Monday, January 31, 2022


 Covid 19


January 31, 2022

NOW I AM TOTALLY ENRAGED & EXASPERATED WITH OUR CHICKEN SHIT DICTATOR DICKHEAD IN OTTAWA!!!!!!!! So much so that I will have NO SYMPATHY WHATSOEVER FOR WHATEVER HAPPENS TO HIM AS A RESULT OF HIS OBSTINANCE & REFUSAL TO MEET WITH THE TRUCKERS & PEOPLE WHO HE CLAIMS TO REPRESENT! THE ONLY PERSON THAT SLIME BAG REPRESENTS AS FAR AS I'M CONCERNED IS HIS SELF CENTERED SELF ENTITLED SELF AND THAT'S IT, PERIOD!!!!!!!!! Whatever happens to him, is what he had coming - for a long long long time now. Like they say karma will get you in the end. And I have a feeling this is pretty close to his end if not THE END. Which is what I hope it is. 

So basically all my son is good for, for you, you mother f'n cretins in power is to pay taxes in order to cover your salaries, expense accounts and perks and pensions?????? IS that all he and all other young workers are to you bunch of F'D IN THE HEAD MOTHER F'ERS GOOD FOR?????? I hope they start to see and figure this out en masse for themselves in the not too distant future and then give you all what you deserve!!!!!!! Yesterday wouldn't be too soon either!
None of you morons seem to have a clue what your BS is doing to the population that you claim you're representing and trying to help.  For the most part all you've done is take away ALL OF THEIR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS & FREEDOMS and trapping them in in steel cages, where they're afraid to move or breath (without a mask on) or do anything. Now it's getting so that after 2 years of this some people have come to the end of their ropes and deem that either you f'n draconian dictators go, or they go (as in check out of life period - and you wonder why there's so many suicides during this plandemic - it's not only medical personnel checking out, it's others too and usually it's because they see no point in living). Yeah I know this whole exercise is to cut down on population. But if that's the case, why don't we start with you and your families? That would rid the world of a lot of high class welfare bums and leeches.  We'd all be much better off without anyhow.  
Those are the useless money grubbing eaters. The greedy guts who do nothing to help or better society, only pass more and more laws that are nothing but  over the top authoritarian and draconian, and benefit no one but themselves.  We can live without more such laws, thanks. 
We've got enough. Now it's time for those lawmakers to go or be done away with, whichever method they prefer for their removal from public life and the taxpayers trough. Personally, either way is fine with me as long as it's NOW!!!!!!

For more about the abrogation of our Constitutional Rights you should watch, listen to and read everything on the following pages - direct articles, podcasts and news articles from Brian Peckford the ONLY SURVIVING "architect to our Canadian Constitution", so you can be sure if anyone knows what they're talking about when it comes to the constitution and our rights thereunder, it's him. 


Last living signer of Canadian constitutional charter of rights sues government over COVID travel ban This is how pathetic the Canadian news media has become after he bought them off with a $600 million grant before one of the more recent federal elections. They won't even report on it. The only way we can find out is from American news.

Brian Peckford's Speech, Trucker Convoy For Freedom Rally, Victoria, Canada, January 29 [Crowd View... for sure watch the last 30 seconds] This occurred today in Ottawa, but there was NO MENTION of it on the news tonight. Not one utterance. Obviously the media doesn't want us to know about our rights.  Maybe my speakers aren't good enough, or my sound card or something, but I had a hard time making out what he was saying most of the time. Maybe you'll have better luck than I did with this particular video. But I can imagine it was along the lines of this one recorded 4 months ago in a podcast:  Hon. Brian Peckford Interview: Why Democracy Is At Risk of Failure  There's other videos there by him as well, that you'd do well to listen to and heed his advice. Because it's no joke. You'll get a valuable lesson in not only the constitution but democracy as well. Which many Canadians probably need.
Honourable Brian Peckford, Nikkanen, Baigent et al. vs. Minister of Transport and Canada  Where if you follow the link at the bottom of the page, you'll be able to download the supplication he made to the court for this case.
Now on with the rest of the sad sickening stories called Draconian BS on account of this pLandemic :
Trudeau Moved to Secret Location as Vax Protest Grows  See the response of Captain Chicken Shit? He ran to hide because he's such a two faced chicken shit. He better hope none of the truckers finds out where his hideaway is, I think.  Because hard to tell what would happen then.

Thousands in Ottawa protest COVID mandates, many rebuked One particularly hypocritical tweet from Mr. Dressup, quoted in this story is: Trudeau retweeted a statement from The Terry Fox Foundation that said “Terry believed in science and gave his life to help others.”  - TERRY FOX BELIEVED IN SCIENCE BUT DICKHEAD DRESSUP CAN'T UNDERSTAND SUCH CONCEPTS and as evidenced by his cowardly stance of hiding from those who travelled across country to talk to him, proves he wouldn't give his life for anything or anyone. He's nothing but a cowardly gutless chicken shit who I'm ashamed to call my PM.



Trudeau seeks NDP, Bloc support to prevent Conservative 'obstructionism' Just as an example of what kind of dictator this little puke is read this quote from this story where he's trying to limit or outright avoid any kind of opposition debate on this in parliament and just ram his shit through despite the fact that more people in this country voted against the little puke, than for him. Just read this passage from that story and see what kind of little monsterous dictator that little puke is and tell me that he doesn't deserve to be booted out on his ear and into jail after this and everything else he's done to this country and it's people:

OTTAWA — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is counting on the Bloc Quebecois and the NDP to help his minority Liberal government get things done in the face of what he anticipates will be systematic obstructionism by the Conservatives.

In an interview with The Canadian Press ahead of Parliament's return Monday after a six-week break, Trudeau made it clear he doesn't just want the smaller, more ideologically compatible opposition parties to support the passage of Liberal bills.

He wants them to support measures to cut off debate and force votes on bills if the official Opposition Conservatives resort to procedural tricks to stall progress on the legislative agenda, as they frequently did during his first minority mandate.

So is this a democracy or a dictatorship whereby everyone must do as he says including members in other parties????? It's time this little puke got his comeuppance for everything he's already done and not trying to subvert democracy like this. ASAP! I know this isn't COVID related, but it had to be posted as an illustration of what Captain Chicken Shit is all about.

'Tired of it:' Mayor in southern Alberta frustrated over border blockade by truckers Truckers in the rest of the country who couldn't make it to Ottawa should try similar tactics until the wanna-be dictators crumble to their knees and capitulate.

Thousands opposed to COVID-19 rules converge on Parliament Hill Enough is a freaking enough already and it's time the ass holes in charge got the freaking message. 

COVID-19 protesters demonstrate across Canada in support of truck convoy in Ottawa See? It wasn't just those who showed up in Ottawa that support them and their efforts. Canadians across the country support them and hope they force a victory for themselves and all of us. We've all literally had it and those politicians that are too blind to see the protesters or too deaf to hear our voices might wind up finding out the hard way what it's all about.

Trudeau tests positive for COVID-19, condemns 'hateful' rhetoric I'm sorry but this ass hole is the only one I've heard utter hateful rhetoric, when he basically called the unvaccinated racists and terrorists. The only terrorists I see in this country now are Trudeau, Tam, Hajdu, Legault, Ford, et. al. THOSE ARE THE REAL TERRORISTS BUSY USURPING OUR RIGHTS & FREEDOMS FOR THEIR OWN AGENDAS!!!!!

'The Canadian revolution': How foreign anti-mandate sympathizers are framing the trucker convoy  Gawd, I hope they're right and IT IS A REVOLUTION and that the protesters and truckers don't lose their nerve before their mission is accomplished. That would be so awesome to get rid of the ass holes in power and have all their draconian BS laws repealed and thrown out. And such a "revolution" might send a message to whoever takes over the reins from the currant riffraff in power, to watch their step and not cross the line because they can be taken out too, with or without elections. 

Anti-vaccine Canada truckers praised by Tesla’s Musk Even one of the smartest men on the planet praises the rally. 

Freedom Convoy: Why Canadian truckers are protesting in Ottawa To get a feel for the sentiments here in Canada watch the first clip and listen to what the man says in it - referencing the fact that we taxpayers PAY THE POLITICIANS SALARIES TO DO ***OUR BIDDING**** AND ###NOT### THE REVERSE - MEANING WHAT ###THEY WANT TO DO###!!! Then listen to the woman at the end of clip and what she says and I can PROMISE YOU MOST OF US FEEL THE SAME WAY. 


'Mark of the Antichrist': Greek holy men sow vaccine mistrust Personally I don't think it itself is the mark of anything, I think the vaccine passport might be a precursor to it though, as in the microchip - posted about in the previous post in here, which is touted to take over having to show the passport to anyone is the mark of the beast.  Because if you read the Bible it says it's either in your hand or your forehead.  A microchip can be inserted in the body wherever wished, whether that's in a hand or under the skin on the forehead. But while it's merely a QR code on your phone or in your wallet, it's no more a mark of the beast than your social insurance number or driver's license is. 

The REAL MARK OF THE BEAST is probably that microchip that was touted in an article linked to on my previous post - where you can go to read more about it.

As for the vaccine itself, I think if it is anything besides bogus BS, it might pose genetic risks down the line. Which is why I'm glad our son didn't get the vaccine, but because of that he's being ostracized and can't do anything except work and go home. 

I got the vaccine even though I am sure I had Covid in January 2020, because my husband has health issues and wanted us both to be vaccinated, but he's opposed to all subsequent doses after the first 2 main doses. So we won't be getting anymore doses at all (and just to prove how well they work - look at numbnuts in Ottawa who had his third dose but yet he's supposed to have tested positive for the virus - or did he? Maybe he's trying to use it as an excuse to hide out from the truckers and not talk to them?). 

That's my feeling considering he had no problems self-isolating in the spring of 2020 when he was busy going out on his front steps everyday to play Santa Claus to one group or another, except the seniors who he ignored altogether, despite the fact he said he had to protect and help them. Liar liar pants on fire.... That's what I think about that lying sheitehead. 

Ottawa mayor would like protesters to move on, but organizers say they're not going anywhere Good because as they say in trucker parlance I hope they're there for the long haul - until they win what they went there to win.

Small-business group calls on Ottawa to lift trucker vaccine mandate

After weekend of protests, Ottawa residents are feeling the effects Good so maybe they can start applying pressure to the moron in charge and tell him to come down off his "higher than mighty" pedestal and talk to the protesters and fix things. 

