Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Banana & Blueberry Ice Creams, Pumpkin Cheesecake and of course...

COVID19 Coverage


August 19, 2020

In order to do something to try to fix my sleep wake cycle and take care of some of the food we had here, before having to throw it out, I made a Pumpkin Cheesecake  using the recipe found there, but had to modify it, because I didn't want to make a shell from scratch as I already had a graham pie shell that I wanted to use instead. So because the recipe there uses a spring form pan which is twice the capacity of one of those graham pie shells, I realized I didn't need the 3 packages of cream cheese nor 3 eggs either and only used 2 of each instead, despite that,  I only used half of the mixture in the cheesecake (the other half is in the fridge awaiting ideas for it, or for me to get another graham pie shell to use with it). So because the quantity is less, it takes less time to bake. So instead of the full hour baking time I reduced it to 35-40 minutes, checking intermittently to make sure it didn't burn or wasn't under cooked. So whenever I can get another graham pie shell (which will hopefully be soon), I'll have 2 pumpkin cheesecakes for the price of one really. Not bad. Or if my foot prevents me from going anywhere anytime soon, I may look for recipes like cheesecake bars for the base, and make cheesecake bars instead, though I'd prefer to have an actual cheesecake, so I can freeze it and thaw it up for Thanksgiving.

I also made Banana Ice Cream using the recipe found there but added a tablespoon of Coconut Rum to the mixture - not really for flavour (but that too if anyone should taste it), but to keep the ice cream from freezing solid in the freezer. It's a little tip I read somewhere that in order to keep homemade ice cream from freezing solid to add a tablespoon of vodka or rum or some alcohol before churning it. As I just made and churned it tonight and put it in the freezer tonight, I don't know how well that trick works or not, but it would be nice if it did work.

The Blueberry Ice Cream using the  recipe found there. Though that hasn't been churned yet and will only be churned tomorrow probably. I don't remember if I put any alcohol in that one or not. I don't think so, so it'll probably freeze rock solid like all the other ice creams I've ever made. 

That's pretty much what's kept me busy and out of trouble. 

My foot is still sore though, not sure what's wrong with it, but our doctor can't be reached unless you call her at the crack of dawn otherwise her secretary isn't taking calls later than that.  Our emergency walk-in clinic that we had around here since we moved to this area, closed months ago - sometime in late 2019 and was supposed to be replaced with another one, but I've yet to see or hear about it.  It seems to me they're using COVID19 as an excuse to cut back on medical care overall - unless of course you have the coronvirus and then they over do it and have to shove whatever they can find down your airways whether it does you more harm than good or not, is irrelevant. Meantime though people are dying of heart attacks, cancer, and all sorts of other terminal ailments from kidney disease to ruptured appendixes. And forget trying to see a doctor over what they would deem to be a minor ailment altogether because OMG you might be one of those silent COVID19 spreaders and they don't want to be inadvertently exposed to that just for a minor problem, like a foot problem (like mine, for instance). 

So with that off my chest..... I guess it's time to start posting headlines links for those who are still interested in them.... So settle back and relax and get into your zen mode so you don't get too worried and anxious over the whole thing. 

Coronavirus reality: What day is it? Remove the mundane with days to celebrate white wine, cookies, beer and more   I started doing that years ago, but it's hard, because the others in your milieu think you're nutty and don't want to participate with you. So you're left trying to "celebrate" or remain upbeat on your own basically.  But hey if you can find someone willing to celebrate the mundane and everyday things with you on a regular basis it might be fun.  

Can the world's oldest restaurant escape the pandemic's grasp? They were talking about how the Montreal restaurants are struggling during the pandemic on the news tonight. I think they said that nationally restaurants across Canada have lost $12 billion so far on account of the pandemic. That's a staggering amount of money to lose in 6 months. I know it's not just one restaurant, but even collectively, it's a huge loss for them. 

Many parents may have to stop working entirely if schools don't reopen, Goldman Sachs says  This is probably where the governments are getting their advice on schools from and not their respective health officers. 

Southwest Airlines cuts back on Covid-19 cleanings to speed up flight turnarounds  If you travel via Southwest Airlines, you should be aware of this...

Nurse who spent 117 days in the hospital with Covid-19 says 'it feels great to be alive'  I can imagine how she feels after spending almost 4 months in the hospital.

When a man heard that farmers were destroying unsold produce, he arranged for trucks to deliver 3 million pounds of it to food banks  That's awesome! More people should be doing that and not just during the pandemic but during normal times too, especially when farmers are over their quotas - instead of dumping it, give it to food banks. That won't be cutting into your profits if you do that, because those going to food banks weren't going to buy your products anyhow as they can't afford to.

Do I need to wear a mask? Back to school rules by province  Yup, kids in QC will be starting back to school, this coming week. Wondering what kind of fiasco that's going to be..... Guess we'll just have to wait and see.

'Info ambassadors' comb Montreal neighbourhood to address COVID-19 misinformation  Here's the thing.... Most of the information they're saying is incorrect or a conspiracy theory, isn't. It came from mainstream media and not conspiracy theorist sites, or even tabloids like Huffington Post likes to rely on for their "factual" articles. ahem...😏

COVID-19 measures could disrupt rare polio-like disease  Well there's at least one benefit this scourge is having, so it's not all bad.

'Alarming' rate of cyberattacks aimed at major corporations, governments and critical infrastructure amid COVID-19: Report   I guess that's bound to happen when you have thousands of irate out of work programmers, who've lost their jobs, and along with that their lucrative incomes and are now being forced to "subsist" on a meager income doled out by the government, adding bitterness to their anger over losing their jobs. 

