Saturday, August 29, 2020

Just a Few....

Covid19 Headlines


August 29, 2020

I thought I'd post a few headlines before packing it in the for the night, so there won't be many and  as I can barely think at this time of night (well morning actually), there won't be many insights, comments or even wise cracks, I don't think.

Anyhow if you are like me and have wonky sleeping hours and need something to kill some time and make you sleepy (you must be bored with this stupid pandemic by now, as I know I am), then pull your bedside up close to your computer screen and start reading and clicking on links...

'TWO MORE YEARS' Coronavirus pandemic could last for another TWO YEARS, says World Health Organisation chief  I sure as hell hope not, as I don't think I can take doing this for another 2 years still. I'll be amazed at myself if I stick with this until Christmas this year. 

COVID-19 scary? Japan group offers coffins, chainsaws for stress relief   I'm filing this under C for COVID19, Coffins, Chainsaws & Craziness.

Air-conditioned rooms help spread COVID-19, research shows So on sweltering hot days you have your choice of not running the air conditioning and dying of heat stroke (which is more or less imminently) or running the air conditioner and maybe drying of COVID19 sometime in the future. Your choice. 

Even With a Strong Crop This Year, U.S. Farmers Are Suffering   My garden is a total mess because of the hot & wet weather we've had this year. Even though it looks like a wild field, there's still a few things growing in it. Amazingly enough.

'This shouldn't have happened:' Father attributes son's death to COVID-19 rules   And how many others died because of those rules? I know I still can't get to see my family doctor (haven't seen her since last October). I don't know when doctors will start treating the rest of the sick people out here again or properly.

Most Russians Say ‘Hell, No!’ They're Not Taking Putin’s COVID-19 Vaccine At least they have one to say no to, Canadians, don't and probably won't ever have one to say aye, yes or no to, thanks to the conniving, crooked Chinese gov't.

How does coronavirus spread at a concert? Germans do a test  I guess the coronavirus rates were getting too low in Germany and they needed to find a way to increase the numbers in order to keep their coronavirus rules and laws implemented. Otherwise the public might've demanded they be lifted. That's what it looks like to me. Either that or the governments knows it's not that big a deal for the general population (excluding the frail, elderly and chronically ill or immune compromised), otherwise why would they risk this? Like sending kids back to school, but still not being allowed to socialize or have fun.

China approves human testing for coronavirus vaccine grown in insect cells   I hope it turns all the Chinese into cockroaches.

COVID in the Classroom? Shhh. Some Schools Are Keeping It Quiet.  I think they'd like to do that here in QC, except parents and teachers seem to be foiling that effort.

With a coronavirus rate near zero, Taiwanese take to camping in the great indoors  Hmmm well that "great outdoors" picture in that story looked more like someone's backyard patio the tent was pitched on, than any "great outdoors" I've ever seen.

Regulator charges B.C. firm's cedar leaf oil coronavirus claims were misleading   Ahhh.... Is cedar leaf oil salesmen a new take on the old snake oil salesmen? Sounds like it might be the case.

Jamaican Canadian Association extends free meal delivery program as pandemic continues  Good for them! Every little bit helps and is appreciated by those in need, I'm sure.

6-year-old girl youngest to die in Florida from COVID-19 complications, health data shows  Very sad, for such a young girl to die from anything at all, nevermind COVID19.

COVID-19 takes the lives of a working-class father and his son an hour apart  Losing 2 members of the same family so close together like this is super sad as well.

Coronavirus Positive Prisoner Drinks Liquor in Dhanbad Hospital Ward, Jharkhand CM Orders Probe  What'd ya know? Sick Coronavirus hospitalized prisoners misbehaving. Who'd have thought?

The Potential Nightmare Facing The UK If No-Deal Brexit And Second Coronavirus Wave Collide  They always seem to be unnerved and panicking over something in the UK. I think they create their own problems because they thrive on them. If no one wanted separation, or to leave the EU, or there was no mad cow, or corona virus, or Falklands war, and terrorist attacks, they'd create something else to get their shorts all twisted into knots over. I mean they seem to go from crisis to crisis - sometimes they're not even finished with the first crisis and they're embroiled in a second one. It seems they thrive on stuff like that. 

Not Just Sushant, Covid-19 Has Brought Suicide and Depression Epidemic to Entertainment Industry  I have no clue who this guy is, so I'm not posting this headlines because of him, I'm posting the headlines because of the subject matter - that beind depression & suicide mostly but also in the entertainment business.

France reports post-lockdown daily record of 4,897 new COVID-19 cases   Wow! Just wow! Those are staggering numbers for a country the size of France, considering their population is a little under the double of our population. So that would be like Canada reporting 2,450 cases in a single day. I know we had high numbers at one point but I don't think they ever got near that amount.

I think I'll stop there for the night. Until next time take care and stay well.