Tuesday, June 28, 2022

More Liveable Weather, My Slow Cooker Spanish Chicken Stew, & Neverending Headlines About.....

 Covid 19

Courtesy Pixabay.com

June 27, 2022

Since it's more comfortable temperature wise today, I took the day to take care of the things we let slide during the heatwave. I thought I'd also be able to do some baking today as well, but I couldn't, so the time I'd have used to bake something with, I'll be using trying to catch up on yet more headlines that never seems to end. And by the looks of some of the "waves" stories in today's group of headlines it looks as though it'll just continue to go on and on and on.... Worse than the Energizer bunny.  At least him, when you got sick of him, you could remove his batteries and that would put an end to the on and on and on deal. I wish I could just take the batteries out of this virus and give it a rest, too. 
Whoever designed and unleashed that virus on humanity (including those who commissioned and paid for it, probably Gates and Schwabb) needs to be stretched on a stretching rack until they're like rag dolls and then hung by their toenails in the city square, because life in prison is too good for them as they'll find a way to bribe the guards and wardens to let them out or at least to give them a cushy cell with all the luxuries of home. So no jail time for those monsters, let them suffer the way millions of others have suffered because of them.  Yeah that's my sadistic side showing, I know that. But I'm not half as sadistic as those motherf'ers are, wanting to sicken or kill tons of people in order to make money on vaccines that don't work and use the pandemic as a plandemic in order to implement programs and political-economic systems they know we'd rebel against otherwise. I only want to torture and kill those responsible for manufacturing and unleashing this disease on humanity and I'm sure there's not too many people involved there, compared to the many billions of people who've been affected by the release of that virus, one way or the other. 
EVERYONE I KNOW HAS & I BET IT'S THE SAME FOR YOU. Either they were locked down, under curfew, fined, got sick, died, had a relative that died from COVID who's funeral they weren't allowed to attend, forced to take a vaccine they didn't want, got stressed out as a medical professional trying to deal with it all, lost a job, lost a business, lost a home, affected by the gross inflation that followed due to their incessant greed, etc.... So in other words we were ALL AFFECTED BY IT - whether that was due to government imposed mandates and restrictions, or health wise, or psychologically, or economically, or all of the above. In the case of women living under lockdown with abusive partners some of them also got physically battered, sexually abused and even killed. 
So no I'm not as sadistic as I should be, not by a long shot, otherwise all those who made billions during the plandemic would be included in my sadistic torture murder wish, but they're not. They're just vulgar opportunists, who I  have plenty of  disdain for, for sure, but don't wish them harm. Only those who were directly behind the financing, engineering and release of this virus, those are the ones I'm holding sadistically responsible. 
The gov'ts and heads of public health depts world wide that let the virus in in the first place DESPITE KNOWING WHAT WAS GOING ON IN CHINA IN DECEMBER 2019, I'm holding LEGALLY RESPONSIBLE, wanting them to be tried on charges of gross negligence causing genocide, senecide, and crimes against humanity. And in the case of Mr. Moron Face in Ottawa, and all the premiers of all the provinces also charged with abrogating our constitutional rights, and all those autocratic dictators deposed and replaced with honest decent provincial and federal leaders. Oh and Tedros from the WHO... He should also be held on all those charges of gross negligence causing genocide, senecide and crimes against humanity, but he should see NO MERCY from the courts - in other words however many life sentences he gets there should be no reduction of time given for parole purposes. NONE he should have to serve them consecutively from end to end until they're done or he's dead. Hopefully the dead part comes first for him. No cushy cells or luxuries for him either. Put him in with the general prisoner population and force him to wear a name tag stating his name and what position he held in life - ie: Medical officer for WHO in charge of declaring plandemics. See how long that scuzzbucket lasts in there then.

😡Ouuff.... That's enough.... It's getting me super angry again.... So gotta change subjects immediately.... 😡

So who'd like the recipe to my "Slow Cooker Spanish Chicken Stew"?..... It's a recipe I adapted from another one that I found on the net years ago, but it was just for the chicken part, I modified it to include veggies with it..... So here it is, without further ado....

My Slow Cooker Spanish Chicken Stew

(it's flexible - you can put in as many veggies as you wish and chicken legs - either the whole leg including thigh or just drumsticks) - depending on number of people you're feeding. So I'm not listing quantity there...

Potatoes, peeled and chopped into bite size pieces
whatever desired vegetables you wish in quantities needed, chopped in bite size pieces
chicken legs with thighs or without to accommodate number of people
1 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
1 tsp paprika
8 ozs beer (whatever kind you prefer) - I am using a dark beer from Belgium called "Leffe" sometimes I use "Carlsberg" or "Alexander Keith's" beer (from NS like me), or "Labatt 50" or whatever is in the house at the time.
1 small can tomato paste
3-4 tsps olives (whichever kind you prefer)
Arrange all chopped vegetables in the bottom of the crockpot, top with the chicken legs and sprinkle with the garlic powder, salt, pepper and paprika. In a separate bowl or in the measuring cup itself (I do that to cut down on dirty dishes) mix together 8 ozs of beer with the tomato paste (you should use a 2 cup measuring cup for that). Pour that mixture over the top of the veggies and chicken legs. Then sprinkle the olives over the top.
Cook on high for 4 hours or until chicken is done and veggies are tender.
Generally for veggies I use a mixture of veggies like in a real stew. Today's mixture includes kernel corn, cauliflower and broccoli. Other times I might use peppers, mushrooms, onions, or perhaps brussels sprouts and beans and carrots or whatever I have on hand. I mix it them up in the crockpot like as if it was a real stew. You could use zucchini and eggplant with grape tomatoes too if you like (that would make it more Mediterranean style where Spain is located). It's up to you and your tastes.
Phew, I needed that little digression from the above portion of this post....
Anyhow... On with the headlines again and hoping I can pretty well catch up with them today, if I can that would be awesome.
Those ‘free’ COVID tests you take? Labs are raking in millions in tax dollars, study says Yup and they work about as well as the vaccines the gov'ts are paying for for us to have.