Quebec eases more COVID-19 rules, permitting indoor dining, private gatherings Oh whoopdie doo. They eased, by 50%. Big whoopie! Try REMOVING ALL RESTRICTIONS ON EVERYTHING FOR EVERYONE! THEN THAT WILL BE PROGRESS! But knowing you power hungry gestapo types in QC City, that won't last long. It'll be another day and a half after removing restrictions that you proclaim a total province wide lockdown on everything & everyone including essential services. I can just see that coming too. I wouldn't put anything so draconian past any of you. But yet you'll be doing Boris Johnson type partying at home and in your backyards, like he did, while the rest of us won't be able to breathe let alone party.

Canadian Official 'Expects Police To Take Appropriate Action' As Truck Convoy Blocks US-Canada Border Crossing Take a look at the image at the bottom of this page. It's just priceless. I just wish I knew who it belonged to so I could ask permission to use it in my blog, but alas, I have to settle for directing traffic from my blog to see it. You don't want to miss this one folks!

Trucker convoy protest: 'I have never seen such a display of hate,' Canadians say as demonstrators crowd Ottawa for third day They're all probably consumed by the same rage, contempt and overall  disdain I have for the cowardly asshole that hasn't even got the guts to talk to people who've travelled across country to talk to him and chose to hide away with the new variant Coward 19. So of course they're venting their anger. Why wouldn't they? If someone goes to see you to talk to you and you refuse to talk to them, how do you think they're going to feel? Happy? Sad? Angry? Hurt? Hateful? I'd say all of them except the Happy one, most likely. So they are apt to react in kind. I mean what else do those half baked morons expect when they refuse to talk to them anyhow? I'm telling you after this and watching several episodes of "The Crown", I now KNOW WITHOUT A DOUBT, that to be a ruler of any kind in this world you have to literally be a half baked imbecile. The Queen is, as I'm sure all her representatives and those she allows to govern on her behalf aka PMs in the various countries still under her control, are. So undoubtedly bozobrains is a half baked imbecile too. Precisely why he's so f'n clueless, I guess.

'We are not intimidated,' Trudeau says as convoy continues to gridlock Ottawa hehehehehehe.... So says the one hiding out from them!!!!! hehehehe.... What a f'n laugh! What a freaking moron if he thinks we're buying that line! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚Don't think those are tears of joy, but rather laughing so hard I'm crying.... That's what those faces represents here. Like I said Idiots 'R' Us.....

RCMP say border blockade in southern Alberta no longer lawful, preparing for arrests Yup that's it. When you have everything on your side, it's EASY TO QUASH OPPOSITION & PROTESTS WITH YOUR GESTAPO FORCES!!!!! Canada has OFFICIALLY BECOME A POLICE STATE IT LOOKS LIKE!!!!!

Gawd I hope EVERY FREAKING ONE OF YOU POLITICIANS OUT THERE FROM THE LOWEST TO THE HIGHEST & ALL YOUR GESTAPO FORCES ALL GET STRUNG UP BY YOUR GONADS AND LEFT FOR THE BIRDS TO PICK YOUR EYEBALLS OUT WHILE ALIVE!!!!!!!!! SERIOUSLY, I am so f'n tired of being hit again and again and again with sledge hammers wielded by those we pay the salaries of. 


Now I beseech each and every Canadian visitor to read, watch and listen to all of the links to do with Brian Peckford above AND LISTEN TO HIM & PRACTICE WHAT HE'S SAYING TO DO. WE ALL HAVE OUR OWN INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & FREEDOMS UNDER THE CHARTER THAT NO ONE CAN TAKE AWAY FROM US  ****** UNLESS WE LET THEM BY NOT STANDING UP FOR THEM OURSELVES IN THE FIRST PLACE*********. Let that sink in and realize that by doing nothing you are ALLOWING THE MONSTERS IN CONTROL TO KEEP ON BOXING US IN MORE AND MORE BY YOUR REFUSAL TO FIGHT BACK.  IF YOU FIGHT BACK YOU WILL WIN IF YOU SITE YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS & FREEDOMS BEFORE  A COURT OF LAW. If enough of you do that, and there's enough precedences set in our favour the assholes at the helm will have NO CHOICE BUT TO BACK OFF!!!!!!! 

That includes me as an asthmatic, of not having to wear a mask out in public if I don't want to - or even as a healthy person. Not having to use a passport to go anywhere because that restricts my rights to freedom of  movement and association. Not having to forego anymore celebratory or other family dinners or dinner parties because that too infringes on my rights of association.  


But as long as the majority are chicken shits and don't want to go along with those methods of fighting back and only a minority do (ergo being more manageable numbers for cops, courts and jails to handle), it'll only continue. 

It'll only happen when everyone has had enough and decides all at the same time that enough is enough and all flout all the laws together.  I'm ready to start this minute, if I have to, but I don't want to be the only one doing it, I want ALL OF YOU & EVERYONE YOU KNOW TOO TO BE DOING IT TOGETHER!!!!!

Anyhow, I know this isn't likely to be the last post in here, going by what transpired over the past few days, so until next time take care and stay well and FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHTS - FLOUT THE BS MEASURES IN EVERYWAY & EVERYDAY THAT YOU CAN. 

Show them you won't be bullied into submission.  


And it won't be illegal either, since all of those rights they're trying to quash on you are protected under our charter as Brian Peck explains. 






Saturday, January 29, 2022

Whoo Hoo! Never So Proud In My Life of Fellow Canadians! Thank You For Finding Your Courage To Stand Up Against the Tyranny Being Used Against Us In the Name of.....

 Covid 19


January 28, 2022

The picture used by permission from was chosen to represent at least a portion of us Canadians who couldn't make it to the rally to show our support and appreciation for what the truckers and other supporting Canadians are currently doing as I write this. 

I personally know what a trucker convoy can do to things in a city having experienced one in Montreal in the early 1980s. It was a gridlock stand still. If we moved a city block by car in an hour that was going some that day. When they want to jam things up good, they certainly know how. They got their message across then and I'm sure they will now too. Especially with all the flag waving Canadians out there supporting them. The last time I saw people hanging over over  passes waving the flag and that many flags all in one space was the Monday before the 1995 Quebec Referendum. I especially like one sign I saw in the news tonight about this rally/convoy/protest/demonstration (whatever you want to call it), where it said in large letters "LEGAULT & TRUDEAU MUST GO!" - I agree with that sentiment 1001%. I think though Trudeau shouldn't just "go", but he should instead "go to jail" along with Haggydu the art teacher and the witch doctor  Tam, where all 3 can stand trial for crimes against humanity, including mass genecide and senecide . Legault needs to stand trail for mass senecide as well. 
Now for the rest of you out there who are living in another universe and haven't heard about this rally protest yet, to put it simply Canadian Truckers and Canadians in general have collectively grown a backbone for themselves and have decided to stand up against the gov't's draconian measures and fight for their rights and all our rights really. What I've been saying needed to be done for a long time now, when I saw the "pandemic" devolve into the "plandemic" where it was no longer about our health and safety but about abuses of power and dictatorship and ruining people's lives and livelihoods  Where people are being fired and censored left right and center merely because they express an opinion on the "wrong side of the debate" about this BS plandemic and all the crap surrounding it.  
Now I'm just hoping the gov't sits up and listens because the next time maybe the people won't be so civilized, when it comes to stopping and simmering down. Maybe next time that convoy of trucks won't stop at the gates nor the doors either, maybe they'll just go right through them. I mean a convoy of trucks from all across the country.... That's a massive amount of trucks capable of doing lots of damage if they wanted. 
So the gov'ts if they know what's good for them WILL SIT UP & LISTEN and stop being such a cowardly wuss pretending to be self-isolating. You can still "self-isolate" on your front doorsteps like you did in 2020, Mr. Dingaling Dressup, when you were busy pretending to be Santa Claus handing out gazillions of dollars to everyone under the sun EXCEPT THE SENIORS (those who you said you were protecting and were going to help - B F'N SHIT - US SENIORS DIDN'T SEE DIDDLY SQUAT FROM YOU, YOU LYING DIRTBAG!!!!!!) . So Mr. Chicken Sheite Dressup, get the F out on your front steps tomorrow and talk to those truckers who drove across Canada for that purpose you weasel face!  If you were my kid I'd give you one good Wallopping which is what Margaret & Pierre should've done but didn't do to you, knock some sense and decency into your f'n empty skull!

Now on with some of the more relevant, worrisome & hopeful too, headlines:

UNDER YOUR SKIN Tech firm develops microchip that can be implanted in your arm to track Covid vaccine status with just a cell phone scan I guess a lot of Bible readers probably surmised this was coming and if you did, you were right. That's why it's imperative that we get rid of the vaccine passports! 
Army to announce it has developed a single vaccine that protects from ALL variants of COVID and SARS Really? If that's so, when are they going to release it? Just wondering how safe it is though...

Bill Gates predicts 'the worst part of the pandemic' is coming Probably because he's going to make sure it's coming as he probably hasn't made enough money off the vaccines yet for his liking. He's lost his status as the richest man or one of the richest men in the world and he wants to gain it back again probably, by any means necessary most likely.
Connor Hellebuyck laments NHL's handling of virus, players' Olympic withdrawal You know I am one Canadian that HATES HOCKEY WITH A F'N PASSION & ALWAYS HAVE. It seems to me to be a hockey fan or a hockey player you have to be one mother F'n braindead bully. That seems to be the sole requirements to like or play that sport, from what I can see. I was smashed in the head and thrown against walls when I was kid, if I dared breath too loudly while my step father was watching a game on TV. Now as an adult I have a MAJOR BRAINDEAD MOTHER F'N ASS HOLE NHL PLAYER & HIS ENTIRE MOTHER F**KING FAMILY CONSTANTLY CONSTANTLY CONSTANTLY BULLYING & HARASSING US ON AN ALMOST DAILY BASIS! If it's not trying to have me arrested on false charges, or cutting branches off our tree, or using our yard as a construction material storage yard, or our patio furniture for their contractors luncheons, it's sicking the fire department on us - not once but multiple times (because their other braindead bozo of a spawn is a "fireman"). To the point where I had to write the chief an email about how he's being used as a pawn in their harassments against us at taxpayers expense and to stop before I find a way to make him stop. I mean gawd almighty the only thing I see from that sport are a bunch of braindead thugs. That's all they are. So you know what, I hope they all get the f'n virus and wind up on ventilators in the hospital - it'd serve every mother f'n one of those thugs right. ESPECIALLY THE NEXT DOOR THUG'S FAMILY & HIMSELF! In that case, I hope they ALL WIND UP DEAD AS A RESULT. To take a quote from HOOK "I hate, I hate, and I hate some more" those ass holes with a passion.

