNED IN OR OVERTHROWN!  As it's too early for an election and the scumbags in office won't resign that's for freaking sure! The power tripping ash holes that should be held accountable for letting this virus in and killing us in the first place! It's their fault it's in this country to begin with,  but we're being the ones punished for it????????????????? How's that f'n work anyhow??????????????  I say they should be the ones being rounded up by the cops and forced to stand trial for criminal negligence causing mass murder or genocide!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That'll fix those over the top power hungry nazis in the national assembly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
One more thing before you dismiss my outrage out of hand. This law has been passed now. Do you think it will ever be repealed? Especially considering that Canada STILL has laws calling for horse thieves to be hung, when capitol punishment has been done away with? That law wasn't repealed, so do you honestly think this one will be? Especially one that's too good to be true, allowing cops instant access to anyone's home like that? All they have to do is keep the law on the books and modify the wording of it, giving them more reasons than just a party, as reason enough to enter a home. Like they see someone inside that looks likes like someone they don't like, or they saw someone in a house window that they think is a wanted criminal (but that someone isn't the criminal in question) or for whatever cockamamy excuse they care to come up with in front of a judge? It gives them too much latitude and leeway to basically enter anyone's home for any f'n reason they wish. All they have to do is say well there were a lot of cars parked out side so I thought they had a party inside. On any street in Montreal where there's street parking, there'll be a lot of cars parked outside..... So does that mean they'll be able to enter everyone's home along that street? 
If you live along such a street anywhere in Quebec, maybe you'd better seriously mull this over before you decide to acquiesce and go along with it, like the good little Cdn sheep we're all expected to be.