Florida only state not preordering toddler COVID-19 vaccines Sounds like Florida might be the only state with a government that's not totally braindead and run by kickbacks and bribes, like probably most of the other ones are, if not bribes & kickbacks, shares in companies probably.


Nova Scotia reports 215 COVID-19 reinfections since the Omicron wave began Then they're not having a big problem with it, considering Omicron started in December and we're now June.

Study finds COVID-19 made most Canadians more trusting, depending on their income I dunno I've never had a problem with trusting people I've met before, after or during the plandemic, except for a very few of them. Most of them though I trust pretty well. Most of them have been very helpful to me over the course of my lifetime - including pure strangers. Companies and gov'ts on the other hand.... I trust as far as I can throw them. And that isn't far.

Alberta students excited for a more normal end to classes after COVID-19 disruptions I can certainly understand that after seeing what passed for graduation ceremonies during the plandemic.
Green MLA calls for public inquiry into COVID-19 response in long-term care homes Yes there should be an inquiry and then whoever was responsible for what happened in those homes, be held criminally responsible for it. Because just having inquiries doesn't cut it if you're not going to act on them. It's just a waste of time and taxpayers dollars that's all.
The government 'overdid it' on pandemic stimulus: Suze Orman No sheite sherlock! Except for those who needed the help the most - the elderly and disabled, were pretty much left to whistle dixie as they were the 2 groups MOST IGNORED during the plandemic. Everyone else got hand out after hand  out ad infinitum ad nauseum. That's WHY we're in the sheite we're in now.... Inflation, because all the greedy guts companies out there while looking at what everyone got during the plandemic (and knowing they couldn't go anywhere to spend it as everything was closed), while scratching their chins they were thinking.... Aha everyone is well stocked up on money, so as soon as the plandemic ends and we can reopen for business again, we've got to find a way to siphon as much of that money out of them for ourselves, so we'll jack our prices up on EVERYTHING SKY HIGH. And of course the gov't isn't going to stop them from doing that because the more paid out in a transaction, the more tax there is on that transaction, so the inflationary prices benefits them too.

COVID-19 hospitalizations spike in N.L. as province reports 3 more deaths Hmmmm what's going on there? There's almost triple the amount of hospitalizations at the time of this headlines date compared to the week before.... Not good. Going in the wrong direction there I think.



COVID reinfections set to spike in U.S. as new variants evade immunity but apparently as per the headlines just above there's no need to panic.

Fewer Canadian women are working full-time, many say they will quit if forced to return to the office With all the demands that societal norms place on women, women who are also mothers and wives and work outside the home usually have it the hardest. Since most of the housework and child care is still being done by women, along with the chores like groceries, driving kids places like to dental appointments and play dates etc... So it's little wonder they don't want to go back to the office as commuting time also cuts into their time as well. Not to mention if they're home with their kids there's no need to pay the extra expense of child care. So I don't blame them. I wish I could've worked at home too when my kids were young, ESPECIALLY then because affordable daycares were NOT an option then and the big $7 a month in family allowance I got sure as heck didn't even cover 1 day's worth of childcare. That $7 was a joke more than anything else.

Why COVID-19 deaths are likely underreported in Nova Scotia Why? Because they've started to sing the new song that the WHO wants them to sing - in order to keep everyone scared and compliant by making it seem as though it was more deadly than the actual numbers say it was. This is something new the WHO is trying now I guess because the mortality rate is rather low compared to the amount of cases world-wide, so what they're doing now is not reporting case numbers only death numbers, but they are trying to inflate those numbers. So we won't know what the real story is, and so thus will be more compliant to whatever new vaccines and measures they want to bring in. When they start fudging the numbers you know they're only doing it to have the numbers in their favour. So you have to wonder why.
Judge acquits Bathurst couple, says pandemic rules allowed protests FINALLY! A DECENT HONEST JUDGE! And NOT ONE THAT'S ON THE SIDE OF THE CROOKED DRACONIAN GOV'TS!!!! Kudus to the honesty and integrity of that judge! That's become a rarity in Canada ever since Mr. Moron Face took office. 




In One Chinese City, Protesters Find Themselves Thwarted by a Red Health Code Here they don't use passive measures like that to stop you from protesting, here it's in your face full-on police brutality instead. I'm not sure but I think I'd prefer to be escorted to a hotel and barred from joining the event rather than joining it in order to be trampled by a horse or rifle butted in the head instead.  I dunno....You choose your preferred method of being unallowed to protest something...
Israel sees 70% spike in number of seriously ill COVID patients within a week Whoa! That's a LOT especially for the MOST vaccinated population on earth!


Chrystia Freeland isn't interested in your questions about the Emergencies Act Of course she's not. She's not interested in anything except her own opinions. It's her way or the highway as that saying goes. 

'We are really failing our children right now': Children feeling effects of health-system crisis It's not just in Ottawa Ontario that that's happening and not just to kids either. It took me THREE DAYS to see a doctor after I broke my thumb. Now anyone and everyone knows that bones start knitting themselves back together within 24-48 hours, so 3 days is pushing it and asking for it to heal wrong (which it did). I believe that this plandemic was used Canada wide as an excuse to drastically cut back on our medicare systems and probably they want to eventually abolish them altogether (that seems to be the plan here in QC anyhow), in order to get more in line with the rest of the Americas where there is no socialized medicare. It's pay through your nose medical systems not like we had here until they started dismantling it via the COVID BS. Because I'm sure this hemisphere (the Americas where the OAS is) is still considering making a union of some sort similar to the EU which the UK resigned from because it wasn't such a good deal for them. So they're trying to bring everything from medical systems and currencies in line with each other in order to band together and move forward as a cohesive union. THAT IS MOST LIKELY WHY THEY ARE DISMANTLING OUR MEDICARE SYSTEM - behind our backs where we can't see as we're not being allowed to - no access to doctors and until recently no access to hospitals either unless you were fully vaxxed to the eyeballs and had "the proper mask" on.






Hong Kong: 'My employer kicked me out because I caught Covid' Talk about kicking someone when they're down..... 


Carmarthen: Couple to marry after lockdown wait Don't they look like the happy couple! Good for them! Wishing them all the best. 👫💒

Labour's Starmer and Rayner return police questionnaire over lockdown drink Questionnaires eh? If they were here in Canada it would've been a massive fine rather than a questionnaire, I can assure you of that.