Nigeria destroys 1 million expired COVID-19 vaccine doses Whichever country gave them nothing but expired doses needs to be exposed for the hypocrites they are. Why couldn't that country have disposed of their expired vaccines themselves, why did they feel it necessary to send them to a poor country to dispose of them for them? Maybe the country that sent them to Nigeria to begin with is run by a bunch of freaking retards who wouldn't know how to dispose of a dirty diaper much less a bunch of expired vaccines. Which is probably the case. I am so so so sick and tired of all the hypocrisy and BS this plandemic has exposed. This is just another case of it.
Justin Trudeau responds to Quebec's plan for 'health contribution' payments for unvaccinated adults Oh that's a nice euphemism "health contribution" when in actuality Legault was calling it a "health tax". Gawd nothing like watering down the context and severity of it, is there? 

Why global leaders are terrified about ‘social cohesion erosion’ Well they have no one to blame but themselves with all this "social distancing"!!!! What the f did they think was going to happen, if you forbid people to see or touch or hug or kiss each other?????? They'd grow apart.... Lose the cohesion they once had. This is normal. And those morons have no one to thank but themselves. So if karma bites them in the ass on account of it, well hey, they had it coming! That's all I have to say about that. I swear to gawd this world is run by nothing but numbnuts, morons, imbeciles, and ostriches with their heads buried so deep in the sand, all you see is their ash holes showing. They have literally screwed the world, people's lives, families, relationships, livelihoods, businesses, and quite literally EVERYTHING up and now they're afraid of the repercussions from it!?! Well GOOD THAT'S FREAKING AWESOME! That blue text was to indicate my anger as in the expression she was so angry she was blue in the face, well that's me.
Quebec tax on unvaccinated may be lawful but sets risky precedent - experts See? It's a TAX & not as Mr. Dressup puts it "health contribution payments". 

Canada drops vaccine mandate for its truckers after pressure from industry As you will see our gov'ts are totally wishy washy imbeciles that can't decide from one minute to the next what they should or want to do. IF they dropped the mandate as this article suggests, why is there a Canada wide trucker convoy enroute to Ottawa this very moment while I'm writing this???? Please explain that one if you can. 

German police used a tracing app to scout crime witnesses. Some fear that’s fuel for covid conspiracists.  See? It's not JUST Canada that uses those apps to track everyone everywhere for whatever reason, Germany is doing it too, as I bet all other countries with those apps are also doing but not divulging to their populations for fear of reprisals. 

‘You’re cute, I think’: Face masks are making people appear more attractive Really? I don't know. I don't spend that much time fantasizing about what the rest of the face behind the mask looks like. At my age, I'm light years beyond that now. Now it's what they say or do or how they handle themselves and treat others that intrigues me.



Expect more worrisome variants after omicron, scientists say  Well of course that's pretty much a given unless Fort Detrick releases their vaccine - which supposedly will take care of all the variants ever.

Doctor loses license, must have psych evaluation for COVID falsehoods, board says No doubt they'll lobotomize her, or shock treat her into thinking the way the establishment wants her to think, no matter the evidence she's garnered as a doctor in her own practice. 

Europe's loud, rule-breaking unvaccinated minority are falling out of society Very sad. They shouldn't be giving up, but instead digging their heels in and fighting harder. 

What lockdown took from my parents Yup in the beginning of the plandemic where were weren't allowed outside except to get essentials or for a walk and we weren't allowed to see anyone else, I was wondering why we should even bother trying to keep safe and live. We had no lives at all. Just staying inside staring at the same old four walls, not seeing anyone else or going anywhere or doing anything of interest beside whatever we had on hand at home - like watch  TV, cook, crafts, reading and computer activities. One of the reasons I started the blog. Not only as a way to document the plandemic and our lives throughout but as something to pass the time with. But honestly I'd have much rather had other things to do, because for the most part the headlines all throughout the blog have been blood boiling and stress inducing. But at least I wasn't sitting here doing nothing like a lot seniors had to do, doing nothing but sitting alone with their thoughts day after day, night after night. We (my husband & I) had each other to talk to and interact with, a lot of seniors didn't as they live alone. But even we were wondering what's the point of living if we can't do anything, go anywhere or see anyone. Might as well be dead and get it over with.

Israeli trial, world’s first, finds 4th dose ‘not good enough’ against Omicron Like I said. What's the point of getting booster shots if they're not working? Right now the QC gov't is badgering us to get our third dose. I don't see the point of it, if the 4th one isn't working, why would I get a 3rd one, only to be told, whoops that doesn't work you need another one and the other one won't work either and we already know that from this report. So what's the point? Just to make Pfizer and Moderna and shareholders richer than they already are? If that's the case, I think I'll protect my own health my way and forego those booster shots as they seem to be an exercise in futility anyhow. The Canadian proof that they don't work (if you believe the BS) is that Mr. Dressup had his booster shot live on TV awhile ago, but yet he's currently under isolation because he tests positive for the virus. So if these boosters worked so well, you'd think he'd be right as rain and in parliament or out talking to the truckers. So he has to face 1 of 2 facts here either he's a chicken shit liar and is saying he's self isolating because he's testing positive, OR he's trying to force Canadians to take useless vaccines and booster shots that do NOT WORK, based on his own first hand experience (IF he's telling the truth - which is doubtful).

Hong Kong to kill 2,000 small animals after hamsters blamed for COVID-19 outbreak in closed-off city These poor little innocent creatures have to pay for the idiocies and ineptness of the Hong Kong authorities. Such a shame. What happens after they kill them off but there's other outbreaks? What are they going to kill off then? Maybe it's the people in charge that need to be killed off, as maybe it's all their bad decisions that they keep making that keeps perpetuating the disease and not poor innocent little creatures like hamsters.

Revealed: How a web of Canadian doctors are undermining the fight against COVID-19 Good for them! I am inclined to agree with the doctors here, especially after having followed this plandemic since the beginning and seeing what has gone on in regards to it and the laws and science surrounding it. Therefore I am especially inclined to agree with this very apt statement made by one or more of them:  one claim that the pandemic was a “planned exercise in population control.” It concluded with an argument from defence lawyer, Swinwood, that Canada’s COVID-19 restrictions are akin to Nazi Germany regulations.  ------ 
And I'm sorry but no one, but no one can prove that statement wrong. Everything I've seen and read since day one points to that one objective - to cut down on population - mostly the "useless eaters" which would be the feeble elderly, those with other health risks and problems and the poor. The most egregious case of senicide (killing off the feeble elderly) occurred right here in QC under Legault's command. That is why I said he should also stand trial for senicide, above in my opening comments.

Customers rattled by empty grocery store shelves across N.B. I guess that's the case in stores around here too, but I haven't really been grocery shopping lately, so I wouldn't really know.

FIRST READING: China blames its COVID problems on Canada (again)  Hey news flash you Chinese morons! THE WORLD BLAMES CHINA FOR COVID!!!!!! If you didn't release it in the first place, there would be NONE IN CANADA NOR ANYWHERE ELSE for it to come back to roost in China on anything whether it was a person, a letter or one of your cheap garbage products that were being returned to you.

Quebec may never get the full story behind COVID-19 care home deaths, coroner warns Of course not because Legault and the health minister in charge at the time are busy trying to cover their asses for fear of being prosecuted on the charges of senicide. Which is what I hope happens to them anyhow considering we already have enough evidence to charge them with that and probably more than enough evidence to throw the key away afterwards too.

Quebec coroner criticizes fact that no one thought to inform Legault before March about dangers of COVID-19 Ummmm 'scuse me for thinking here, that ummmm Legault is the leader of the gov't here no???? Well if that's the case, shouldn't he be the one in charge and thus know what's happening elsewhere and be ready to act in case? Whether that's the Canadian gov't deciding to "invade" QC and take it over and depose him and make English the ONLY official language here, or whether there are economic forces afoot in the world that may hurt or benefit QC's economy, or a pandemic raging in China let's say in December that WE ALL KNEW ABOUT AT LEAST AS EARLY AS JANUARY but APPARENTLY OUR LEADER LEGAULT DIDN'T AND IT WASN'T UNTIL MARCH THAT HE FOUND OUT ABOUT IT???????? Seriously???? You really seriously expect us to believe that one do you??????? I guess you think we're dumber than a bucket of shrimp eh?  I mean com'on, no one in their right mind is going to believe that he didn't know about it before March when every single every other organism with a form of news media at their disposal knew about it. I mean gawd almighty how dumb do you have to be to propose that?

Requiring vaccine passports to shop at big-box stores hurts those on Quebec's margins, critics warn I have my passport but I refuse to use it for anything other than going to restaurants (since we rarely go out to eat), because I refuse to allow myself to be tracked by the gov't. Their invasion into our privacy is beyond the pale now and I refuse to let them invade my privacy.  It's not their business where I might go or shop for things other than food. 

Air Canada, WestJet and Pearson urge end of mandatory COVID-19 testing at airports  See it's not just the truckers that are sick of the mandates and BS even the airlines are. Well I guess you could also add, restaurants, bars, gym owners, hair salon operators, cinemas, churches and pretty much everyone are all sick of these idiotic mandates and BS. It's time they were ALL REPEALED. Period. End of story. 

Covid pandemic 'nowhere near over', new variants likely to emerge WHO:   Yeah Tedros is one of the major genocidal maniacs in this whole plandemic. HE SHOULD BE LOCKED UP FOR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY & MASS GENOCIDE! PERIOD END OF STORY. That creep is PRIMARILY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE WORLD WIDE SPREAD OF THAT DISEASE BY NOT DECLARING IT A PANDEMIC OR A DANGEROUS EPIDEMIC THAT HE DIDN'T WANT SPREADING BEYOND CHINA'S BORDERS SOONER! He could've VERY EASILY TOLD THE WORLD TO CLOSE THEIR BORDERS UNTIL THE EPIDEMIC IN CHINA WAS OVER WITH and that's as far as it would've gone. But no, he waited and watched until he made sure it was in all the countries around the world before he made any announcements on the subject. You want to talk about someone who fell down on the ball, well that lump of sheite with hair on it, IS THE CULPRIT. HE NEEDS TO BE HUNG OUT TO DRY. FOR SURE.
China orders overseas mail disinfection over Omicron fears We should do the same on everything coming from China, including the people. That way we'd know they wouldn't be bringing in any more strange viruses with them. Covid related or not.

