Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Canning Salsa &

Covid19 Headlines


Sept. 8, 2020

This gloomy, dark, dreary, rainy afternoon was spent chopping sufficient tomatoes, onions, peppers and garlic cloves to make a salsa recipe found here: Zesty Salsa  As I didn't have enough tomatoes to make the whole recipe I made the 1/2 recipe. The only difference is I didn't use as much hot peppers as they asked for which is about 1.25 cups of hot peppers, instead I used only one 3 inch long serrano pepper and for the hot sauce I used sriracha sauce. I didn't want to make it too hot as my husband doesn't like really hot spicy stuff, but even that was a tad too hot for him, because we had some at supper tonight with the Jamaican meat pies (like empanadas), since I had more than 3 500ml jars full, but not enough in the 250 ml jar to make it a full jar, so didn't can it. 

So now tomorrow, if I don't slice my fingers off with the mandolin, first,  I plan on making dill pickles, but slicing them like bread & butter pickles are typically sliced, in round disks, that way they work better on hamburgers and the like, instead of the spears and long thin slices typically sold in stores.

In the meantime though, I guess I should post some of the accumated COVID19 headlines, since this is what this blog was set up for.

'Small events add up to a lot': Limited gatherings quietly emerge as source of coronavirus infections I'm not sure but I think that's what that 2 family bubble was all about. So that we don't visit with our son & his wife tonight and the decide to have a backyard BBQ with neighbours the next night and then off to visit friends the following night (those would all be 2 family gatherings but not the bubble they were talking about meaning you stick to the same people all the time - so if it's your kids you chose then it's your kids all the time and the same with them if they chose you then they have to stick to seeing you and only you all the time too). That's how that family bubble thing was supposed to work, but I don't think very many people understood that, or else they chose to ignore it.
Coronavirus updates: Global cases top 25M as US nears 6M; WHO warns of front line 'burnout'; experts advise against Labor Day gatherings  As of today's date and the "tally board" posted on Fox News site the numbers are globally: 27,424,421 cases with 894,163 deaths and in the US: 6,318,978 cases and 189,456 deaths. That's as of September 8, 2020.  So you can see how fast it's spreading given the date of August 30, 2020 on that article. That means that there's been an additional 2 million or so more cases globally in just over a week.

How would an O'Toole-led Conservative government handle the COVID-19 recovery?  It doesn't look like he'd do much of anything for the seniors, disabled, poor, homeless or any other underdog in society. 

Coronavirus: Ontario government announces rent freeze  That should've been done here in QC too.

Muslim matchmaking apps see spike in downloads during pandemic  I thought that was done when the girl was 2 years old and her father thought he'd be able to trade her for a herd of goats to some guy 30 years older than her. But of course he has to wait at least 10 years until she's at least 12 before he can trade her for the goat herd.  I didn't know they were allowed to chose their own partners.

When N.S. shut down home births amid COVID-19, a covert mission began  What? You mean they opened  the Lunenberg ER up for all days and hours now and not just a few hours a day for a few days a week? And it's like that province wide too? Because even before the pandemic it was hard to see an ER doctor there unless you happened to be there at the right time on the right day. But it's rather hard sometimes to plan precisely which day and hour a baby will be born or when you'll have that car accident that you need treatment for. So it's surprising now that most other hospitals across Canada are shutting down their ERs to anyone unless they have COVID that NS hospitals are now open to expectant moms whenever they need to be. 

Coronavirus: 40,000 UK deaths - what happened?

Algeria's lessons from The Plague in the age of coronavirus

Family members of COVID-19 victim sue Michigan nursing home that didn't allow staff to wear masks  The families should do the same thing here in QC & Ontario.

You're facing a lot of choices amid the pandemic. Cut yourself slack: It's called decision fatigue. Choices huh... You mean like should I get out of bed today or not? What should we have for supper tonight?

This woman is beautifying Skid Row one makeover at a time. And not even the pandemic can stop her from helping the homeless  That's awesome! Keep it on!

American Girl honors pandemic heroes by turning them into one-of-a-kind dolls These are so cute, that even at the age I am now, I want them all.

NYC faces 'explosive' coronavirus spread from cold weather, schools

Now showing: The return of the drive-in

As US Open begins, French player says tournament has 'fake bubble' after testing positive for COVID-19

Getting COVID-19 and the flu at the same time: What are the risks?

Telemedicine for pets: How COVID-19 is disrupting animal health care   Fortunately for our dogs our vet has been more willing to see them, than our family doctor has been to see us.

Mom's work from home time-lapse video reminds women everywhere: 'You're not alone'

Sheryl Crow urges women to take breast cancer screening seriously amid COVID-19 pandemic  It would be nice if we could, but unfortunately as stated just above our doctors don't even want to see us yet.