Covid in Wales: What do the stats tell us? Hopefully the truth of the matter and not made up BS like the WHO wants everyone to start doing.


Scotland experiencing new wave of Covid infections, expert says Seems like everyone, everywhere is experiencing new waves of infections. That's why I'm not all that optimistic about being able to finally finish posting in this blog. I was hoping that I'd finally catch up with the headlines to today's date and then just leave it there and be done with it, as I thought it was petering out. Doesn't look like it is or will anytime soon. Arrrrrrrrrrrggghhhhhhhhhhh 




Norwich carpenter inspired to become artist during pandemic If that's his work - the painting of the Queen on display behind him, then he's a darned good artist. He should've taken it up earlier, as he would probably be a well known artist by now, if he did.

Cost of living: Will people be forced to work with Covid? Much like other illnesses out there, if they aren't given any choice of course they will work while sick with Covid.

Pfizer Defense Against Vaccine Fraud Case: Federal Contract Status Offers Them Immunity  Wondering if the snake oil elixirs in the days of old had legal immunities granted to them by gov'ts?






Bill Gates Is Selling His Stocks & The Reasons Are Terrifying  This and the above headlined videos you should take the time to watch - it may save you some future heartaches.

'The BA.4/5 wave is here': COVID infections soar in England by more than 300k in a week Whoa! That's a massive amount of infections in just one week!


Suburban real estate vulnerable if demand shifts post-pandemic, Bank of Canada warns Has nothing to do with demand so much as it does your asinine policies and rate hikes BOC!!!!!

Documents reveal Hockey Canada received $14M in federal funds over the past 2 years The one organization that's had the most impact at molding bullying behaviour in Canada. Yeah they deserve money alright..... NOT.

PM Trudeau is shirking Canada’s inflation fight, Scotiabank criticizes  What can you expect from the lazy inbred self-centered idiot anyhow?


COVID-19 Growth And Change

FDA panel gives go-ahead for children under 5 to be vaccinated, but experts fret that not all parents will get on board If they're smart they won't get on board.... I mean just consider how far into this plandemic we've come without ANY FORM OF PROTECTION FOR KIDS and for the most part they're all still doing fine, despite not having any protection available to them until now. So think about that before you jump on the crazy train. 

What to know about COVID vaccines for young children Basically that they don't appear to be very necessary, that's basically what you need to know in a nutshell.

The impact of COVID-19 on the market prospects of electric passenger cars Well I guess Covid's had an impact on just about everything else out there in the world, so why not the electric passenger car market too?

Macao approves new gaming law as COVID outbreak shuts city I guess if you're a gambler that lives in Macao this is good news for you.





Why It Matters That Fauci Got Covid-19 Just to prove how well his precious vaccines & booster shots work.


Beijing kids must take a PCR Covid-19 test to play in the park That's sad. I don't see subjecting my kids when they were little to crap like this park or not.

Report: NC hospitals that got COVID-19 relief reaped profits They all did, that's why everything was declared to be COVID whether it was or not was irrelevant. It was classified that way so they could get money. There's documents from the CDC showing that - that are linked on this blog - which you can find by clicking on relevant links in the right hand labels sidebar - look for the CDC and/or relevant links and click on it/them and you'll be taken to the appropriate post that should have something of relevance posted there. If you don't find those document links keep searching the labels side bar for anything to do with a story like that or anything to do with the CDC. Eventually you'll find it. 

Vaccine mandate for domestic travel within Canada ends today Finally! But I don't see how they'd have stopped someone taking a roadtrip in their own vehicle or hitchhiking across Canada.





Nearly 100K mail-in ballots ‘set aside’ during federal election: Elections Canada I get a feeling if they were all counted we wouldn't have been saddled with the imbecilic wanna be Banana Republic Dictator that we are now.







'Like Covid never happened': Ibiza's nightclubs reopen Yeah so? Isn't that what getting back to normal is all about?



Infected with COVID-19? Cuddling your pet cat or dog can make them sick, says study We've known this since pretty much the beginning of the plandemic. We've also known that most pets don't get that sick and bounce back pretty easily.


Canada outperformed most G10 countries during first two years of pandemic response: study Nothing like patting yourself on the back eh? Wondering how many mega millions Mr. Moron Face promised the University of Toronto and Unity Health Toronto (the 2 entities that did this study) to find Canada was the one in the top spot???? I'm pretty sure he must've promised them something because that's the way the little sleazebag operates. Just wondering what and how much is all.

No new COVID-19 deaths in Quebec; officials unable to provide hospitalization numbers Of course as this is part of the whole WHO thing where we only count deaths now - in order to keep us scared and compliant as we have nothing to measure the amount of deaths against - as in was it 10 deaths in 100 cases or 10 deaths in 10,000 cases.... See the difference there?

'We have a structural shortage': Record high job vacancies unlikely to reverse any time soon, economists say  Okay I have a major problem with worker shortages and job vacancies. Job vacancies I can understand especially if they're sheitey low paying indentured slave type jobs that no one wants. But worker shortages for other better paying jobs???? Where'd all the workers go to so suddenly I wonder? Was it massive attrition as in a bunch of boomers retired suddenly en masse? Or was there a "rapture" that no one told me about? As in all the "faithful" got taken up to heaven and left the rest of us behind? Or what? I mean where did all of these workers vanish to all of a sudden anyhow?

COVID-19’s 6th wave begins, with more seriously ill and more deaths Oh oh when the country with the most of it's population being fully vaccinated is saying this.... Maybe we're not out of the woods yet, on this stupid virus. Gawd, I was wishing we were big time as I seriously wanted to put this blog to rest  tonight as I've caught up on all the headlines now...  Got roughly 4 more headlines to post and that's it....

Was the fourth dose of Pfizer's COVID vaccine effective? -study Can't have been if what the headlines just above says is true....

Federal government signs $221-million agreement with Quebec for long-term care homes Which the CAQ will just take and invest in their draconian Office de la Langue Francais BS, which is where I'm sure he's put all the monies from our medicare system too - since there's none of it in the medicare system - if it has $15.95 (that's fifteen dollars and 95 cents) left in it's operating budget that's probably it, given the way things have deteriorated under his leadership, since he took office. 