Some Canadian travellers want to know why those entering from the U.S. face less stringent rules Because as usual Mr. Dressup et. al. all need to look better in foreigners eyes than in their own taxpaying citizens eyes. The Canadian gov'ts have always been like domineering abusive fathers to the Canadian population - telling them what to do and punishing them if they disobey, but to foreigners - or outside the family home, they're sweeter than sugar and you wouldn't think butter would even melt in their mouths, they're that non-chalent and easy going. Whereas with the population they're abusive and overbearing - EVEN THOUGH IT'S WE WHO ARE SUPPOSED TO BE THEIR BOSSES AND PAY THEIR SALARIES - WHICH THE SELF-CENTERED, SELF-SERVING, SHEITES SEEM TO FORGET ONCE THEY GET ELECTED. THEY CONVENIENTLY FORGET THAT THEY ARE CIVIL SERVANTS - 2 words there that should apply that they forget the second they're elected - as in civil servant - there to serve the public or civil as in civilized (which they're not unless you're NOT Canadian and then they're sweeter than sugar to you) and servant as in serving people (in this case the people that elected them and pay their salaries). Instead what we get is a domineering ash hole that decides we're going to do the things he wants us to do and if we don't we'll be punished for it in one way or another. THAT'S THE REALITY OF CDN POLITICS HERE IN CANADA and they get away with it too, because up until today the people have been too chicken to stand up to them. Today, they finally grew a backbone and decided enough is enough and I hope the idiots in charge listen or the people MAKE THEM. That's why. That's why foreigners and refugees and immigrants for the most part get more help and better treatment than most Canadians get.


Boris Johnson, Facing a Mutiny, Says England Will Ease Virus Rules I think more and more leaders will face a mutiny soon if they don't back off. I think people have had enough and now they're fighting back. And like I once said to a former leader, there's more of us than there are of you, so you'd better be ware for your sake. 

Canada ranked 6th-most miserable country by think tank Living in Quebec, the most repressive of all the provinces in the country since this plandemic began, I sometimes think I live in the most miserable country in the world - even the super poor countries probably have the majority of their citizens feeling freer and in some senses happier than we are here. I mean we have money but we can't go anywhere to spend it, like a poor person who has no money who  can't go anywhere to buy anything, but at least they are probably allowed to see friends and greet them with a hug, a kiss or a handshake, they're probably free to go out and have fun - whatever that might be to them. We're not allowed to do any of those things. We're expected to stay home and rot, basically.  So sixth most miserable overall doesn't surprise me in the least. What does surprise me is that we're not THE MOST miserable country in the world. That means there's 194 other countries out there happier than we are. Think about that for a few minutes there folks and let that sink in. Maybe that's why everyone's had it and it's culminated in the trucker convoy today.... We've all just had this misery up to our eyeballs and then some, and just want it to end, one way or  another.

Quebec plans to reduce care standards in hospitals if COVID-19 surge continues Really? Reduce the standards to what? Non-existant? Or perhaps Witch doctor status? Because right now currently the medical system is fraying at the seams and I've never seen it worse in my entire life. And I once worked in this medical system. So I have a clue at how far it's fallen. But then we have peg legged Pete aka Lucien Bouchard to thank for much of the problem since he closed every hospital he could find basically. Guess he was lucky he left one open, the one that saved his life from flesh eating disease - the reason he's peg legged Pete today - the bacteria ate one of his legs and it had to be amputated in order to save his life. So I guess it's a good thing he didn't close that hospital down or he wouldn't be here now. Well I suppose I ought to be grateful to him and Pierre Cadieux (a Federal MP in Mulroney's time) for starting to probate my mother's will for me when I was executrix. So there's at least that much... But I will never understand his crusade to close as many hospitals as he could when he was in charge of QC.


Latest research shows Omicron infectious up to 10 days: Tam This genocidal witch doctor has been caught lying so many times since the start of the plandemic I don't believe anything that comes out of her mouth.

New data show those who recovered from Covid-19 were less likely than vaccinated to get infected during Delta wave Which is how immunity normally works. Those who get infected with a disease usually have a better and longer lasting protection than someone who was inoculated against it. That's pretty much true of all diseases. That's what I said at the start when they started pushing the vaccines. As I had had COVID in January 2020 I wasn't going to get the vaccine, but my husband who didn't have COVID and who's older than me, wanted for both of us to get vaccinated - so we both got fully vaccinated with our 2 shots, but that's where it stops. Even he agrees. He knows this is mostly a money gimmick to make the gazillionaires even richer so they can become jazillionaires instead. Wondering what they'll be when we get to zazillionaires.... Guess we'll have to go Greek like they're doing with the naming of the variants.

Europe considers new COVID-19 strategy: Accepting the virus As long as it's no worse than a common cold, I don't see a problem with that.

Israel world #1 in daily COVID cases per capita; exposed schoolkids won’t quarantine Imagine that. The most vaccinated population on earth is now sporting the top daily COVID case numbers on earth. Tells you how good the Pfizer (at least if not all vaccines) is and their 99 million booster shots they've had too.

‘If I Die, I Die’: Meat Loaf Spurned COVID Rules Before Death So sad.  One of our first records we bought together as a couple was Meat Loaf's Bat Out of Hell album. 

‘Time to be ourselves again’ – Taoiseach announces end to Covid-19 restrictions Ireland doesn't have to be terrorized by it's population into letting their population have their rights and freedoms back, unlike the imbeciles in charge in Canada. 

BUM DEAL China brings back anal swab testing for Covid in world’s most brutal lockdown two weeks before Winter Olympics begin I imagine that'll be one of the olympians fondest memories of the games, the anal swabs.... 😁


Water cannon, tear gas at COVID-19 protests in Brussels Looks like people have had enough the world over.

Blues' Justin Faulk says he's not looking forward to going to Canada Good stay home then. We don't want anymore NHL thugs we have enough of our own already and we don't need any of your germs either, so stay the F home. See if I care.

Bill Maher: I Don't Want To Live In Your Mask Paranoid World Anymore Me neither Bill. I don't want to either. I almost got away with doing my entire grocery shopping not long ago, totally maskless. I went into the largest grocery store in the area, without a mask on. There was an employee at the entrance ensuring we wash our hands, he didn't say anything to me about no mask. I go in the store I do most of my shopping and no comments from the employees that saw me, nor other customers. I asked an employee for help finding something and she told me where, no comment about no mask. I was almost finished shopping when a man - a customer told me about not having a mask on. So I touched my face and realized I didn't have one on and reached in my pocket and pulled one out and put it on, but by then I was almost at the check out counter. I didn't do that on purpose. I genuinely thought I had a mask on and didn't realize I didn't until that man told me. 3 or 4 of the store employees and loads of other customers had ample opportunity to tell me, but for some reason they didn't. 

Illogical for truck convoy to claim freedoms threatened by vaccine mandate, say experts Experts in what? Gov't propaganda BS? Is that their fields of expertise? Because I think - now I'm not entirely certain but YES I AM!!! ONE OF OUR MOST FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS IS THE RIGHTS TO DETERMINE WHAT HAPPENS TO OUR OWN BODIES & WHAT WE PUT INTO THEM!  So YES IT DOES HAVE TO DO WITH THREATENED FREEDOMS IF THAT RIGHT IS BEING TAKEN AWAY FROM THEM AND THEY'RE BEING FORCED TO PUT SOMETHING INTO THEIR BODIES THAT THEY OBJECT TO! Um f'n duh.... Morons R' Us masquerading as Experts - more like experts in BS. That's their line of expertise. 
Police preparing for ‘significant’ protests at Parliament Hill as trucker convoy converges on Ottawa  Good I hope there's SIGNIFICANT PROTESTS! If there are, it'll pretty much be a first here in Canada. I hope it's enough for the taxpaying voters to show the UNcivil servants where the bear crossed the river and who's the boss and who's paying who's salaries around here and they get the message that if they don't obey their bosses we don't have to wait for an election to toss them out on their collective ears, we can do it anytime we please as there's way more of us than them, the cops and the entire military in this country. IF they want an uprising we'll be happy to supply them with one. If not they can calm their asses down and stop the slippery slide into draconian communism and restore our democratic values and rights and freedoms pronto. That's my feelings on the whole affair.

Now isn't the time for vaccine mandates, even with low rate of COVID-19 shots for kids: experts Even the experts are saying we don't need vaccine mandates now, but will the political leaders listen? Probably not. Not unless the convoy and people there in Ottawa tomorrow manage to scare the crap out of them, THEN MAYBE AND ONLY MAYBE MIGHT THEY listen. Otherwise, hell no, they have their own agenda and they'll stick to it come hell or high water. They need the piss scared out of them to realize we've had our fill and I hope that's exactly what happens tomorrow. In no uncertain terms. They need to be shown who the real bosses are in this country and here's a hint, it's NOT THEM.

Canadians flocking to food rescue apps to reduce grocery bills and waste I have several tips for saving money and avoiding food waste. Number 1 is grow whatever you can - even if all you have is a balcony or a hallway or windowsill. Growing a few potted herbs or tomato plants saves some money, but obviously the more you can grow the more you can save providing you're willing to do the work required. Growing food is a large investment in time and labour. You have to be willing to plant, weed, and water your garden on a steady regular basis until harvest time. Then you have to harvest your crops - the different types of crops mature and are ready for harvest at different times through the growing season. Some have to be harvested all at the same time - as in they're mostly mature or ripe enough to eat but not big enough yet, but there's a frost coming, so have to get everything in before it hits. Then you have the task of taking care of it all so it doesn't go bad via several different methods from blanching and freezing to preserves or dehydrating or using it right away in meals and in baked goods that can be frozen for later use. Portioning things out in freezer bags for the amount that will be consumed at one meal for the family and blanching and freezing them (you can do the same with store bought veggies too). Meat for the most part can be portioned out into meal sized (for the family) packages and frozen too. That way there's no waste and you can buy in bulk when there's sales on and save it for later consumption.

