Thursday, September 24, 2020

Veggie Blanching, Pork Paprikash & Serenading While Blogging About



Sept 24, 2020

I spent the day blanching the remains of the veggies I had in the house to take care of. Though I still have stuff left in the garden to get and deal with at some future time when there's more frost in the forecast. 

Having had a little time leftover, I decided to do something different for supper than I would've normally done with the pork cubes, so looked for a recipe on the net and came across this: Pork Paprikash.
And my husband loved it. So much so he wanted to lick the plate and probably would've if he thought I'd let him.  Even our dachshund loved it. We gave her a little saucer full because she wanted some and to my surprise she gobbled it down in a flash. So that recipe is a keeper. Good thing I printed it out as I wasn't able to save a text file of it. 
While there I tripped over this song (it has nothing to do with COVID19, it's just an over the top amazing recital of a well known song by a 9 year old girl, that you just have to hear):   Year Old Girl Brings Down the House 
So since I was listening to a couple of songs on here, my husband decided to start playing some of my favourite music on the computer he's using, starting with "our song" that was "our song" since we've been together. Now he's playing Nazareth  "Hair of the Dog" - which brings back memories from Vancouver and a restaurant that we used to frequent where the hugest Native American we've ever seen (I don't mean fat, I mean tall, large, strong - someone you wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley on your own), used to play that song on the jukebox every time he came into the place. Now it's Nancy Sinatra and These Boots are Made For Walkin', now one to make me cry - my mom's favourite song Ramblin Rose by Nat King Cole and on to Nights in White Satin by Moody Blues, he's really mixing them up tonight .
OMG.... I have to take an interlude here and talk about the song he's playing now. A long time ago when I was a young woman and we were together at this little fish & chips shack in Halifax, called Crinos (not sure if it was a K or a C - the owner was Greek) and we were alone in the restaurant at the time having lunch. Then this dude with red hair and a goatee came in and sat in a booth by himself, and I went to go to the washroom so I had to walk by his booth, at which point he started singing California Dreaming to me (explicitly to me) and then said "hey psst" and I looked at him and he said "do you know who I am?" and I said "nope, who are you?". So he started singing California Dreaming to me again and asked if I knew the song and I said of course I do, who doesn't, so then he says he's Denny Doherty from the Mamas and Papas, and I didn't believe him and said "yeah and I'm Marilyn Monroe". But as it turned out, I later learnt he was telling the truth. I wasn't though (though I'm sure he could tell). He wanted me to sit down at the booth with him and changed his mind when I asked if my husband could join us.  There you go, a memory from both sides of our country based on music. Sorry for this intrusion of a happy memory into the gloom & doom this blog has become.....

So with happy vibes I am going to try not to get depressed over the following headlines I'm posting....

Personally, I think forcing people to wear masks is akin to muzzling or silencing them. Like the authorities don't want to hear what we have to say and don't want anyone else to either.


Wish everyone everywhere could say the same thing, then we would have hope. Or as the song playing now "End of the Line" by the Travelling Wilburies implies, that we would be at the end of the line and it would be alright at the end of the line - especially in this horrible pandemic.
Scientists are seeing an 'acceleration of pandemics': They are looking at climate change Ahem.... I don't want to talk about this "climate change" BS without mentioning Ice-Ages and Interglacial Ages and palm fronds in the fossil record in Alaska - and it's definitely not that warm yet, where palm trees could start growing in Alaska, heck they won't even grow here in QC and we're several hundred miles south of the latitude that Alaska's southern border is on.  For those who think otherwise and want to believe Al Gore, Leo DiCaprio and the little brat Greta whatever her name is (none of whom have a degree in science of any kind let alone climatology or anything related to it) I suggest you try reading a book written by REAL SCIENTISTS in the field (not David Suzuki either, he's a geneticist (that's biology) - not even related to earth sciences) and see what they have to say. Maybe you can start with this book: Ice Ages and Interglacials
Maybe you can find that book online or some place where it's not so expensive as the price quoted there.  Maybe even as an ebook, that you can download off the net for free, if you're lucky and can find it like that.

Coronavirus: Speaking quietly can reduce COVID spread, study finds   Like I said, I think they're trying to silence us first it was the masks but we're talking loud enough to compensate for the masks, so now they've got to tell us to talk quieter - because they don't want to hear us. They're not interested in anything we might have to say, because it's only what they want that's important, screw the rest of us. 

Puerto Rico reopening beaches, gyms, theaters amid pandemic Lucky them, they want to close everything fun around here, down again.
Public trust in CDC, Fauci, and other top health officials is evaporating, poll finds Wondering why..... Hmmm.... Could it be because they keep changing positions on the pandemic, like some people change their underwear?

Fauci warns US needs to 'hunker down' for fall, winter: 'It's not going to be easy' Sounds like bozo brains in Ottawa and the equivalent here in QC are preaching the same route. In other words, find a hole to crawl into and either go into hibernation or whither up and die. Now they've said we can't see anyone outside of our household, here in QC - to go to work or school and come directly home and no see anyone else for anything else. They can stuff it where the sun don't shine as far as I'm concerned. This backyard pizza party we're having with neighbours tomorrow night has been planned for over a week now, and we're having it, whether the clowns in power like it or not. 