Beijing's Strict ‘Zero-COVID’ Policy Set to Last Five Years, State Media Says—and Then Deletes Well they must know what kind of virus they engineered and released on the world and what it can and probably will do and maybe even how long it'll last. I mean they were the makers of it, so they should know all about it. 

Uneven economic recovery does not bring all Canadian women with it: experts Oh surprise, surprise, women did worse.... Geez who'd have thought? That seems to be the age old story.... Women are always on the sheitey end of the stick, no matter what stick it is, you're holding. 

👏👏👏Whew.... Finally all caught up on the headlines.... I don't know if I'll be posting more or not. I guess that all depends on things to come.  So until next time, take care, stay well and like my Dad used to say "don't take any wooden nickels". 

And remember in relation to my injured thumb on Metro's property and in relation to the psychotic nut job living next door who keeps trying to have me arrested, steal my land, damage my property, eavesdrop on us, etc.... 

If you're a personal injury lawyer who works on a contingency fee agreement in QC, and wants to take on my case, I'd more than appreciate it. Or a lawyer who can take on personal injury cases and nutjob cases like the one next door on a contingency fee agreement please get in contact with me at the email address below.

Or if you're an investigative journalist who'd like to help me by exposing them and what they did and quite possibly help me get the money I need and want from them so I can get my physio therapy - which would be great and very much appreciated as it would negate the need for a lawyer if you did that for me. 

And in any case....

In the meantime don't forget to BOYCOTT Metro, Metro Plus and Metro Richelieu stores and Intact Insurance. If you have a claim that you wish to make against them for injury or loss sustained because of their negligence you're more than welcome to join the class action lawsuit I wish to launch against them. You can visit the blog mentioned here:  Metro Injury 'n' Loss Victims, or write:   metroinjurynlossvictims@outlook.com





Monday, June 27, 2022

Carrying On With the Headlines About....

 Covid 19

Courtesy Pixabay.com

June 26, 2022

Just another day in the excruciating heatwave is all.... So since it's too hot to do anything physical, might as well sit near the fans in the house and do something besides play games on the computer. Putting my time to good use to try to get through as many of the backlogged headlines as I can.

When I started this blog post something bizarre happened. I had just chosen the graphic from the graphics I've previously used on Blogger and poof, everything went out. My computer stopped working although the power light was on. When I rebooted and got back on the net it couldn't find anything anywhere not even my previous pages where I was. So I decided to go do something else for a few minutes and let the computer cool down if that's what the cause of the "poof" was all about. But that wouldn't explain not being able to find anything on the net after I rebooted. Unless it has to do with Bell's modem - which is supposed to be WIFI, and it overheating momentarily perhaps? So if that's the case you can imagine how hot it is - even the electronic equipment that's equipped with a few fans and a case that's holier than Swiss Cheese, sitting under and beside two other room fans, goes "poof" as in "that's it, I quit" kind of thing. I'm hoping that all will be fine from here on in.... But if it's not, it may take me some time to do this post....  Thought I would put that in here, in case.... Or maybe if the heat gets to me too much, it'll make me go "poof" too.

So now, on with whatever headlines I can get to today before I or the computer goes "poof".....


As cases rise, Americans are ‘checked out’ on COVID-19  I think pretty much everyone is, considering the dwindling amount of visitors the blog is seeing lately.  Though it could also be because it's summertime and people would rather be doing fun stuff rather than reading about the doom and gloom of Covid all the time. I can't say as I blame them. I wouldn't have posted this nor the other posts posted recently if it weren't for either inclement weather or hellish heat. I'd have been doing fun things as well. Or at least things I have to do in the way of cleaning and tidying things up, inside or out. Or taking care of food from my gardens & store bought... (yes I still have the perennial stuff growing and it looks like my one strawberry plant I had spread itself near and far and so I literally have a strawberry patch with some onions, mustard, lettuce, chives and tarragon growing in the patch). Not to mention my mint and rhubarb and asparagus too.  
But I do appreciate every single one, who cares to spend some of their precious time  reading my blog. It's very humbling and appreciated and I hope they find the information they came here looking for and that it enlightens and benefits them in some way.


The COVID pandemic is 'most certainly not over': WHO chief Because they've got to string this out for as long as they can so they can finish what they started. 


Conspiracy theories swirl in China that monkeypox was deliberately leaked by the UNITED STATES - following widespread misinformation over Covid-19 Well you know with that story about the truck that overturned with monkeys in it and some of them having escaped and people being warned not to go near them, but some people who stopped at the scene of the accident to help, did - before the warning was put out. So who's to say that that wasn't the start of it? Until they explain to us exactly why they didn't want anyone near those monkeys to begin with and can prove their concerns about it, I think we have legitimate cause to believe this "conspiracy theory" right along with the one about the Wuhan Lab theory. Both are equally plausible. 

The pandemic created a new billionaire every 30 hours as millions brace for extreme poverty And this along with allowing so-called democratic governments to seize total control of power in their countries, along with reducing population, was the main goal of this plandemic, I think.

Exclusive: Prime Minister Boris Johnson pictured drinking at Downing Street party during lockdown A prime example of entitlement and of "Do as I say, Not as I do".

Bombshell photos show Boris Johnson raising glass at No10 party he denied happened Additional coverage of the above posted story, only this one has easier accessibility. 

Covid created a billionaire every 30 hours, says Oxfam at Davos; 'Profiting from pain'  A video version of an above posted story, maybe with more perspective on the whole topic.

Ukraine invasion may be start of ‘third world war’, says George Soros He ought to know as he's one of the directors of what happens in this world - he was probably behind the plandemic as well. 