Businesses open on Sundays again; proof of vaccination in department stores starting Monday Like I said above, there's no way I'm using my passport to go shopping. I'll do without first before I let the gov't track me all over kingdom come.

COVID-19: Quebec Liberals propose a deconfinement plan Personally I'm tired of any and all plans like this or even remotely like this. I think they should all be abolished PRONTO.

Jewish author calls Trudeau “unethical, immoral” and “evil” over comments on unvaccinated I agree with her 100%. He IS unethical, immoral and EVIL. I'm glad someone else in this country has figured that out and it's not just me.


Mixed pandemic messages reflect Legault's wish to move past crisis, analysts say Yeah because he has an election coming up this year. So he wants to put this draconian BS on the backburner until after he's re-elected - or so he hopes.

Eric Clapton claims people vaccinated against Covid-19 are under 'hypnosis' Well that's what gov't propaganda does, doesn't it? Persuades either via logic or hypnosis or something to go along with the gov't line, no?

GoFundMe withholding $4.7 million from trucker convoy until plan presented This seems like more "oh you're not following the gov't BS agenda, so you need to have your funds frozen or lose your job or be ostracized forever for having a different view or opinion from the dictator gov't line" than anything else. How come they don't withhold the snot nosed brats Go Fund Me pages because they set one up to buy a guitar or a pony or whatever it is their parents don't want to buy for them? Does the GoFundMe company or website even have the rights to do that? After all it's NOT THEIR MONEY it's still the contributors monies before it gets distributed to the intended recipients, so shouldn't it be the contributors decision as to whether or not the monies get withheld and not GoFundMe's? 
IATA calls on governments to remove all travel restrictions for fully vaccinated  IATA stands for: The International Air Transport Association which represents 290 airlines world wide. So it's looking like more and more BIG PLAYERS have had ENOUGH of this BS.


SILVERBACK LOST World’s oldest gorilla Ozzie dead at 61 – Primate dies at Atlanta zoo months after testing positive for Covid Awww so sad. He looks like such a magnificent creature. I really feel bad when animals die due to any reason, but I feel especially bad that some of them are dying from this disease that could've been prevented if the Chinese just kept it in the lab to start with.

Pandemic problem drinking on the rise, but men are actually drinking less So I guess that means it's women drinking more. Maybe days filled with squabbling screaming kids will do that to you. Just glad I didn't have kids at home with us during the plandemic or I think I'd have either strung them up, or myself or maybe all of us, as I don't think I'd have been able to take that on a continual day in and day out basis for that long like that.

Denmark to End Most COVID Restrictions and 'Welcome the Life We Knew Before' See? Another country that let go of the reigns of dictatorship without necessarily being on the brink of revolt like Canada seems to be on at the moment.

Former Coronation Street star Sean Ward says he’s homeless after sharing anti-vax views Another poor soul punished for having an opinion different than that of the gov't's. I remember once upon a time we had the right to express our opinions without fear of repercussion such as losing our job or in the case of the doctors in Canada being dragged before a court, or the Maine doctor facing a psych ward (where gawd knows what treatment they'll administer - anything from counselling to lobotomies and shock treatment). 

When truckers arrive, Trudeau will be self-isolating at home after COVID exposure Excuses, excuses. Of course the chicken shiete will be self isolating, as he's too cowardly to come out and face them - probably afraid they'll run him over or something. When he was self-isolating after Sophie got COVID in England, back in 2020 he had no problems going out on his front steps to pretend he was Santa Claus everyday giving a gazillion taxpayer dollars away to this group and that group and every other group except actual seniors. But suddenly because the truckers are coming to see him, he's got to hide using the pretense of self isolating.

Freedom Convoy plans to gridlock Ottawa until all vaccine mandates repealed  Good for them! I hope they succeed and don't let the gov't and cops bully them into giving up on it.

'Freedom Convoy' heads to Ottawa from Quebec border crossings There's several more stories about this down the left side margin and at the top right side margin with more stories under each of those numbers - currently the numbers goes up to 8 but I imagine as the story progresses there'll be more numbers added. 


'We ask everyone NOT to visit': Trucker convoy sparks warning from Ottawa police, Canadians say this has 'nothing to do with trucking' Typical cops. Stupider than a bucket of shrimp and thinks everyone else is too. Honestly do you think we're all stupid enough to think this is just about trucking???? Seriously???? And it has absolutely nothing at all to do with the draconian repressive gov't measures we've all be subjected to for the last 2 years and that we've all had enough of it now???? That doesn't factor into it at all huh? What a bunch of dickheaded morons these clowns are. I say YES VISIT OTTAWA EN MASSE! THE MORE THE MERRIER!!!! GO IN DROVES!!!! Show your support to the truckers and show the cops you aren't listening to any more of the gov'ts gestapo officers. We've had enough of the gov't AND THE COPS!!!! At least I have. And firemen too, along with NHL related thugs and bullies, while we're on the subject of what I've had enough of lately.

Don Cherry stands firmly behind Canadian 'Freedom Rally' truck convoy Even though he's related in more ways than one to the NHL (who I think is composed solely of thugs that are too chicken to go to jail and so take their thuggery out elsewhere), I agree with him on this. 
Trudeau concerned trucker convoy converging on Parliament Hill could turn violent Told you he was a chicken sheite because he's afraid of them. And quoting the little moron now: "Canadians are not represented by this very troubling, small but very vocal minority of Canadians who are lashing out at science, at government, at society, at mandates and public health advice." They're lashing out at GOVERNMENT NOT SCIENCE OR SOCIETY and as for public health advice (if you mental midget could be bothered to read and try to comprehend any of that for yourself, YOU WOULD SEE THAT) EVEN THEY RECOMMEND AGAINST VACCINE MANDATES AT THIS TIME. Heck the story is just above so it's not like I'm making it up here. The ONLY ONES WE ARE AGAINST ARE THE WANNA BE DICTATORS OUT THERE. IF the shoe fits wear it you draconian wanna be dictator sheite head you. I'm so sick and tired of your BS, lies and BS spin you try to put on everything when the truth doesn't suit your version of reality.

Now hopefully the convoy and supporting public will get the message across to dictators' R' Us in this country and I won't have to post any more in this blog as this will be the end of the BS going on in the name of COVID19. Keeping fingers crossed. If we should be so lucky, I wish all my blog visitors the best of health in the future.





Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Seething Anger at the Gestapo Tactics, Lying Draconian Wanna-Be Dictators and all the BS Surrounding.....

Covid 19


January 11, 2022

Why am I back again? Well as I said before if the BS surrounding this plandemic gets to be overwhelming or the gov't out of hand, I would resume posting in here or at least post 1 post anyhow.

That being said, I guess you're wondering why I wasn't back sooner, because Oh My Chron/ic plandemic was overwhelming everyone everywhere. True, but it IS A MUCH MILDER & LESS LETHAL VARIANT than Delta was. 
It would be like me starting my blog up again because a particularly contagious cold virus was spreading. Because that's what this is like, the reason I am posting again is because, I think the gov'ts (well at least the Quebec Gov'ts) are taking a nuclear bomb to kill a pesky gregarious mosquito that likes meeting and tasting all the possible choices out there. Because that's what Om My Chron/ic is - a gregarious virus that wants to meet and greet everyone it can. Causing mild illness - if any and rarely causing fatalities. That's why I'm back again and my fury at how they've been handling this and the last straw was Arruda quitting and then the egregious additional tactics Legault the Gestapo head took after Arruda quit by wanting to impose a health tax on the unvaccinated. 

I & my husband are both vaccinated with our 2 shots, we refuse to get the "booster" shot - no matter what. So that's not why I'm furious here. What I'm furious at is this mother f'n ash hole has no qualms about using the NOT WITHSTANDING CLAUSE to abrogate the linguistic rights of anglophones or religious rights & freedoms, but he's too chicken shit to use it to invoke a vaccine mandate, which would achieve what he wants and that's blanket vaccinations for all to put an end to the plandemic! So instead he wants to charge the unvaccinated a health tax - a hefty one at that. But that definition of "un"vaccinated keeps changing the more and more booster shots are required. Now like I said above we're both fully vaccinated, but that's as far as we're going come hell or high water no matter what the money grubbing chicken shit gestapo dictator has in mind to change the fully vaccinated to. He can go piss up a stump and play with the steam as far as we're concerned now. 

Now I am seriously wondering what kind of kickbacks these vaccine manufacturers are paying the gov'ts to keep pushing doses and more doses of their ineffective lousy snake oil products masquerading as viable vaccines, that couldn't stop a simple covid virus let alone the delta or omicron mutations. 

What's the definition of insanity anyhow? Doesn't that go something like this?: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results, is the definition of insanity or at least stupidity, isn't it? I mean how can they think that giving anyone the same sheite that doesn't work effectively, over and over again makes it any more effective? If that's the case, why not open a box full of the vaccine remove all the stoppers from all the bottles inside and make each person drink a box full of it, every time they go for inoculation???? I mean if more is better than all should be awesome! No???? 
No, I don't think so, that's not quite how medication works. I mean take a bottle of your favourite pain reliever as opposed to recommended dosage all at once and see if it works better for you or not. Maybe those with super human tolerances to toxic substances may last a little longer than someone with less tolerance, but in the end you'll all die. Now if you stick to the recommended dosage and keep taking it over time, maybe in the long run you'll heal and you won't need it anymore or if it's a chronic condition and you'll have to keep taking it the rest of your life, depending on the problem. But no matter if it's a temporary problem that's bound to heal (like broken bones or a headache) or a chronic condition like say fused joints that is painful when trying to move or spinal problems affecting nerves, taking more than recommended isn't going to do better than what the recommended doses are already doing. So if the vaccines you have aren't working all that well, taking more isn't going to make them work better. That's a freaking guarantee.  
Hence the "Extinction Rebellion" picture at the top of the page this time - because it feels to me like they're trying to kill us with this mrna vaccine garbage that only does one thing good and that is cause you to continue needing doses of it forever and a year. Why do they want us to have continual doses? Does it eventually kill us or worse yet modify our DNA into something more acceptable to power lords or who knows maybe the aliens Luis Elizondo is claiming is here, perhaps as a food source for them? I know that's an outlandish thought for sure, but gawd, I really wonder why suddenly after being told we only need 2 shots we're now up to 5 and counting? Really.