Canada's active COVID-19 case number is rising shortly before most schools reopen

COVID-19 warnings issued for nine flights linked to Vancouver, Abbotsford

GIESBRECHT: About COVID-19, let's rip the bandage off  
I agree with this guy 100% & then some!

How Trump Sowed Covid Supply Chaos. ‘Try Getting It Yourselves.’

Trump leans into his '180,000 deaths is a statistic' reelection strategy

New Trump pandemic adviser pushes controversial 'herd immunity' strategy, worrying public health officials  Well given the projected timeline for when one will realistically be ready to go, we'll either all have had it or died from it by then, so I don't see why it worries them. It's realistic and probably what will happen.

People Line Up In Record Numbers At Alameda Co. Food Bank In COVID-19 Economy   That's a very sad state of affairs and really shouldn't be in one of the richest countries in the world.

Colleges vs. parties

SUNY Oneonta Closed For 2 Weeks After More Than 100 Test Positive For COVID

US floats idea of early approval for eventual vaccine

America Is Running Low on a Crucial Resource for COVID-19 Vaccines I thought we got beyond animal testing by now considering all the ew aw computer simulation and modelling programs there are out there.

In China’s Xinjiang, forced medication accompanies lockdown  Take note. They're doing everything the Chinese did from city wide (in our case though more like province and country wide) lockdowns to mass testing to imposing social distancing etc.... So if they're instituting lockdowns to forcibly administer vaccines, you can be guaranteed that same scenario will be playing out here too, if we let the gov't officials get away with and by the looks of things, we will.

South Korea puts force of law behind masks, quarantines, contact tracing   Looks like QC will too with their colour coded BS and Rob Ford was adamantly proclaiming that Ontario is going to start cracking down on those flouting the laws with heavy fines etc...

A Zoom Thanksgiving? Summer could give way to a bleaker fall  Oh hell no!!!!! Not after robbing us of the last celebration - Easter! Nothing and no one is  taking Thanksgiving away from us even Legault himself.  We can't eat a whole turkey by ourselves, so our family is going to join us for that endeavor whether the jerks in power like it or not.

Canada has contracts for up to four COVID-19 vaccines but they won't be mandatory  For now, they won't be mandatory, until they get here and until they have enough to force everyone to get one. But until then they won't be mandatory. Like all the other "but we don't see the need to get people to wear masks" and "we don't see the need to lockdown" and "no there won't be any forced social distancing" until 2-3 days later when suddenly there were needs for mask wearing, lock downs and social distancing. They've lied to us from the get go, so why would anyone believe this anyhow?

Coronavirus cases in Canada: More than 6,600 active cases, 9,100 deaths

Pandemic adviser with no epidemiology background reportedly pushes White House to adopt herd immunity strategy  Well that looks like the way we're all headed anyhow both in the US & outside the US.

Canada Revenue Agency: 1 Huge Deadline Change for 2020 Taxpayers  This will be welcome news for some, I imagine.

Scientists see downsides to top COVID-19 vaccines from Russia, China

EU offers 400 million euros to WHO-led COVID-19 vaccine initiative

CRA's handling of COVID-19 benefit cyberattacks 'reprehensible,' alleges proposed class-action lawsuit  I agree.

Sharon Stone reveals her sister is now COVID-19 negative  Oh look at that huge grin on her face now. Not too long ago she was coming unhinged and getting angry at the world because her sister got sick. She could've at that point in time auditioned for a part playing a patient in a psych ward in a horror movie and she'd have been 100% convincing that she was that actual character in question. 

Canadians, $37 Billion CRA CERB Replacement Is Coming Your Way

'Shame and blame': Are college COVID-19 cases the fault of campuses full of reckless partiers? Experts, students say no Of course not. Why would reckless partiers be to blame? Because they'd be too drunk & stupid to catch anything let alone a virus, is that why? Somehow I think if there was reckless partying going on there or anywhere that would be to blame.  No questions asked. Stupid is as stupid does. I'd think kids of that calibre that are too stupid to realize their own actions caused their own problems would be too stupid to be admitted to college or university.  Didn't know the colleges and universities were so desperate now that they've sunk so low as to be admitting the village idiots across the US. Because seriously you have to be on that level to not know or at least realize that yes indeed it's your stupid actions that led to that. I'm sorry but I have a very low tolerance for colossal stupidity like that.

Some Russian teachers fear back-to-school shots of 'Sputnik V' COVID vaccine

From masks to cohorting, a guide to back-to-school rules across the country

Anyhow, that's it for me for the night. Until next time take care & stay well.