Soros says 'civilization may not survive' Ukraine war Like I said before, I do believe that the war was planned when they planned the plandemic and what was to happen 1st, 2nd, 3rd and simultaneously, as in while we're still in the midst of the COVID plandemic, monkey pox gets introduced, and the invasion of Ukraine happens which they use as an excuse to cut food supply and gas supply to drive up prices (inflation) and then the morons that head up the banks use that as an excuse to raise interest rates (which only adds to the economic woes and pain of the population who not only has higher prices to pay now, but more taxes because taxes are based on price and now higher interest rates to pay on loans and mortgages too). The only people those interest rates benefit are the bankers and their shareholders and those who can afford to save something in order to collect interest on it. But for the most part that's not the average person as they have loads of credit debts they're carrying and will have to now pay higher interest rates on that along with all the other higher prices they have to pay on everything else. I'm sure all of this was planned to coincide with each other, in late 2019 before COVID 19 was released from the lab. It was a global collaboration with the western powers, Russia and China all colluding together, to all play their part in grabbing the wealth (by gouging taxes or fines or increased interest rates and prices)  and killing off the population. 
Tapper Tested Positive at CNN D.C. and Taped Show Anyway Maybe he should've taken an example from Trevor Noah and taped his show from his home.

Harper's Magazine - June 2022  An issue of Harper's Mag you really need to read. It's in PDF format at the longfiles link on that page.

FBI: 61 'active shooter incidents' reported in 2021, 52% jump from 2020 Yup, it looks as though the pys ops experiment regarding "social distancing" worked wonderfully in helping reduce population.... At least in the US where a gun is basically everyone's 3rd arm - it's like a freaking appendage to Americans.

Viruses that were on hiatus during Covid are back — and behaving in unexpected ways Viruses on hiatus huh???? Really? Those must be the new viruses that come equipped with swimsuits, SUVs and surfboards or something.... They were NEVER on hiatus, it's just that wearing a mask protected us from contracting them as most of them are contracted the same way COVID is contracted. 

Boris Johnson says it's 'my duty' to attend No10 parties and Sue Gray report 'news to me' Oh well then.... If it's your duty.... But why would there be any parties in the first place if you were all following your own laws and regulations? Knowing that it was against the law to have a party you would've forbid whoever was holding the party to hold it in the first place and declined the invitation to it, saying as PM you can't and they can't have the party either for that matter. THAT IS WHAT A LAW ABIDING PM WOULD'VE DONE INSTEAD OF USING THE LAME EXCUSE ABOUT IT'S YOUR DUTY TO ATTEND PARTIES. I mean how could YOU OF ALL PEOPLE NOT KNOW IT WAS AGAINST THE LAW, AS YOU'RE THE ONE THAT FORMULATED & ENACTED IT!?!? Ummmm f'n duh..... I think in all the political classes world wide there's way way way TOO MUCH self-entitlement and flouting the laws going on. I think you all need to be locked up and have the keys thrown away for things as petty as this and the MORE EGREGIOUS CRIMES OF GENOCIDE & CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY! I think the WHOLE WORLD'S POLITICAL CLASSES NEED TO BE WIPED OUT ENTIRELY AND START ANEW WITH MORE DECENT HONEST PEOPLE IN POWER.


G-7 agree to pact to better prepare for future pandemics  I get the feeling the COVID 19 pandemic was a practice run for something else they have planned in the future also disguised as a pandemic.
WHO should focus on COVID deaths, severe infections, not case numbers: Ong Ye Kung Of course because it's easier to scare you into compliance if you don't know the percentage of deaths compared to cases. 


More Canadians could face late-stage cancer tied to diagnosis delays during COVID pandemic Here in QC where the only way to talk to a doctor was via phone you're apt to have all kinds of late stage disease diagnosis once you actually get to see a real live doctor person, because Gestapo Legault has made that nearly mission impossible for most people.

More Canadian businesses file for bankruptcy as economy reopens  I wouldn't doubt it that most of that was actually planned and it's not just unforeseen circumstances. 




A doctor claimed he had a ‘miracle cure’ for covid. He’s going to prison  Who's that? The doctor that invented the Pfizer or the Moderna vaccines? Doubtful because they're such angels... Saviours of the human race with their bogus money generating vaccines.

Covid-19 Can Leave You Infectious After Five or Even 10 Days So then, why did the CDC shorten quarantine periods awhile ago?



'Excess' deaths in N.B. during pandemic need study, expert says I'm sure a lot of them weren't related to the disease itself, COVID, but more to do with not being able to see a doctor for other diseases.

Montreal couple forced into 14-day quarantine for failing to fill out ArriveCAN entry app I wonder how many seniors this has happened to, since it came into effect? I bet a lot, as I can imagine that there are quite a few seniors who just aren't that tech savvy and some probably don't even have cellphones.

B.C. man among first Canadians approved for COVID-19 vaccine injury payout I hope he gets it without having to wait eons for it, or fighting tooth and nail to get what he's entitled to, because I've noticed companies and insurance companies in particular don't like facing their legal financial obligations without a court challenge. Which Metro and Intact Insurance will get once I get a lawyer and that should be soon.

COVID amid food insecurity: A perfect storm is brewing in N Korea I bet there's plenty of that right here in Canada too, you don't have to go to NK to find poor people who can't afford to eat.

China COVID: Over 100K officials attend emergency meeting to revive economy Don't they have to let the people out of lockdown first before they can revive anything?

'We're still in a pandemic': PM defends extension of travel restrictions as industry groups demand relief He likes the reigns of absolute and uncontested power and doesn't want to let go even if it means hanging on to a paltry few mandates and measures - as many as he can anyhow.


Elon Musk wants to cut 10% of Tesla jobs and has a 'super bad feeling' about the economy, Reuters reports Yup just like what was predicted back in April 2020 about a super bad economy when we were coming out of the plandemic because of all the economic measures that were employed during the plandemic.


Public health officials trying to determine total number of Canadians with long COVID | FULL  Well if they'd let patients see their doctors they might get a handle on it.

BUDGET MEAL PREP | healthy recipes under $3  Since this was bookmarked, it's likely higher priced than that now - and this is in California based on their grocery prices. Anyhow I thought maybe those going through a tough economical time might find this of interest. 

Why did Covid disappear from our collective consciousness so quickly? Because everyone was tired of all the mandates and measures surrounding it? 


Mask rules are suddenly back in California as coronavirus hits danger zone California seems to be having a really rough time of it....