CDC: People with COVID-19 twice as likely to have eaten out at a restaurant before getting sick Then in that case we should be sicker than dogs and have had this virus umpteen times by now. 

Fauci: We won't be able to sit in theaters without masks until a year after an effective coronavirus vaccine is created Talk about hyperbole..... If there's a vaccine and a massive vaccine campaign like what happened when H1N1 was going around in 2009, I don't see why you wouldn't be able to sit in a movie theatre a month after that campaign finished.


If there's no spectators allowed in the stadiums who's going to be spreading the virus?

Then I've been spreading it all over the place tonight since my husband started playing music for me.... I sing along with everything I know and like usually.  This is just another enjoyable thing they want to take from us. Pretty soon, they'll say eyeball movement while reading spreads the virus as well. So you won't be able to read, watch TV/videos, or look at anything of interest either as that'll some how spread the virus too. 
China Injects Hundreds of Thousands With Experimental Covid-19 Vaccines  If it's the one they stole from us, I hope there's something wrong with it and they all croak. It'll serve them right.
Colombia: Seven Dead, Hundreds Injured as Rioters Burn Dozens of Police Stations People have had enough. When enough is enough, THAT'S ENOUGH! If authorities keep on us too, it can happen here as well. Like I've said many a time in here, even though I'm an old lady now, I'd still give it all I've got to fight this draconian BS plandemic that the powers that be are using for any and all agendas they might have in mind now, whether we the taxpaying voting citizens like and agree with it or not. 


COVID-19 vaccine doses could arrive in Canada early in 2021: minister If it's anything like the partnership with China on the vaccines, don't hold your breath waiting. Anything can happen between now and then and given the governance and idiots at the helm we've had here in Canada since 2015, anything will happen, because they have no clue on how to sign water tight deals and leave lots of wiggle room for the other parties to wiggle out of contractual commitments.  So don't count on it. If we see any vaccines from elsewhere in the world, it'll be only after everyone else in the world has had their jabs. 

Well where I live, since it's served solely by school buses (there is no public transit to speak of in the area), the kids have to walk or bike to school if they live within such a distance of the school. The school bus won't even stop to pick them up, even if the school bus  goes right by their house, if they're in that "walking distance". I'm not sure of the range now whether it's 1 km or 1 mile, or what....


How does that work? I mean how does 80 people get COVID19 from 1 night of karaoke - especially when bars and restaurants have limits on how many people can be inside at any one time. So what happened here? Were there more people than should've been in there in the first place and did the singers each lick or stick their mouths on the microphones or stand so close to the other patrons that when they sang they sprayed them with saliva? Just wondering is all...
Hamilton senior centres are starting to reopen Yup and now thanks to bozo brains in Ottawa they'll have to shut down again, as he's basically called for a lockdown but without putting the lockdown name on it, but it sounds identical to me - what the restrictions are now and what they were during the lockdown.


Coronavirus: Ford calls for more federal fines under Quarantine Act Except none of you numbskulls bothered to read that act.... It does not call for locking everyone and everything down. It calls solely for having the infected person/s and their contacts put into quarantine while leaving the rest of society alone to live and do their things. So maybe you clowns should be fined, make that sued big time for abuse of powers. 

People are really getting to know their pets at home during quarantine, poll says And I'm sure they're finding out how amazing, smart, empathetic, and good they are. 

THIS is precisely what I've been trying to get at and say all along in this blog, that this pandemic is being used for all sorts of nefarious and probably illegal according to our present laws and constitutional documents, means, agendas and ends, to take away our rights and freedoms and to probably in the end, in our final desperation to have a penny or two for food or shelter, force us into slave labour or whatever. First though they have to kill off the elderly, infirm and others to cut down on population. They are up to no good and they're using this pandemic achieve it, whatever the final outcome of it is.


If you can you might want to print the chart out and put it on your fridge for future reference because it is getting to be that time of year again where we all have the sniffles, coughs and sneezes and we don't always want to be worrying whether or not we have COVID19 or not. So it's nice when we can check and reassure ourselves that we don't, and it's just a cold, allergies or the flu.  I've already printed a copy out for our fridge.




Yup it can stay that way as long as no new people go there or they don't import anything from the outside world that's contaminated with it, such as some form of frozen food, like fish for example.
We're ignoring one of the most obvious ways to avoid spreading the coronavirus: stop talking so much See???? What've I been telling you in here? Finally they've come out and said it. What we might have to say doesn't interest them, even though it should as we're their bosses, who gave them their jobs by voting them in, and pays their salaries via the taxes they siphon off of us on a regular basis. So essentially through this nice little media piece, they're telling us to shut-up and stop talking. 



I swear to gawd, I wonder if the world leaders use the same song book to use to sing to their constituents about COVID19. 

Anyhow, until next time take care & stay safe.