Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Amidst the Drenching Rain & Other Things....

Quite Possibly Catching Up to 

COVID 19 Headlines


July 29, 2020

Having gotten soaked while out doing errands, I'm trying to dry off here while writing this. Hopefully, today will be the day that I finally get caught up with all the headlines. I don't know if I will or not, but I hope I can.

First I'm going to go shove supper in the oven, maybe start some rice and a couple other things for supper and then I'll continue on while supper's cooking.

When will coronavirus cases peak? It's getting harder for experts to predict I don't know why they even bother to try because so far none of their predictions have been right to start with.

Local TV stations across the country set to air discredited 'Plandemic' researcher's conspiracy theory about Fauci  There is a link to the actual Plandemic video in my blog somewhere. There may be label to get there to it in my sidebar. If you wish to see the unedited original version of it. I don't know about  the "discredited" here, because I didn't see or hear of any discredits in what she said, other than the gestapo measures used against her to silence her from letting this information out.

Noses usually catch COVID-19 first, so keep them covered with face masks, experts say   This should be a no brainer and go without saying, but I get how there's a lot of people out there that are clueless airheads and couldn't think about even the simplest things without severely injuring themselves, as in causing their brains to start short circuiting and smoking.

Ancient teeth show that epidemics began much further back in history  As you can see from this article Mother Nature has had a history of trying to wipe us out, with one pandemic after another for a long time now. 

Why the World Worries About the Virus 2.0 Nuclear Option  Orrrrr they can do it the sensible way, by quarantining only those who test positive and those they came into contact with over say a 14 day period of time. That might wind up being a lot of people overall but it's still not the whole city, town or country. It's just a certain small segment of the population that have interacted with or been in close social contact with the infected individual and not everyone.

Sinclair says it will postpone and 'rework' segment featuring conspiracy theory about Fauci  Like I said the original Plandemic is viewable via a link from my blog (click on Plandemic in the  right side bar to be taken to the page with the link). So you will be able to gauge the "rework" and see what kind of subterfuge they're trying to pull here, versus what was really said. If everyone here knew who Paul Hunter was and listened to CBC news, and the debates between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump during their last election, you'd know what I mean when I say "making it up as he goes along" - which is what Paul Hunter did to try to describe the debates on CBC news that night. If you listened to him, you'd think Hillary would've been voted in as not only the US president but Queen of the freaking Universe because she could say and do no wrong while all that Trump said or did was wrong. In a lot of what Paul Hunter said, he misquoted and took things totally out of context to prop Hillary up and kick Donald in the head. I know because I watched the debates and then the CBC National newscast that night. Bet the same will go on here. She'll be taken totally out of context or misquoted to besmirch her, while propping Fauci up. 

Warning, graphic video: Nurse attack on Chicago train  This is a sucker title, trying to lure you to watch it. You can watch it if you wish, I'm just going to say I've seen worse dust ups in highschool hallways. 

Quebec reports 169 new COVID-19 cases, one additional death At least now, there's fewer deaths, or so it appears.

Coronavirus: What would working from home in Barbados really be like? That sounds like a way better option than that idiotic option of working from a hotel for "just" $100 for 8 hours. If you're going to pay that amount of money to work, why bother to work at all? Obviously you don't need the money if you can afford $500 a week just for 8 hours a day. So you don't need the job.

No end to Covid-19 webcam shortage  I seriously don't know why anyone would want one unless it's required for work like for video-conferencing etc, because hackers love them and taking them over to spy on the webcam's owner/s. All the webcams that came without our computers etc, have been taped over when we first got the computers and that's the way they're staying. So I essentially don't even want the ones that came with our equipment, so there's no way we're going to go buy some more.

Traveling while Asian during the pandemic  First of all, regardless of your ethnicity, why are you travelling NOW, can't you wait until the pandemic's over before you start traipsing around the globe? Whether you have the disease or not.

Nearly 2 dozen lifeguards in New Jersey test positive for coronavirus after hosting social gatherings  Wondering how many beach goers they were all in contact with too?

Congress Was Already Broken. The Coronavirus Could Make it Worse.  I think that much is evident to most of the world already.

Coronavirus infections reach 60,000 in Israel as protests continue  The cops or military personnel in this picture aren't the brightest crayons in the box, wearing the masks to just under their noses. Hello, it's a RESPIRATORY DISEASE! And what is the most direct route to your lungs? The nose? So if that's the case, shouldn't that be covered? And with the girl screaming in their face like that, let's hope that girl isn't infected because if she is, so is that female officer.

Stompin' Tom Centre making music despite pandemic restrictions 'Course they have pictures to this article but not the minature therapy donkey article. 

Investors Set Aside Coronavirus Worries, Driving a ‘Melt-Up’ in Markets  I've never heard of a melt-up before, but what the heck...