COVID data void in Canada could hamper understanding of lingering impact: experts What else can you expect from the inbred idiots at Canada's helm anyhow?

FIRST READING: Does the WEF secretly control the Canadian government?  Of course it does, Schwabb has the little asshole in his back pocket dictating his every move to him or he'll fart in his face if he doesn't listen and find something on him to get him removed from office and replaced with another little vapid moronic puppet that will follow all Schwabb's dictates to the T.

Ontario reports lowest COVID-19 ICU admissions since Aug. 2021 That's good. Keep it up! And pretty soon you'll be back to what normal used to be before the plandemic started. 



Why This New COVID Antibody Test Could Unlock Mass Screening for Immunity That would be good, because up until now there's been no mass screening for immunity so no one knows their immune status.





Why are boosted Americans testing positive for COVID more than those without extra shot? That's a good question.... I'd like to know the real answer to that one too. More than  likely it's because the frigging vaccines and boosters do NOT WORK PROPERLY.


Every news media who secretly took Trudeau's $61M pre-election pay-off  And I bet every single one of those paid gov't shills reported verbatim whatever the gov't said about the plandemic without even so much as asking questions. 

Gates, Fauci, and Daszak charged with Genocide in Court Filing Gawd, I hope that's the truth! If it is, I wish there was a way to add Haggydoodoo's, Tam's and Waterhole's name to the filing too. 

USA, Canada & China collaborated to bring us COVID19. No spying. No stealing. All administered by the WHO… and Dr. Tam was complicit! That's why I've been calling for her, Haggydodo and Mr. Dressup to all be tried as adults (although it's questionable if one of them is) for crimes against humanity, genocide and senocide (Gestapo Legault also needs to be tried for those crimes as well).

Study Shows That Masks Increase COVID-19 Deaths I'm not sure I'd believe this one, since COVID was an airborne respiratory disease. The only way I can see this being true is that it led to over confidence where people put themselves in situations where there was excessive amounts of COVID in their milieu and the masks weren't sufficient to protect them from the inhaling the droplets.

Monkeypox Is a Cover Story to Conceal the Increasing Illnesses and Deaths Caused by the COVID-19 Vaccines Really???? Now this one I'm calling false information right off the bat, since Monkeypox so far is only affecting men who have sex with other men. I find it highly doubtful that vaccines would be killing only gay men. I mean I don't know how a vaccine would be able to differentiate between a gay man and a straight one, to start with.


Dr. Fauci Knew Before the COVID-19 Vaccines Were Authorized That They Could Be Ineffective and Dangerous No doubt, as I do believe there is ample evidence pointing to that very good possibility right here in this blog that came from verifiable sources. All he was and still is interested in is making money, that seems to be his only concern from what I can tell.

Experts Say That Pilots Could Crash Airliners Because of COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects Well same can be said of nearly any medication really. Some side effects of certain meds affect people the WRONG & MOST DANGEROUS WAY POSSIBLE - as in death being one of those side effects. This past December I nearly lost my husband to a side effect from his blood pressure medication. I was able to save him, but I had to throw those meds out and tell the pharmacist not to give him any more. That was one of the times I've been most scared in my life and wishing that I had half the paraphernalia I had when I was a practicing nurse - like a stethoscope for one - a big one at that point in time, a watch with a second hand for pulse taking among other things. Anyhow flying blind as I was I managed to keep him around with me a while longer. After he recuperated enough to talk I had to grill him on what he had done all that day, up until that point in time and what medications he'd taken and how many etc... When he listed the new blood pressure med that he had just taken for the first time that day it was easy enough to narrow the culprit down.  Then it entailed an internet search for the drug and it's side effects and yes indeed he fit a particular group perfectly for NOT taking those medications and that if anyone with that profile took that medication could DIE. I have no clue why our doctor prescribed that particular medication to him except that she didn't read the drug profile herself, because if she had've I doubt she'd have prescribed those to him. Fortunately for all involved I was able to save him, and thus her a medical malpractice suit.  So yeah while the vaccine side effects are dangerous, those aren't the only medications that are.

Doctor Alleges That the COVID-19 Illness Is from a Poison Based on Snake Venom Put in the Water Supply Hmmmm well I'm alleging that that doctor hasn't got 2 clues about what he's talking about. I mean there's conspiracy theories and then there's off the wall luney tunes land conspiracy theories and this is one of them. Considering the volume of water a municipality has in it's water supply at any one time and it could be a meager amount compared to the amount a large city like Montreal or NY has you'd need a humongous snake farm and tons of people milking the venom from the snakes on a 24/7 basis I'd think in order to get enough venom to ensure coverage of all water supplies in sufficient quantities to cause an illness in the population, all around the world like that on a continual basis. I mean think about this wack job's allegations, for a few seconds and you'll see what kind of nutjob this quack is.
Free Speech Becomes Roadkill in the Crackdown on Canadian Truckers Not just free speech but our rights to peaceful assembly and peaceful protests (and other than the horn blowing I didn't see any activity that wasn't peaceful there out of the hours and hours of YouTube videos I watched - until the cops moved in and that's when the violence and destruction began - but it was the cops doing it not the protesters/truckers). 

WHO and Central Bankers’ Impending Pandemic Treaty to Establish Global Fascism at Speed | Reclaim Your Sovereignty What ever documents you come across here, in order to establish if they're real or not try to find them on the supposed organization that issued them's site like if it's claimed to be a WHO document go to WHO's site and search for it. If you can't find it but only find it replicated in other questionable sites here and there, be suspicious of it's authenticity. But you'd be surprised what kind of documents those organizations puts out and posts on their sites - I guess they figure we're too stupid to find them or else they just don't care - they want it in our faces for some reason or another. But check if it's WHO or CDC or WEF or no matter who is alleged to have put the document out, check their bonafide sites first to see if they actually did. If you can't find it there, do a Google or Yahoo search engine search and see where it is posted other than at some far left/right wackjob religious group's sites, because if it's only there, then you know it's a conspiracy theory started by those groups. Kind of like Dr. Snake Venom and his BS above.

Marathon US hearings to decide fate of COVID shots for tots I've stated my thoughts on this one before.... So I'll just leave it there or it'll turn into another long winded rant.... That's for sure.