And Arruda's resignation pisses me off even more. There were lots of times when he was there beside Legault the Gestapo and Dumbe the pencil necked moron, where if you read his facial expressions you could tell he didn't agree with what Dumbo and LeGo the Gestapo was saying and KNEW they were wrong. I caught him once trying to say what should've been said, by first word he started to say and then the next word his lips were ready to utter but didn't (that's the advantage of being half deaf, you learn how to read lips and facial expressions), which was the TRUTH of the matter and NOT what he wound up saying. I felt so bad for him, because he gave a sideways glance to Legault the Gestapo with a "geez I hope you didn't catch that" kind of smile. But it was hard to scrutinize whether Gestapo Legault caught it or not as he always looks like he's a miserable mother f'r sucking on lemons. So did he or not, I don't know. All I know is that was at the start of the plandemic and Arruda lasted there beside that wanna be dictator until yesterday when he had about all he could take of the mother f'ers in charge twisting or ignoring the scientific facts to suit themselves and quit. 

For the news media in the stories about his resignation to insist that he was always in the wrong scientifically and that's why Legault didn't care when he quit, are a bunch of brainwashed idiots pandering to the wanna be dictator some more.  When it's been obvious all throughout this f'ing plandemic that ANYONE, ANYONE AT ALL, whether that's a DOCTOR, A NURSE, A SCIENTIST (of ANY discipline), a media person, a blogger, or even a protester at a rally that disagrees with THE GOVERNMENT'S STANCE (Now read that carefully, I said GOVERNMENT'S STANCE and NOT.... The Scientific stance) has BEEN CENSORED & EVEN HAD THEIR JOBS & LICENSES TO CONTINUE DOING THE WORK THEY'RE LICENSED TO DO THREATENED.  So with that in mind do you really honestly truly think that Arruda would be sitting there BESIDE LEGAULT at a news conference saying things contrary to what Legault wants said?????? If you do, then you're even dumber than a bucket of shrimp my friend and need to learn how to analyze things on your own and think logically.
This WHOLE PLANDEMIC FROM THE GET GO IS ABOUT POWER & MONEY. Those who have the power gets to dictate who can make more money, less money or no money at all. The pharmaceutical companies making the vaccines are pushing 2 doses plus 3 & 4 and even 5 shots altogether of the crap. Now I don't care if they're only making a fraction of a cent per dose, figure out how many doses that is world wide and then multiply it by the amount they're making on it, even if it is only a fraction of a cent and you'll see who's getting rich off of this fiasco. Now, if they used the virus to study it and make the vaccines from it, how do we know they're not the ones modifying and rereleasing it, in order to have new variants circling the globe so their cash cows can still keep on reaping the riches for them????? Because, now I have a feeling that that's what's going on out there. Pfizer et. al. might be tweaking that virus and rereleasing it and keeping copies of the tweak to try to play with to either make a suitable vaccine against it, or tweak it some more so they can rerelease it after everyone's caught up with their 4th & 5th doses. 
I also think that the gov'ts - 99% of the people in the various gov'ts have shares in those companies and so the more the companies sell of their vaccines the more the people in the gov'ts that have shares in those companies makes. Not to mention some of the heads of states and certain jurisdictions like say Quebec, may be getting kick backs and bribes to keep buying more and more doses from those companies to inoculate their population. When the populations revolt and have had enough of that BS and don't want any more vaccines the gov'ts try to force them via various methods for fear of losing out on those large dividend payouts and kickbacks.  Now I don't know which if any gov'ts are doing that, but I do know for sure that there are gov't personnel in probably every nation on earth who has shares in one or more of those companies, who's vested interests are to ensure that there's more of that product being produced and sold so they can continue to get their dividend payouts. I am also sure there's probably more than 1 head of state out there whether that's national or regional, who's accepting kickbacks and bribes to allow that vaccine to be bought and used in that country. I mean you really have to wonder when you look at what's happening in Israel with the Pfizer vaccine. Why only Pfizer and why so many doses of it there? Just makes one wonder - that's all. 
That's not to mention that bozo Legault and Dumbe thinks that imposing more lockdowns and curfews are going to do anything to curtail the spread of the virus. There's tons of science reports that shows they don't. But anyhow for Legault and Dumbe it's an awesome money grab tactic, along with that sudden new "health tax" for the "un"vaccinated, which we're sure to be added to eventually as we're refusing the booster shot. But personally I don't see why I need a booster shot, if I'm not allowed to go anywhere or do anything whether I'm fully vaccinated or not. I mean what's the f'n point anyhow? To go to the SAQ and pot store???? Euuuuu yeah those are wonderful reasons, considering I make my own wine and liqueurs (and you can too by availing yourselves of the recipes found here: Homemade Liqueur Recipes) and if I want weed, I'm sure I know a fully vaccinated person or two who can buy some for me. We got fully vaccinated so we could do things at will and not have to worry about barriers and that lasted for all of 6 months and then we're back into the same old sheite again where we couldn't even have a New Year's with our son because of the BS gestapo tactics of the gov't allowing us to only celebrate anything with the people in our own home. 
 I went out and bought a freaking huge turkey and all the fixings to have for New Year's Day dinner with our son & his wife, but couldn't have it because of gestapo Legault and Nurse Ratshit beside us (who hopefully will have Karma bore her a new one - the c__t tried to have me arrested - yeah because I sent them a registered letter telling them I was taking them to small claims court for all the shit they pulled - then she had the fireman spawn of hers nearly give me a heart attack yesterday morning -8AM no less, with his gestapo tactics of banging on our door - like as if we had 2 seconds to get out before the house explodes, to see if we had working fire detectors in the house - BUT the chicken sheite didn't come in like he was supposed to actually see and check for himself, instead he f'd off back to his truck). It's really weird that if the fire dept were checking for working smoke detectors we were the only ones they checked, especially considering the fire departments across the province are supposed to be short of firefighters due to Omicron - maybe so but they don't mind sparing one to come and harass us for no reason eh?. Oh that c__t and Mr. Pink Pussy that follows her around smelling, licking and kissing her ass will find out when I finish with them. They won't be having so much fun then. Unless it's with other cellmates. So I'm SERIOUSLY PISSED AT ALL & I MEAN ALL THE GESTAPO TYPES OUT THERE IN THIS F'N NAZIFIED PROVINCE!!!!!! I've literally had it up to the eyeballs with them all. They want lines being towed, wait, they'll have a few to tow themselves and that's a freaking promise. Only theirs is apt to be heavier and more restrictive than mine were or are. That includes Nurse Ratshit, Mr. Pink Pussy, Mr. Braindead Hockey Puck and Mr. Wanna Be Superman neighbours. I thought the ash hole was going to break the window in the door before he finished.  
I hope Karma also bores new holes for  Gestapo Barbie, Legault and Dumbe and all the cops and firemen that want to give people heart attacks by the way they knock when there's no reason to do so and apply gestapo tactics and don't mind acting as Legault's gestapo force to enrich his coffers, by issuing insane tickets for things that there shouldn't even be a fine for. 

I mean I don't get how having New Year's dinner with our son and his wife (who is fully vaccinated) is any worse than a family of 4 who live together having NY's dinner together. It's not because you live together in the same house that one can't bring home the virus and infect the others. So what's the difference here? Especially since 3 out of the 4 were fully vaccinated anyhow and spent Christmas together which was just the week before. So I don't see the point of the 2 vaccinations we've had if they served no purpose in either protecting us from the virus itself, or allowing us freedoms (which should be guaranteed in the charter of rights and freedoms anyway, with or without a vaccination). So that's why I don't think we'll be getting anymore doses of the shiete as it's not worth the risk in protection (as that's laughable to say the least),  or in what we're allowed to do or not do. So what's the point? 

So now on with the headlines that backs up what I've been yammering on about now for the last little while. All expect the sheite that happened to me personally, that is.... There aren't any headlines about that "yet". But the way the ash holes next door are going, there's apt to be, with us being the victims once again.

UK agency: Pfizer booster’s ability to prevent symptomatic COVID wanes within weeks For those who think Pfizer's the best you might be interested in reading this article.

Omicron may not be the final variant, but it may be the final variant of concern Probably not if the vaccine manufacturers have anything to do with it.

Anger over mask mandates, other covid rules, spurs states to curb power of public health officials I wish someone would curb the powers of Legault the Gestapo and Dumbe. 
Daily Covid-19 infections top 100,000 in France Those were the numbers for Christmas Day.

Canada secretly tracked 33 million phones during COVID-19 lockdown: report I'm pretty sure I said this would happen somewhere in this blog, because it was pretty much a given, especially knowing what kind of conniving, lying, snakes in the grass our governmental bodies are. And you wonder why I seem to have a chip on my shoulder against the gov't and any authority eh?..... I wonder why.... I've already exposed enough of their BS, lies and connivings in here for you to figure it out on your own - unless you're one of those shrimp in a bucket.

Report: Canada's Public Health Agency Tracked 33M Devices During Pandemic Just in case you thought the other site reporting this story was one of those "tabloids", maybe this one is a little more credible to you.

Australia marks second Covid Christmas Contrast the 6,288 infections here with the 100,000 in France for the same day. Huge difference, but still this seems to be a lot for Australia.


Pfizer antiviral pills may be risky with other medications Oh I'm sure if they give enough doctors and pharmacies kickbacks or "professional gratuity" for every prescription written for a particular product or a particular product sold - for every inventoried item of it sold, the doctors and pharmacists are going to be turning a blind eye towards the risks. Like I think our own doctor does most of the time. 
That's another thing that happened during my furlough from this blog.... My husband almost died due to medication our doctor prescribed to him for his blood pressure. As any 911 services are more than 21 minutes away when you call them (except if you don't want or need them then they're here faster), I had to try to take care of him myself when his lips and fingernails were already blue and his face was ashen gray. I mean for all the world he looked like he was dead and going to be that way in a matter of seconds or minutes. Anyhow, I managed to save him, so he's still here and still providing the help, support and love he always did. Thankfully.  But that is a scare I can't seem to get over. I've had too many of them in the past 3 weeks now. It just seems to be one thing on top of another. First the c__t next door tries to have me arrested, 2 days later that happened to my husband and then yesterday the c__t's spawn trying to give me a heart attack for no f'n reason other than a jolly for the bitch that's his mother.