Euthanasia Rates For Dogs 'Could Rise By 25% In Lockdown Fallout Awwww it'd better not. We already have one dog, but having put down a super senior citizen dog last month, we can take another one, so if anyone in southwestern Quebec has a small to medium sized dog (my husband said "or a Great Dane" - that's his favourite dog) that they got during the lockdown but don't want to keep upon return to work, please let us know and we might be happy to provide a forever home for the pooch in question. Use the comments section on here to let me know about your interest in giving them to a new loving owner, and I'll find a way to get in touch with you, but you might have to keep checking back in the comments section (on the post that you left the comment on) to see if there's a reply from me.  Just leave a comment describing the dog, it's age, breed, behaviour problems (if any), whether it's been socialized or not (gets along or not with other dogs & people) and medical history (vaccinations it's had, any medical problems it has and needs current or ongoing treatment for etc). Then when I read it (which will probably be within a day or so of you having left the message), I'll respond in the comments section to you on that same post (like today's post for instance) that you left your comment on. We would prefer (in a perfect world) a miniature male dachshund, but bigger male dogs are also welcome instead. This particular post will always be easily accessible in the right sidebar, using the "dog euthanasia rates" label. Just click on that and it'll bring you right here. Then scroll to the bottom of this page where the comments section is and see if I left a response for you.  As we're senior citizens we're here pretty much 24/7 except when we need to go out for errands, but we generally aren't gone longer than a couple of hours when we do go out like that. So the dog won't be left alone for long, well not at all actually because our little female dachshund will be here to keep it company.

Officers clear out "disheartening" Brampton house party with 200 attendees Like Ford called them.... Yahoos.... I can't understand where some people's brains are at, or in this case, do they even have any? 

Lawyer Cletus Flaherty discusses workplace rights, obligations and legislation for COVID-19  I'm not sure if the advice given by this lawyer applies only to Nfld & Labrador or if it applies Canada wide, but in any case, those in Nfld-Lab can probably use the advice given here, even if no one else can.

'We hugged and hugged': Families reunite at N.W.T. seniors' homes after COVID-19 rules loosen  Awwww, that's what I missed most about the lockdown too, was hugs from the kids. It felt so good to finally be able to get one and give one. 

Canadian woman dying of cancer will be able to reunite with American fiancĂ©  I was going to say the headlines changed from when I bookmarked it, until now. Because the headlines originally said they were being kept apart because of the COVID19 border rules. Now it says they'll be able to reunite. Finally someone in  government grew a braincell and a heartcell. Perhaps we have hope as Canadians that our government isn't composed solely of heartless, spineless & brainless jerks, but that some of them actually have compassion and a working braincell or two in their head.

As it happened: Covid 'most severe health emergency' WHO has faced  Because for the most part the only other pandemic that's been through since the inception of the UN & thus WHO, is the Hong Kong Flu in 1969. The WHO wasn't around during the Spanish Flu, nor the Black Plague nor any of the other probably much more serious pandemics than this one.  It's the only healh emergency it's ever faced and given it's lousey track record on this one, let's hope they never face another one again.

Coronavirus: 'I killed my mother with my own hands'  How much more misery and anguish can this virus keep throwing at us anyhow?

Covid-19 is 'the most severe' emergency WHO has declared, the agency warns as number of global cases hits 16 million - a rise of one million in just FOUR DAYS  Like I said above, it's pretty much the only health emergency it's ever faced and it failed spectacularly at it. So we should just disband that useless institution and start practicing medicine the common sense way instead of the idiotic NWO way.

Chinese Doctor Alleges Covid-19 Cover-up, Says Wuhan Market was 'Clean Already  Well of course the market was "clean already", because it never came from there to begin with. It came from the Wuhan Biolabs - since it's anecdote was made prior to 2016 and completed in 2016 by the Wuhan Lab and Gilead Sciences. 

Even if there's a coronavirus vaccine next year, don't expect to throw away your mask and stop social distancing, a top vaccine developer says  So then what's the point of the vaccine then? Is it just to deliver the implantable chips that Gates is working on? Is that it? That it won't do anymore than that? If that's the case, take your "vaccine" and shove it, you know where. At least Moderna is saying that if theirs is 90% effective you'll be able to go sans mask and shoulder to shoulder with your buddies, pals and loved ones.

Travel bans cannot be indefinite, countries must fight virus at home: WHO Tedros there should be a travel ban on you! You should not be permitted to go anywhere except to jail!  But yeah there should be travel bans remaining until this virus is beaten into oblivion! 

Deluded Anti-Mask Tourists Swarm COVID-Plagued Puerto Rico

‘It’s really devastating us’: Beach towns fear they won’t survive a summer of COVID-19

Sinclair Pulls the Plug on Anti-Fauci Propaganda — This Time 

Diabetes highlights two Americas: One where COVID is easily beaten, the other where it's often devastating

Virus vaccine put to final test in thousands of volunteers

Red Deer hospital restricts visitors after COVID-19 outbreak

Quebec sees 'worrying spike' in COVID-19 infections among young people

Tensions rise over COVID-19 outbreak in Haida Gwaii

Aviva insurance faces class action lawsuit from hotels denied COVID coverage

Canada provides exception for U.S. students planning to study north of border   Don't know why they'd provide an exception, especially if most classes are going to be conducted online. If that's the case they can stay home and still take the courses. The US isn't providing exceptions I don't think.