Feds temporarily suspend random arrival testing at Canada's airports I love how all of the suspensions of mandates and measures all Cdn gov'ts do is temporary while all suspensions and lifting of measures and mandates done in other countries are full and final. Not here, oh no we gotta just keep hanging the threats of lockdowns, curfews, excessive fines (for breathing and walking at the same time) and mask wearing over everyone's heads for an eternity. We can't just lift them once and for all and get it over with. Nope.... Not here in Canada the wanna-be Banana dictator republic.

More than one million Canadians have to repay CERB — and in some cases EI is being clawed back to do it Of course this is Canada. Canadians aren't allowed a single penny more than they're entitled to, otherwise it's clawed back and they're probably fined and charged interest on it and the fine too. That's Canada for you and how generous they are with actual Canadians. Like I've always said they're kinder and more decent to EVERYONE ELSE IN THE WORLD UNLESS THEY'RE CANADIANS then if they're Canadians it's free game to treat them like dirt. They've proven it over and over ad infinitum ad nauseum ever since I can remember.

Ontario records steep week-over-week decline in COVID hospitalizations as science table head predicts a 'good summer' with a likely resurgence in the fall Oh Gestapo Legault would love that.... It would be playing right into his timeline of getting elected and then clamping down on us like we were in some kind of WWII concentration camp or something.

Alberta past 6th COVID-19 wave, health minister says Really???? 6th wave eh???? What constitutes a wave anyhow? So far as I know we had the original form of Covid and then Delta and then Omicron and now BA.2 is the main variant going around with BA.4 and BA.5 just newly being discovered. So from what I can see of what I just listed there's 4 waves not 6 - and that's if Alberta is claiming to have weathered the wave caused by BA.2 already and come out the other side of it. Otherwise I don't get what is constituting all these waves Canada claims to have that no other parts of the world are getting.

China calls COVID 'lab leak' theory a lie after WHO report Well no one honestly thought they'd fess up did they? Especially considering if they did so, they might legally be held responsible for all the deaths and problems caused by COVID.

Quebec's health network spent $15 billion on COVID-19 pandemic Yup and about $19.95 on the rest of the medical issues.

In jail for more than 100 days, Pat King 'beat down,' says supporter Just for wanting to exercise his constitutional rights and stand up for the other rights that were trampled on us. Sad. I think the asshole that decided that he should be behind bars for 100 days ought to be sentenced to 100 months behind bars.... with no chance of parole either. 

How Canada’s grocery ‘cartel’ doubled its profits while food bank lines grew Taxing their excess profits won't help because we all know those additional costs will be hidden in the price of the food they sell to us. The best way to do it is to limit the amount they can increase in prices over certain periods of time. So say they can increase the prices by no more than 1% over a 6 month period of time UNLESS there's certain circumstances that would require some leeway given to them - like say a severe shortage of some particular food, and that if they do get some the price of it to them has increased enough to justify their new cost to the end consumer, but that they'd have to prove that to gov't auditors and show proof - such as proving that their supply comes from the sector that was hit by some drastic shortage due to circumstances beyond their control - like say western wheat but there was a flood, a fire a drought that limited production of it and so the cost went up accordingly, like that kind of proof. Yeah it's more paperwork and verifications involved but that would help keep the costs to consumers in check, if they were limited in the amount they could increase their prices unless they could legitimately justify larger increases. Kind of like the rent/wage/price controls bozo brains father had on things in the 70s.

Your Negative COVID Test Is Basically Meaningles Yup they got that right, alright.

Return to Office Triggers Anxiety Attacks—for the Dogs Left Alone at Home Awww poor doggies.... I understand the problem but I don't understand why there's so many dogs with such problems. EVERY SINGLE DOG we've ever had didn't have that problem except the first one that my husband found starving to death on the street, which we adopted. We could understand her anxiety because after all she was obviously thrown out. We're not sure if her tearing up things while we were gone was a result of her being thrown out in the first place, or if her tearing up the house was the reason she got thrown out. Anyhow we had some difficulties with her in the first year or so, but after that she was fine. She didn't do that anymore and none of our other dogs ever did and we've always had a dog if not 2 together since 1975. So I have a feeling it's how the people are raising them rather than the dogs themselves. As I don't know what we're doing right, wrong or indifferent I can't tell anyone else how to achieve the same results, because I honestly don't know. I just know that whatever it is we're doing we must be doing it right as we haven't had any problems with them (any kind of behaviour problems really).

Covid is blamed for surge in 'demonic possessions' as Catholic Church opens centre dedicated to exorcisms in the Philippines

Children are being infected with up to THREE viruses at a time because COVID measures have worn down their immune systems and made them vulnerable to illnesses usually only caught in winter, experts warn I wouldn't call their immune systems being worn down so much as weakened by not being exposed to viruses due to lockdowns, and mask mandates.

Anti-Vaxxers Are Flipping Out Over Justin Bieber’s Facial Paralysis If you're buying this.... I'm not for a variety of reasons, but just because he always, always, always seems to be looking for attention and sympathy.

Canada to lift vaccine mandates for domestic, international travel on June 20 Yeah? For how long? For 20 minutes or so maybe?

EU agency sees risk of COVID deaths rising as Omicron subvariants spread 

India's opposition leader Sonia Gandhi hospitalized with COVID-related issues 

Vaccines likely to reduce risk of long COVID, experts say, but by how much? 

Canada urged to support COVID-19 vaccine patent waiver That's the only way the poorer countries will be able to afford them.

COVID-19 cluster at nightclub sets off new Beijing clampdown

Study shows safety of COVID-19 vaccines for patients treated for hypothyroidism 

Canada's COVID Alert app will be discontinued as PCR testing becomes rare Oh but I bet the tracking device in it will still be active just they won't be alerting you to anything, so much as watching you and keeping tabs on you.

Coronavirus stats worldwide: Compare Canada and other key nations Updated June 26, 2022

COVID-19 outbreaks declared over Very good news Thunder Bay!

Canada seeing surge in new startups amid COVID-19 pandemic, poll shows

How strong is your Covid immunity? A blood test could offer some insight The trick is though is getting access to one of those blood tests especially here in Canada.