Coronavirus misinformation is spreading — what is Canada doing about it?   Not much apparently as Huffington Post is allegedly one of the preferred "mainstream media" but Huffington Post itself, relies on gossip and BS printed in Tabloids to base their mainstream articles on. That's one "mainstream media" organization I've caught doing underhanded stuff like that. So that when others like me for instance or a legitimate news agency reposts their bogus tabloid based articles as fact, it is accepted at face value by the public because before now, they were thought to be an honest truthful media organization with journalists who did their own bonafide research and based their articles on their own actual interviews, and research and didn't just flip through a trashy tabloid and reprint the garbage in that and try to pass it off as actual fact. CBC has been known to rewrite the facts to suit themselves too. So if those are our "mainstream media" and the media that we ought to trust is telling us the truth, but aren't, then who are we to believe anyhow? 

Coronavirus conspiracies spreading at alarming rates across Canada, experts say   Then thank the mainstream media for that as they're the ones doing most of the spreading.  Which I've pretty much proven with this blog, because just about everything they're claiming is a conspiracy theory came from mainstream media and the links to those articles are here in my blog to prove it. 

Fewer in Sask. willing to get potential COVID-19 vaccine compared to rest of Canada: poll  Smart people! As far as I'm concerned any vaccine that the Chinese or Bill Gates had a hand in - either financing, or researching and making, will not be injected into my body. And it seems to me that Canada is partnered with China to produce a vaccine here in Canada and well Bill Gates is financing just about anyone and everyone that he thinks might be able to produce a vaccine. So that basically means just about all vaccines are going to be highly suspect and as a result I won't be getting one.

Shopping malls are in crisis due to COVID-19 — but they’re not dead yet, experts say   The mall in our area certainly looked like it was on critical life support when I went into it last week. There were lights on, but very dimly lit, so that you don't walk into things basically. It almost reminded me of night lights we install around the house to see after we turn the room lights out. I wasn't in there long because the store I wanted to go to had it's inside mall door blocked off and we were directed by a sign in that door to use the outside one.  But it was very dim and no one inside walking around, so it pretty much looked like death warmed over to me. But I hope it doesn't die, because the stores in that mall are our mainstay for shopping. I mean if the mall closes where will they relocate to? Some place even further away than they are now? Probably....

Yes, your pets can get COVID: Signs to watch for I wish they'd make up their minds. First they can get it, then they can't then they could, and then they couldn't and now they can again.... Geez which is it folks?

Canada signs deals with Pfizer, Moderna to get doses of COVID-19 vaccines  Bill Gates has invested in these companies and given them money to work on vaccines.... 

No masks required as 250,000 expected at 10-day Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. Here's what to know.  What'd you want to bet that if they were told no face coverings allowed, they'd have all shown up wearing bandanas across their faces like outlaw cowboys!?! But because everyone wants them to wear masks or mouth/nose coverings, they won't. Rebels R' US...

Extreme poverty rises and a generation sees future slip away This "plandemic" seems to have been planned to cause as much economic problems as possible while eradicating as many people as possible. 

Coronavirus Cancellations: Every Film, TV Show, and Event Affected by the Outbreak  This just goes to show you just a fraction of the things that this virus has affected.

COVIC-19 Death Toll Rivals Fatality Rate During 1981 Flu Epidemic  Not to quibble with the author on this, but the 1918 flu was not merely an "epidemic", it was a global pandemic just like what we're going through now.

Canada Is Sick of Americans Crossing Over During the Pandemic  First of all our borders are supposed to be closed to Americans so how are they managing that? Second of all, no one wants more coronavirus carriers running around everywhere, we already have enough of our own, thanks.

Hurricane-force storm in Iowa flattens 10 million acres of crops  Wow, this combined with all the other food loss and waste due to the pandemic is really going to start to add up and make life rough for some people.

The pandemic will make movies and TV shows look like nothing we've seen before  Good because I'm already getting bored with the movies & tv shows we've seen before.

Infectious coronavirus particles found in hospital air add to mounting evidence of airborne transmission It's amazing it's taken them this long to figure out a respiratory virus is spread in the air. What the hell is wrong with everyone when it comes to this virus anyhow? Especially considering all other coronaviruses, and other respiratory diseases are all spread via the air and thus are "airborne". 

Delaying college in the pandemic could cost you: Study says students could lose $90,000 over their lifetime  The operative word there is "could". It doesn't mean it will cost you over your lifetime. On the other hand, not delaying college, could cost you your life. Thereby shortening your lifetime considerably.

Russian Covid-19 Vaccine Not Among 9 Considered for Advanced Test Stages, Says WHO  Considering Bill Gates probably couldn't get control of or make money on this vaccine in any way it's not surprising that it won't be one of the 9 being tested.

FDA issues warning for hand sanitizers carrying a dangerous toxin  Yet more warnings for you to check out....

China Says Frozen Chicken Wings from Brazil Test Positive for Virus  Like New Zealand reported about imported frozen foods.

Pandemic has driven Americans to depression and drinking, CDC says Could the same be said of everyone everywhere maybe?

Coronavirus Lockdowns Could Ramp Up Obesity Epidemic, Study Warns  Well when you have nothing better to do with your time except sleep or make pumpkin cheese cake, banana ice cream and blueberry ice cream, what can you expect?

Virus Vaccine Rush Leaves Little Recourse for Anyone It Harms  This should be plenty cause for not taking the vaccine, simply because we don't know the repercussions of taking it, short term even, nevermind long term. So we may be setting ourselves up for a life time of misery if we take the vaccines, and there won't be anything we'll be able to do about it legally.