Quebec updates testing guidelines: Here's what to do if you might have COVID-19   Yup, isn't that how this plandemic got out of control to begin with? By trusting people to self isolate and follow guidelines when we all knew they wouldn't? That they'd be tempted to get that essential item they need at the store, or go in to work instead of being fired, or finish the term paper rather than flunk out of college or university? I mean we all knew that that's what would happen and did happen and one of the reasons for the virus to pick up steam in the early days of it's spread. So now you're going to trust everyone to do the same? Unless they have Nurse Ratshit living next door with 911 on speed dial, do you really think they're all going to obey? 

ANOTHER RECORD: Nearly 50,000 new COVID cases in NY This is the day after Christmas for comparison to France's & Australia's numbers of roughly the same time period.

Coronavirus Can Persist for Months After Traversing Body Yup, I'm pretty sure we mostly all, already know about Long Covid by now. So what was the point of this article other than as a scaremongering piece to reinforce the arguments for booster shots???? 

Omicron spreads global gloom over New Year’s celebrations That's for sure. That's what happened here. Instead of having a nice turkey dinner because Mr. Legault Gestapo had to cancel celebrations for anyone 24 hours before New Year's Eve celebrations began and for anything afterwards. He couldn't have done that before anyone made any plans or bought anything on account of those plans. 
Elder Abuse Spreads, Stoked by the Pandemic  In our case however it's abusive self-entitled ass hole neighbours, who thinks they're entitled to our property, without even paying a cent for it.


China to jail drivers in brutal 'zero Covid' lockdown as Omicron spreads worldwide Well if that's the case we would starve to death eventually and maybe have lots of health related problems while doing so, as both the grocery store and pharmacy (both side by side and the nearest ones) are about 4kms away. Much too far to walk with heavy groceries any time of the year especially at our age and even for me a walker, 4kms there and 4kms back would be too much for me to handle any time of the year even with light packages like medication would be.  So for those people's sakes I hope they all live within reasonable walking distance for the goods they'll be requiring to live. I know there's a lot of rural regions in China, not sure how those people will manage.

French tennis star Benoit Paire rages after testing positive to Covid-19 for ‘250th time’ Yeah that must be aggravating for sure. Something wrong maybe with the tests they're using?

COVID-19: Could Omicron be a turning point for the pandemic? If it is a turning point, let's hope it's a good one (I mean for us and not it).



South Africa lifts curfew as it says Covid omicron peak has passed So since it seems to have last 2-3 months there, we should be able to see the back end of this variant at least by the end of February here in Canada.

Quebec reinstates curfew, closes dining rooms, bans private gatherings as cases soar  See the time date stamp on that article!!!!! See when the mother f'n gestapo creep announced that!?!? And you wonder why I seethe at them and their gestapo tactics! Incase that article goes missing it was: December 30, 2021. Now correct me if I'm wrong but there's only probably a few hours left until midnight of that day making the following minute after that December 31st, 2021 - aka New Year's Eve! That's what kind of gestapo control freaks we have here in QC.

COVID outbreak at Antarctic station among fully vaccinated researchers like a horror movie Whenever the idiots in charge (whenever that might be, as it's doubtful that they ever will) starts to realize that QUARANTine (MEANS 40 - as in 40 DAYS) and that all quarantines should last at least 40 days if you want them to be effective, THEN & ONLY THEN MIGHT we have a chance at beating this virus, but when we start off at 14 days and go down to 10 and then 5 and then not at all (as in you're a medical personnel so sick or not, get yer ash to work) or you regulate your own self quarantine, you KNOW it's DOOMED TO KEEP SPREADING FOREVER & A YEAR. As there is NO stopping it at all. The vaccines are a joke and the "quarantines" are even more of a joke as they're not and never have been done properly to start with.

Quebec reintroduces 10 p.m. curfew as infection rates skyrocket Like I said before the virus doesn't know what time it is, so what's these stupid curfews all about? Besides most people who work or go to school usually are home and in bed by 10pm. So what's this about? Another powermongering trip to make him feel important? Is that it? 

Dr. Bonnie Henry says 'new game' with Omicron variant could signal end of COVID-19 pandemic That would be awesome! That's what I'm counting on, now as I've totally had it.

Scientists identify antibodies that can neutralise Omicron and other variants That's good I guess, but I won't be getting any of those boosters or shots or whatever it is. I've had enough. Like they say, enough is enough and I've had it already.

Omicron has passed peak in South Africa, causing relatively few deaths and hospitalizations, authorities say Now read that part well that starts after the comma and let it sink in before deciding to panic over Omicron here.

Health pass or vaccine pass: Europe eyes tighter Covid control measures Monkey see Monkey do.... Copying the measures put in place here in QC since last summer, I see.... 
Worrying about COVID-19 leads to poorer choices, mental decline I'm not half as worried about Covid as I am about our neighbours from hell and what they're going to be up to next. The half wit hockey puck braindead son plays for the Las Vegas team, so I'm sure he picked up more than a few tips and tricks from the mafia that owns his team and is trying all of them out on us.

Better future after COVID? Most people want it, but few think it will happen I'm beginning to wonder if there'll even be an "after COVID", considering it's over 3 years it's dragged on already.
NYC will consider race when distributing life-saving COVID treatments  I don't even know how they can consider that. I don't know the US constitution at all, but I believe there's a part in it where all are supposed to be equal under the law, so if that's the case should that be the case in all things and not just the law?



Health Unit: 'Positive rapid antigen test results do not need to be reported' under new provincial guidelines Leave it to Imbeciles 'R Us to come up with the guidelines.... How the F are they going to know if they're going up down or levelling out the curve in this wave if no one reports anything????? Or are they employing Madame Jezebelle and her magic crystal ball to see what's ahead? Just wondering?

The end of the pandemic will not be televised Of course not, because that way they'll be able to keep control of you for longer than if they televised it.

Covid microchip developer says there's no stopping roll-out: 'Whether we like it or not!'  This is something else I predicted was coming, in this blog. Not sure when or where, but probably almost anywhere where tracing, or passports was mentionned.

Schools, indoor dining shuttered as Ontario reintroduces COVID measures  Always playing catch up to whatever Quebec's doing eh?

'I'm starving to death!' Panic in China as millions forced inside in strict Covid lockdown Yup, we figured that if the virus didn't kill off enough people fast enough gov'ts worldwide would find ways to help it, whether that would be by restricting access to anything, locking them in and throwing away the key, forcing them to take vaccines or boosters that maybe weren't good for them and all sorts of other nifty methods they might dream up. Like taking people who are sick with covid from hospitals and putting them in long term care and seniors residents so they could die like they did in the first  wave etc.... They're finding all sorts of ways to work it out to cut down on population it seems.

DΓ©jΓ  vu: French scientists detect ANOTHER variant linked to travel to Cameroon and say it carries 46 mutations that may make it more vaccine-resistant and infectious (but it is so far NOT outcompeting Omicron) Yup, who can say they didn't see this coming from months and months away? It's pretty much a given now that there'll be variant after variant and wave after wave and we'll never be rid of this virus until or unless the vaccine makers stop dicking around actually make a real working vaccine, one worthy of being called a vaccine alongside the old time vaccines like against smallpox for instance. 

Omicron Variant Might Help Defend Against Delta, Lab Study Suggests Might, but I might not get my hopes up too high as they might get dashed.

WHO Coronavirus (COVID-19) Dashboard Which says that

Globally, as of 4:52pm CET, 11 January 2022, there have been 308,458,509 confirmed cases of COVID-19, including 5,492,595 deaths, reported to WHO. As of 11 January 2022, a total of 9,194,549,698 vaccine doses have been administered.

COVID, year three: What's likely to change in 2022 Probably only more stringent measures and more draconian punishments.

The Next Big COVID Variant Could Be a Triple Whammy Nightmare Or even a quadruple nightmare. I mean hey if we want to do some scaremongering speculations I can do some of my own too. Doesn't mean I'm any more right or wrong than they are.

Moderna CEO warns people may need fourth Covid shot as efficacy of boosters likely to decline over time And the 104th and 105th and so on and so and so on.... Like the Energizer Bunny.... Never runs out of shots to keep it going.

How to treat yourself at home if you get COVID-19 I guess you might have to, if the hospitals are full and they start triaging people for treatment or just refusing admittance to certain people.

'We are playing with fire': European health officials blast CDC's revised COVID isolation guidelines Well at least NOT EVERYONE is as stupid as the CDC people are. But no one is bright enough or brave enough (not sure which is the case - seems like everyone likes to keep pretending the emperor is wearing the finest clothes when he's wearing nothing at all, as everyone seems to chicken or stupid to point that out and insist that the medical and political communities gets their collective acts together and starts flying right) to issue the orders that EVERYONE MUST STOCK UP ON A MONTH'S WORTH OF FOOD & SUPPLIES and then make everyone stay home for that month - actually it should be 40 days but I'm not sure everyone could afford to stock up on enough food and medicines for 40 days - even 4 days is pushing it for some. But those who are on social assistance should be given food vouchers to buy enough groceries for their family to last the month - over and above their normal monthly allowance given them for food and shelter, to ensure they have sufficient funds to pay rent, and their other bills and buy enough food and medicine for the month. Give everyone 1 week to stock up (yeah I know it'll clean the stores out - but they'll be mandated closed for the next 30 days so what do they want food sitting there and rotting for with no buyers?). And make sure everyone and everything is closed for the next month except of course 911 services and hospitals. THAT IS HOW YOU STOP THE SPREAD. But nooooooo..... No one has the guts to do that, so until there's a cure or a vaccine that actually works, it'll just keep going around and around and around nonstop, mutating as it goes. So yeah shrink the quarantine time - but then why bother having one at all? Might as well just drop the whole charade and get on with it, if you're not going to do it properly. That's what I think, but then again, it's just me, an old retired nurse, so what do I know about anything eh?
Accommodate the unvaccinated and let life get back to normal, Erin O’Toole says O'Toole the old tool.... What a freaking numbskull. He wants to use "rapid tests" which have been proven to be almost totally unreliable, as his back up plan to protect people.  But I seriously don't see the logic in this at all. He wants the UNvaccinated to use unreliable rapid tests as a way of protecting others from potential spreaders, but if you're vaccinated, it shouldn't matter, as it's not a serious condition if the vaccinated person gets it, only if the UNvaccinated gets it. He wants people to be vaccinated, but yet he wants to protect the UNvaccinated from getting it with the stupid "rapid tests" that don't work anyhow.  I don't know, if the UNvaccinated are supposed to be the bane of our existance as everyone seems to think they are, why is everyone so concerned about protecting them from getting the virus, in the first place?  Since  the vaccinated probably won't get it, and if they do it won't be as serious as when someone who isn't vaccinated gets it. Personally, I think the whole thing is just a bunch of idiotic nonsense. Trying to protect a grown adult from something they themselves don't care if they're protected against or not, via unreliable tests. 