New Covid wave explained as virus now 'more dangerous' and top 3 UK hotspots revealed

Mick Jagger Says He's Feeling 'Much Better' After Contracting COVID: 'See You Soon' 

Quadruple-vaxxed Dr. Fauci tests positive for COVID-19 Proof positive that being fully vaxxed and dosed doesn't really work. 

These countries have opened their doors to unvaccinated tourists from Canada

Vaccine mandate persists for visitors at B.C. hospitals, long-term care 

COVID-19: Canada to update its ‘fully-vaccinated’ definition Canada can update it to whatever they want including going to a gazillion doses, but I'm as fully vaccinated as I'm ever going to be, period. End of story.

Key 'Freedom Convoy' figure pleads guilty to counselling mischief, released from jail "counselling mischief".... I do believe they make these charges and laws up as they go along.... I'd love to actually see if that law is even on the books or if it's something made up on the spot to charge the person with.

Pandemic 'not over for everyone': Alberta's weekly fatality statistics remains high

Calls to ditch ArriveCan app grow as peak summer travel season looms  

Toronto's medical officer of health contracts COVID-19

"We Are Teetering On The Edge": Food Shortage Worries Mount As PA Farms "Crushed" By Record Diesel Prices Gov'ts could do something about this if they really wanted to. Trouble is I think a large part of this plandemic was for the elite and ruling classes to suck up as much wealth from the lower classes as they possibly can and to kill off (via starvation and whatever other means they can find) as much population as possible too. So they're not about to help us, only when things start hurting them will they do anything. 

Shanghai to Mass Test Whole City Weekly to Keep Covid at Bay

Most mask mandates dropped in Ontario 

The impact of coronavirus could compare to the Great Depression Like I said before in April 2020 there was a report predicting something like this happening when the plandemic was winding down. Not sure now if it was so much a prediction or if a revelation of the intended plans. Either way it's spooky and scary all at the same time.

Convoy protests showed Supreme Court security should be 'a priority': chief justice Oh really???? What makes you bunch of INjustices so f'n special anyhow???? None of you uphold the actual laws of the land instead you all cave to whatever wanna-be dictator is at the helm at the moment! None of you has even once upheld the charter of rights and freedoms aka constitution against the gov't that's intent on trampling and abrogating those rights! Instead, each and everyone of you let them get away with it! So with "justice" like that who needs lawlessness and criminals? Because it looks to me like they're all one and the same thing anyhow and so not deserving of any special protections at all. 

Posts Distort Questionable Study on COVID-19 Vaccination and EMS Calls

COVID-19 hospitalizations in B.C. drop below 300, with 19 patients in ICU 

House of Commons lifting vaccine mandate Lifting isn't the same as removing or abolishing that mandate. So it's lifted for now, be ready  for it to be clamped down again at the drop of a pin or at the wanna-be dictator's whims.

Rupa Subramanya: For Trudeau, removing vaccine mandates was all political Of course it was because the little draconian tyrant has to try to clasp at every little vestige of power he has remaining in order to feel "all powerful". 

Stress accelerates aging of the immune system, increasing risk of cancer and heart disease: study And with the confluence of events out there these days - all created by the political classes - everything from the mishandling of COVID and what resulted from that fiasco, to the war in Ukraine and the blockading of ships with vital food supplies to the sanctionning of Russia and boycotting their gas, to the refusal to reign in inflation and additional resulting sales taxes tagged onto inflated prices or stopping their money lenders from adding additonal percentages to interest rates, ALL OF THAT IS CONTROLLED BY THE VARIOUS GOV"TS OF THE WORLD AND THEREFORE COULD ALL BE FIXED BY THEM AS WELL, IF THEY WANTED TO. BUT OBVIOUSLY THEY DON'T AS THEY DON'T CARE. They HOPE we all get stressed out and as a result die. That's one of the aims of this plandemic - to cut down on population.

‘COVID hasn’t gone away’: Five things health experts say we must do to end the pandemic 

Quebec COVID-19 hospitalizations down by 4, ICU numbers up by 5 Dateline June 16, 2022

Border union claims government stats about ArriveCAN app ‘absolutely false’

Manitoba COVID-19 numbers continue to decrease, despite 3 deaths, 80 hospitalizations reported Dateline June 16, 2022

COVID-19: N.S. sees bump in positive PCR tests, begins counting reinfections

COVID-19: 'We might not be in a great spot in the fall,' says Moderna CEO I'm going to be inclined to worry about it, when we get there and we see it. Until then, I'm not worrying my lil ole brain about it one little bit.

WHO estimates 15 million people have died due to COVID-19 pandemic Of course they have to inflate the numbers because the real numbers as they are, aren't scary enough to keep everyone compliant and double dosed and boosted to the heavens and back.

Fed up with lockdowns, some Springhill prison inmates actively trying to get COVID-19

White House clams up on Biden COVID-19 testing regimen 

Risk of long COVID lower from Omicron compared to Delta variant, coronavirus study suggests

Anyhow this is it for now... Until next time take care and stay well....

And remeber in relation to my injured thumb on Metro's property and in relation to the psychotic nut job living next door who keeps trying to have me arrested, steal my land, damage my property, eavesdrop on us, etc.... 

If you're a personal injury lawyer who works on a contingency fee agreement in QC, and wants to take on my case, I'd more than appreciate it. Or a lawyer who can take on personal injury cases and nutjob cases like the one next door on a contingency fee agreement please get in contact with me at the email address below.

Or if you're an investigative journalist who'd like to help me by exposing them and what they did and quite possibly help me get the money I need and want from them so I can get my physio therapy - which would be great and very much appreciated as it would negate the need for a lawyer if you did that for me. 

And in any case....

In the meantime don't forget to BOYCOTT Metro, Metro Plus and Metro Richelieu stores and Intact Insurance. If you have a claim that you wish to make against them for injury or loss sustained because of their negligence you're more than welcome to join the class action lawsuit I wish to launch against them. You can visit the blog mentioned here:  Metro Injury 'n' Loss Victims, or write:   metroinjurynlossvictims@outlook.com