Grocery stores in Quebec facing lack of staff, supply chain problems due to Omicron wave True I haven't been out of the house in a few days, but when I was last out to the stores, I didn't see any supply chain or lack of staff shortages. True I don't go to a lot of stores either, but the ones I did go to had everything in stock that was in their flyers, which is what I went for, in the first place. 

Quebecers will need to show vaccine passports to access liquor, cannabis stores Like I said above, it's not a problem for me, I make my own liqueurs etc and sometimes without needing any alcohol as things can ferment on their own and turn into a nice wine, or liqueur type drink and as for pot, if I want some I know where to get it. It's not often I want any though, because it leaves me famished and sleepy. So I don't know what to do first, gorge myself silly or pass out. So I forget about that as a nice glass of wine or liqueur or cocktail can unwind me and put me to sleep too, without making me famished. And being famished is the LAST THING I NEED right now. I'm trying to cut back on food intake and not increase it.

We will protect unvaccinated from themselves: Que. minister Dumbe is at it again promising to protect the unvaccinated from themselves. Too bad we don't have someone or something to protect us against him and his BS.

Justice Sotomayor Exaggerated the Number of Severe COVID-19 Cases Among Children Talk about your own agenda... I guess when a politician or law maker has an agenda, they can make up all kinds of "facts" to support it, like this guy did. Just goes to show you can't always believe or trust anyone not even judges.

Don’t Work Out With Covid-19, at the Gym or Anywhere Else  Well when you're sick the general rule of thumb is to take it easy and let your body use whatever energy it has to fight your illness. When you're 100% over it, is the time to start getting back into your routines GRADUALLY especially if you were incapacitated for a period of more than just a few days.

PM recognises ‘terrible toll’ as official Covid death total passes 150,000 Don't freak out fellow Canadians as these are UK numbers, not ours.

Anti-vax protesters tell France's Macron: 'We'll piss you off' Good! I wish the anti-vaxxers in Canada would piss the Cdn politicians off enough that they backed off and left us the F alone. 


$1.26m paid to 296 with serious side effects after COVID vaccination in S'pore: report And of course they're protecting the miscreants that caused those serious side effects by not naming them in the story. 

Omicron: Natural immunity idea ‘not really panning out,’ doctor explains As per this story, even booster shots don't protect you against Omicron. 

Romania tightens pandemic measures amid COVID-19 surge As a guy in this story admits the measures aren't meant to stop the virus because they know it won't, it's only to make it look like the politicians are doing something to try to stop it. Which is probably the case with the money grubbing gestapo wanna be dictator running QC too.

COVID-19 is pushing Quebec hospitals to highest alert level. Here's what that means For us it just means more of the same, not getting to see a doctor when we need to and when we do, we're given prescriptions that either don't work or kill us and we have to second guess and do our own research on everything ourselves. So she gives us the name of what we have and then we have to find out everything else about it, including if the prescription she just gave us for it, will work or kill us because she doesn't bother to look at the contra-indications about it. 

COVID-19 in Canada: Health minister responds to irresponsible Sunwing Cancun travellers, possible provincial vaccine mandate Gawd I hate these types almost as much as I hate the authorities.... Self entitled, self-important and self centered ash holes. I hope they all face the maximum penalties possible.

Rapid spread of Omicron showing 'tale of two pandemics: rich and poor' Isn't that what this plandemic is all about? Getting rid of excess population by cutting down on the "useless eaters" and "riffraff"? Like Henry Kissinger and the elite have been dreaming about since the 1960s (which by the way was when there were only about 4 billion of us alive then - even then the elite thought the world was too populated). Of course they aren't the ones volunteering to give up their lives in order for others to have more resources and space, no it's the old, the poor, the disabled and those they deem to be a burden on society that they think should die. So they'll find one way or another achieve that now it looks like. 



Some Ontarians are refusing Moderna boosters, pharmacies say That's because of the big deal made about how great and wonderful Pfizer is, while totally ignoring Moderna in the media. There is an article above that proves that Moderna is a much more protective and longer lasting vaccine and booster than Pfizer is or ever will be.

Cyprus reportedly discovers a Covid variant that combines omicron and delta That's beside the other variant recently discovered in France.... So here we go again. Like I said - Energizer Bunny..... 



T cells triggered by common cold also fend off Covid: Study Good so if that's the case, I'll never get it, since I've never gotten a cold or a flu or any illness (except the Alpha version of this virus and even then it wasn't anything I couldn't handle on my own) since I contracted H1N1 in 2009. 

Meditating each day activates genes that fight off cancer and viruses like COVID-19 I am a 1st hand believer in the mind over matter techniques to heal ourselves. I truly believe that we are the ones that can heal ourselves and even gets ourselves sick or injured in the first place, in several ways. I mean that most people don't believe these things, and so won't even try them to see if they work, they just poopoo them right away without even giving them a second thought and that's it. But for those who do try they may not be successful at their first attempts or maybe not in every instance on every ailment they might have but they don't negate what they did accomplish. It's merely mind over matter. You can get so caught up in life and the problems of it (like the stressful times I've been having lately) that you don't take time to realize that it's YOU who lets those things bother you and cause you problems and you can just simply forbid it. Simply make your mind up that that stress isn't going to affect you or your health. That you can prevent cancer by denying it permission to exist or enter your body in the first place and fervently believe that whatever cist you might see or feel is benign and refuse to entertain the thought that it's anything else worse than a benign cist. Try to not let yourself feel down and depressed because then you let yourself go (physically and mentally) and that's when a lot of disease can creep into your body and take over too. Put yourself into a zen state - where your mind zones out and you think of soothing things like maybe a soothing song, or your pet, or something beautiful, peaceful and serene - like maybe a flower garden or your favourite fishing hole or whatever puts you into a peaceful easy feeling (to quote the Eagles) and zone out and stay there until you feel your whole body relaxing and calming down. Keep busy doing stuff you love to do, laugh, and try to enjoy life more too. All those things helps keep you healthy and heal yourself, without any medicine or surgery needed. 
I know orthopedic specialists will want to kill me for telling you this, but I know this first hand and the first instance of this working for me was when I was 15 and broke my ankle in 3 places. I had a good old plaster cast and crutches which I was supposed to have for the first 3 weeks and then I was supposed to get that cast off and get a walking cast on - a plaster cast with a heel on it made to walk on. Well when I got home we lived a few flights upstairs in an apartment and as I couldn't manage the crutches on the stairs my parents made me stay home from school as they figured I'd be in a body cast from head to toe if I had to try to go up and down those stairs everyday with crutches. I was 15 so staying home alone while my parents went to work and siblings went to school was no big deal. So while I was home alone, I hobbled around the apartment on my cast without the crutches as I couldn't stand them. At first it hurt a bit, but I kept saying to myself, it's not broken, it's not broken and eventually after a few days it didn't hurt anymore, I believed it. So after the 3 weeks was up I had to get the cast off. Well the doctor that saw me to cut the cast off, saw the condition of the cast and gave me sheite (as the bottom was completely worn off just the gauze was left). Anyhow he sent me down for an x-ray to see the condition of my ankle and if they'd have to replace that cast with a new one of the same type or if I could get my walking cast or what. When he saw the x ray he was flabbergasted and started telling me that if he didn't see the original xrays from when I broke it, he'd have never believed it was ever broken to start with. He took the cast off and my crutches away from me and told me to go home, I didn't need the walking cast on. And that's a true story. One of many such mind over matter type stories I have. But there's no time nor room for all of those in here.
‘AT GROUND ZERO’ Western troops fell ill in Wuhan MONTHS before Covid outbreak officially began fuelling lab leak suspicions hmmmmm.... Curiouser and curiouser... And they said no such thing happened.... Yeah.... sure...

Living with COVID-19: How the virus could turn into the common cold, or something far worse Oh just shut up I've had enough of this sheite now..... Either it goes away once and for all or turns super lethal and gets rid of us all, once in for all, but I seriously wish it would in the vernacular of some people I know either piss or get off the pot. Because I'm 1000% tired of it now.


The New Trend in Healthcare: Do-It-Yourself  That seems to be the new trend in everything just about, from grow your own food to cut your own hair to being your own body trainer.

Red Cross declares first-ever national blood crisis Wondering how the Cdn & QC blood banks are doing? 

Amid rising prices, American families fall deeper in debt Well um duh, I wonder why, when you take this statement into account: Over the past two years, median income fell 3% while the cost of living rose nearly 7%, due, in part, to rising housing and medical costs.
UK’s Johnson accused of breaking lockdown with garden party  Another case of "do as I say, not as I do".

Europe Slowly Starts to Consider Treating Covid Like the Flu  If it is like the flu or a cold, with few deaths, I don't see why not.

Omicron may be headed for a rapid drop in US and Britain The same should apply to Canada as well.

Quebec to impose 'significant' financial penalty against people who refuse to get vaccinated This is just a huge money grab by a power hungry money grubbing wanna be gestapo style dictator monster aka Legault.

Alberta unions call for circuit-breaker COVID-19 lockdown but Premier Kenney says no See what I'm talking about here? The idiocy out there. How the unions want a circuit breaker lockdown (which SHOULD BE 40 DAYS & BE A REAL TRUE LOCKDOWN OF EVERYTHING & EVERYONE EXCEPT 911 Services & hospitals) and the premier doesn't want to know about it. But I guess unless the rest of the world is onboard and doing it all at the same time, it won't matter because everything will grind to a halt for 40 days in this region but nowhere else is doing it, so as soon as the 40 days are up, there'll be cross border traffic between that region and other regions and someone will have the virus and bring it back into the region that was lockeddown for 40 days anyhow. So either the entire world does it at the same time or no one bothers because it'll be useless.
Okay so this is it for now. I don't know when or if I'll be back again, to post in here. Because I'd rather be trying to sort out my own life and enjoy it a bit if I can before whatever is going to end it does.  
And honestly I hope nothing else in this plandemic gets me as infuriated as what's been going on around here lately nor that another variant comes along causing as much havoc as Omicron did. In fact I hope this is the end of all of it.
In case it's not and there's more to come, take care, stay safe and out of the virus' way.